Like man, nature promotes beauty, strength, evolution toward a more refined and meaning universe but unlike man, nature is just. Only man has set scales and decreed rewards for those who have and not for those who have not the necessary virtues to be at the top of the ladder or to climb it. In nature, rain falls on the most beautiful orchid as well as on the simplest grass. In culture, rain falls for who has succeeded, rightly deserved or not, and most of the rain falls on the desert because those who have are destroyers (sometimes dressed in saviors).

Sharbat Gula
"She's had a hard life," said McCurry, "So many here share her story. Consider the numbers. Twenty-three years of war, 1.5 million killed, 3.5 million refugees: This is the story of Afghanistan in the past quarter century."
Afghan Woman Life Expectancy : 44,4 Years ... (difficult pictures)
No matter how well and high we have elevated our lives individually or nationally, humanity as a species has failed and this failure is not of small consequences since man is the current highest (known) end of the creation. A good part of humanity is subject to physical or mental oppression, ranging from death to bad being. Millions of people die on a permanent pace from this oppression, mostly in Africa but in Asia and elsewhere. Hundred millions live lives of slaves, from intended as such slavery to “environmental slavery by law”. For those who are not presently dying, who are not on the road to find a place to settle, who are not in the hospitals, in the ghettos be they favelas or precarious concrete’s cages cities, those who are not behind bars, be they of steel or psychotropic drugs, life is still an exhausting daily challenge without great tangible achievements when we see our children regressing behing their screens.
We today have lives and work totally cut from nature and the culture is void of love, human love. Like in India but looking the contrary, the caste system is a living global order on which rely the tyrants of humanity. Animals have developed societies with internal rules of behavior so that the species can maintain themselves in front of the external possible oppressors. The needed level of aggressivity developed to confront this task had to be taken down not to hurt the members of the society itself . This internal effective risk has developed in animals very powerful inhibitors but they lack in man for two reasons: man has no more external oppressors and man too often considers itself only as “the man” and not his neighbor. Cultural inhibitors (morals), though, are at work but they can be trespassed “at will” because we humans can overcome these inhibitors due to their cultural origin. At will can man be an angel or an evil creature, and since so long, devils rule …
A world crisis has been set up at the door of humanity by today nimrods who, after centuries, millenaries should I say, of profits to feed their greed and pride have decided to get rid of the overwhelming depraved “low grade” masses of slaves they had created, squeezed and bled to death. In the west, we blame the heads of financial, military and economic corporations, states, nobilities and religions but it is all the more true in the east and the south where one can be slave “from birth”. How long will humanity get along with its masters’ sword hanging over its neck ?
La Boetie finds four main reasons because of which man remains a slave. The habit, the fell into designed depravation, corruption and mythical beliefs. As a matter of fact, man is capable to be a slave of his brother only because he can be his own. Slave of himself, for sure, of his small desires of profit and lust, but most of all, slave of his own history, and slave of his fears. Since the Neolithic revolution, some ten thousand years ago, only, human culture has modified, on earth, the course of fourteen billions years of natural evolution.
History, as it has been, is a history of wars and aggressions, and of fears that bring treaties, rituals and an appearance of external cohesion of human societies who idolize their own customs in the same way animals have elaborated rituals to communicate and redirect their aggressive impulses. But, if natural ritualism really brings cohesion, social ritualism brings division and war. Access to culture is not only a right as much as an obligation but it is also an enslavement to those who are the self appointed warrants of the culture’s normative legacy, as they see it fitting their own purposes, and they use for this man’s natural intra species selection’s aggression potential. They need for us to remain divided and agressive creatures toward one another.
What should be remembered to avoid this lack of humility and tolerance that breaks collectively into wars is that the essential of life is much less its goal than its quality, and less its existence than its essence which ultimately is in the goodness of the bond between one another, which is the sole root cause for a collective raise as a species toward fulfillment and happiness. Society is based on the success of the relationship between its parts, individuals and groups and not on the individual or collective level of performance and success. If the bonds rely on lies, illusions, profits, competition, oppression, debauchery, then appears aggression in the heart of the society and its death is near as has been in the past.
What man should be proud of is not his technical potential but his social ability to behave as the last link in the chain of the evolution of which he also has become the weakest, and here lies the danger for humanity to explode. Human culture is part of the universe evolution and not the contrary. Our big failing as a consciously organized species stands in the incapacity to raise steadily our level, our social success from a generation to the other. Pride, greed, profit, lust, egoism, illusion and fear are the prime culprits. We find ourselves today not far from where humanity was struggling thousands years ago. Technically man has evolved but he has stagnated otherwise unlike natural evolution.
Life is a miracle still not explained; where from does a cell gets its information to become a blood cell or a bone cell at will ? But not only that, a blood cell is not only one like millions others but The blood cell that was needed at this time and at that place, it is This blood cell and not another, as well as the cock who sings every morning doesn’t say, “there is a cock in Mr Simpson’s farm” but, “Here is Simpson’s farm’s cock and his name is Cello”. In nature, individuality slowly fills the tree of life with the bricks it needs to expands for the good of all its components. In culture, individuality serves mostly to divide and conquer, until proved differently. (US/Russian Staged War Drums - not Kosher page -
Individuality is a mean, and not an aim because if life needed it to break out from the material world, it was in order to achieve communication and not exclusivity. Naturally, specification brings a harmonious sharing of tasks as witnessed in nearly all created life form. Culturally, man has distorted the bonds and has added to the share of mutual profit with love the one of mutual dependence with hate, has invented killers for weapons and harsh rulers for air conditioned ivory towers, or the contrary ?
Intra species agression that is the corner stone of individuality and of a society in which there are bonds has through the mean of inhibitors succeeded to preserve animal life but it looks like we humans are less successful than nature with our culturally weak and perverted moral inhibitors !
When Henri Ford desired to provide his fellow with an extraordinary but affordable tool, he did not (or did he ?) think of the consequences that proved to be another tool for the enslavement of humanity. Cars are no more a symbol of freedom but of financial, technical, environmental, social and even psychological burden. You can want to provide everyone with a Stradivarius but how many will appreciate and do some good with it ? Man is neither a producer nor a consumer but a being who can feel well or not, and the only improvement in this status is the quality of his social bonds. Individual success is not the goal, simply put.
If I write:
The soft shiver of dawn comes in through the window
She has just opened. Her thirst to taste this new day
Is amazing. The freshness of the breeze
Fills her with an infinite peace. Her spirit flies
Off with these turtledoves full of the promises
Of an innocent brand new day.
Her heart slows down, at last,
or :
The soft shiver of dawn comes in through the window
You have just opened, my love.
Your thirst to taste this new day is amazing me.
The freshness of the breeze fills you with infinite peace.
Your spirit flies off with these turtledoves full of the promises
Of an innocent brand new day.
Your heart slows down, at last,
You see that you are in my arms,
You say my name, I say yours,
Does it change something ?

The one and unique bond, love, is like an elastic that, when it is too much stretched, brings back together those who are attached with it as in the Asymptotic Freedom in a Quark Confinement !!!
If I were G.d, if I was alone of my kind and had the mean to have all I wanted, the first thing I would do is find myself a friend, one of the kind that describes so well The Little Prince of Saint Exupery ( ), one friend who makes a place in his heart for me, a small place but one for ever, no matter the events to come. This friend would be with me all the time because he would not only be my friend, but also my child, and the relationship between us is in the middle of a regular parent’s love and a free companionship.
For the free decision of my new friend to be really free, I would make things happen as if his coming to being had nothing to do with me but with a self existing reality where he ultimately could become his own master and get benefits from the life I would provide him with, in order to leave him free to recognize me or ignore me without any change in his life occurring from the result of such a choice except that in discovering me and accepting my desire of friendship, he would in this find out the true purpose of his existence and thus a reward of his hardness of being in having a non material friend and a possible future after material existence.
When you have a new baby, he is really yours, your entire love, and there is one thing you wait the most from him is to hear “mother” or “father”, to hear the magical word out of his lips. At this time, your child is somehow born again because words are human’s essence and he enters the human world, humanity.
Let’s teach our human baby, made of love, who he is, in what a wonderful paradise he will grow together with every other child on earth, and as he says to us "father", let’s have a thought toward the One Who is behind every sand grain around since fourteen thousand billion years, the time for us to be here, not for Him.
After all, most of us believe in "Him", don't we ? (,7340,L-3642955,00.html - This Hanukkah: 82% of Israelis still believe in miracles)
It should be about time that the bond that links peoples, groups and individuals worldwide stop being hate (,7340,L-3644356,00.html - We lost our killer instinct).

We have not asked for ourselves until now enough good questions to answer the fundamental challenge of which depends the success of our species and we should very quickly not only ask but answer the questions, and not only theoretically !
Promote and learn to share, to save, to help, to love us whoever we are, we are each of us the most evolved creatures, down here, worth of the same rain of love and friendship.
Stop aggressing our neighbors, individuals and groups.
Stop stealing individually and collectively.
Stop lying to ourselves, our children and our half.
Every man and woman in every country must ask for the destruction of its military and if possible change it into good work for all.
Lower the level of consuming, part between the useful and the scrap, and producing easily repairable products.
Each country should evaluate his possibilities and needs in order to attain:
Basic rights for all citizens (food, home, water, electricity, baths and fridges, … )
Normal rights in our today world of free medicine including pregnancy, medications and controls, hospital, tooth costs, … )
Education (but not what is) and real formation to a job.
That list is not mine hopefully, I could forget so much !
It is ours, and to be developed !!
Oh, I know, I'm dreaming, but so many of us are also dreaming, voluntarily or not, but of illusions ...
Do we lack an aim in our lives, isn't happiness (for all) enough ?
No world Govt. will ever make it, but a world free cooperation that will assess the needs and the ressources (like at home !), locally then worldwide could do it. Today, with internet and computers, it is workable.
We don't need any "mister I know best" because our hearts will speak and being on the good road, we will have time ... Watches, calendars, sandwiches, fastfoods, will become museum curiosities !
So, as I hear (a lot) around, Hannukah Sameah !
(By the way, and it is good for Christians too at this time, we all have feasts of light, but do we really look for it in our "loving lives" together on “mother earth” ?)
Konrad Lorenz*
*I just checked after writing this text to see if Lorenz had anything to do with nazis ... he has ! And his research too ...
Should I not agree with his work because it proved of interest for nazi's eugenic theories which Lorenz at a time defended ?
This is what he says:
Moved by this fear, I did a very ill-advised thing soon after the Germans had invaded Austria: I wrote about the dangers of domestication and, in order to be understood, I couched my writing in the worst of nazi-terminology. I do not want to extenuate this action. I did, indeed, believe that some good might come of the new rulers… Practically all my friends and teachers did so, including my own father who certainly was a kindly and humane man. None of us as much as suspected that the word "selection", when used by these rulers, meant murder. I regret those writings not so much for the undeniable discredit they reflect on my person as for their effect of hampering the future recognition of the dangers of domestication…
I had the occasion to observe the striking parallels between the psychological effects of nazi and of marxist education. It was then that I began to realize the nature of indoctrination as such.”
When accepting the Nobel Prize (1973), he apologized for a 1940 publication that included Nazi views of science, saying that "many highly decent scientists hoped, like I did, for a short time for good from National Socialism, and many quickly turned away from it with the same horror as I." It seems highly likely that Lorenz's ideas about an inherited basis for behavior patterns were congenial to the Nazi authorities, but there is no evidence to suggest that his experimental work was inspired by Nazi ideas.
In 1973 he published Civilized Man's Eight Deadly Sins, in which he explained in dramatic didactic tones that humans' capacity for genocide is based on social devices that separate cultures and make individuals from different cultures seem non human.
In one word, he has no excuse to have been engaged with nazis, and even more as a scientist, even if he (hardly) denied the implications of his behaviour afterward.
But, as I see it, his discoveries have nothing to do with what can be done with them like for the atomic energy even if himself believed so once.
The subject of race is indeed interesting ...
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