Man since the oldest times has been leaded by two powers, greed and pride. If the first is basically material, the second involves moral and spiritual reasons. Beliefs for a human to be of a higher level than others and for others to agree of it involves usually more than strengh or intelligence but mythical reasons. Being behind profit or idolatry provides power. The best way to satisfy those ''needs'' is to steal from your fellow some of its own power, its physical or intellectual possibilities and his time, his life time (Time is Money say the anglo, but so much more). One does this best if the other is distressed, unsecure or challenged by hard necessities. In fact, there is a psychological component that, the more people have dreams of a better situation, the more they enter a pessimistic mood and dowgrade who they are and what they do, what they have achieved and what they hope to become.(http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28019406)
So, the way to get a hand on your fellow is to provide him with dreams, dreams of greed and pride, but meanwhile you are making a pity of his life. Toward this aim, you offer him rewards, medals, titles, street's names, a world of whisky brands (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3634154,00.html ), luxury life posters, a (tainted) history of glamour, honor and mystery, secret societies, but most of all, alliances to be part of the best of the world, the whole package being free, but taxed, taxed in money, sweat, but most of all taxed with illusion, with the illusion of a better world, a better YOU.
By the way, who is targeted the more are women who don't hesitate much in having a bite in the big apple, be it because of an inoffensive and much useful Kenwood Robot ...
And more than that, through an invented history and a fully distorted present, they give you examples of ''better YOU'', everywhere, on the screens, on the net, on the products you view daily. In fact, the Power Dealers are infiltrating every corner of life to direct it toward their imposed Disney dreams for YOU. They love YOU, don't they ?
And they prove it. They give you alliances to realize their, oops ... Your dreams. They conquer your intimacy with sensual, sexual, often immoral dreams, your physical life with green, sport, health dreams, your intellectual life with millions of high spiritual beliefs, art events, research goals, but meanwhile, they pollute you, and provide your desire of lust, alcohol, drug, medecines, TV addiction, violent games and perverted movies ... so that you won't even look elsewhere when you find yourself depressed, tired, exhausted to dream of their, oops !!! YOUR better world.
These people who desire to lead and to conquer are gifted people from birth, strongs and willings. They are also able to lay down theories to embellish who they are (see Disney, down) and devise projects of domination though in hiding the origins of them, stealth fighters, Moabites as Joseph Ehrlich call them ... These people are leaders in creating myths, in make believe of extraordinary forces, in anything that will lessen the human people and make of it a people of dreamers in a fairly world but painted with division, loneliness, tragedy, fear, sorrow, injustice ...
I name the british (and americans, but all the theory comes from britain. The US has been an operative ground to implement Dr Day's types scenarios: http://www.henrymakow.com/confirmedrockefeller_plan_to_g.html) people's leaders (http://www.isgp.eu/organisations/Pilgrims_Society02.htm) (and on a much lesser hand on the opposite side of earth, the japanese). Cropcircles, Harry Potter, Agatha Christie, Kipling, Conan Doyle, Poe, Pop music, Loch Ness, the Round Table, Witches stories, Nobility Lords, THE Queen, not counting, how many dreams ... And on the other side, the planifiers described by Georges Orwell (why him, this distinguished british citizen by the way ?), the Commonwealth, Lloyds, Banking, Trade regulations, War treaties promulgation, cameras in London ... (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1092264/New-target-anti-terror-spies-Village-paperboys—having-correct-paperwork.html).
Except what says Bryan Sikes in ''Adam's Curse: A Future Without Men '', that a male Viking gene is much more present and combative than others in british leaders' blood, there is no real clue to why those people have led the world to what it is without big opponents. Britain had long leaded the seas and the mondial trade, then the industry and the spying agencies. Britain had put in place a hierarchy of values based on codified honour and money, together with rich jews where they were. (http://www.rense.com/general28/brit.htm ) Through mostly freemasonery and its spread in economy and politic, they developped a world alliance of riches and famous leading people in the aim to remain so for ever. Their taste for luxury and prestige has often been copied but never overruned.
Today, together with America's NSA and anglo countries, they spy the world most notably with Echelon, the world's satellites ears (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/503224.stm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance ) and traditional spy agencies. They are not ready to give up one inch of their power as Canada's Harper just shows it, (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20081205&articleId=11295) and when they are ''threatened'' like now by the economic crisis, I would doubt if these mystical, greed and pride inflated people will not put up a new war. And don't forget that the credit crunch has been desired and prepared by them, who own and lead the financial institutions of the world. (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=MAR20081206&articleId=11313)
Free trade and the Commonwealth have been in fact a try to enslave the world with laws, simple day to day commercial laws, but behind which are agreements, treaties, insurances, and ultimately military might. Britain is behind and leads most of the so called international institutions, IMF, BCI, WHO, UN (http://www.rense.com/general62/britt.htm ), but these institutions are not designed to unite as their logos suggest but to lead and divide (just see how many anti-Israel bills have been passed compared to other subjects). Those people are Nimrods descendants, those who praise the firstborn, Lucifer, Cain, Ichmael, Essav, who build skycrapers and slave countries ... They have created a designed world where to lenghten their tentacles (http://www.augustreview.com/news_commentary/u.s._elections/%22obama_is_merely_a_fop_for_the_global_elite%22_20081124105/).
Their alliances are ones of debt and enslavement.
But what they did best was to use America as a living huge playground of their mid control theories, one of the best having been Disney. Disney drawed wonderful castles and princesses to justify existing nobility's desire of power and self nominated eligibility to be blessed with invented human leading rewards. The mystical genius of Walt Disney had been to transmute the feodal dark meaning of a castle into that of a center stage dream for all the modern world. Before him, and since the french revolution guillotine, no one was thinking of castles as places to be admired anymore, as possible theatres of romantic dreams. God was with the people of the street, on the One dollar bill, among communism (yes, yes !), but as it seemed, no more with the ''royal monarchies''. Thank's to Disney, kings and queens have recovered their eternal glory !! The anglos don't do this alone and the EU and the Vatican are never far from them to take under their latin wings what the anglos cannot run. The leading monarchies of Europa were no more in power since the different revolutions, except the british, but they are not dead. These are old tribes that think of themselves they are given people to rule over others worldwide, these dynasties of leadership who are not only on paintings in their castles' corridors but are associated with the whole world of money and power, these are people who think of themselves that they are the ones to set the rules by which the world should abide to. Most notably, the Vatican has been for centuries a leading international arm of power among the leading people of the times. Together, they are few people in command and they rule nearly all the politic and the economy, every country and company, every army and media, every intel, university and hospital in the world. They love to be called illuminati for it is what they think of themselves, the Lightbearer followers, Lucifer. Those people are anywhere where man is, they are a little but they account for a lot as the lot accounts for little in humanity's progress toward its end ... Those people should be framed and sentenced for ever because without them, the world could turn round. Most of us are happy with the world as it is and enjoy its blessings as such. Sadly, one find the ''firstborn's malediction'' in every country at every age. It is up to each people on the earth to stop abiding by the laws of money and power, greed and pride that are making of the world an eternal Sisyphe of tirany and mayhem.
You would say it is impossible ? Why bother with politics ? They're all the same and they have the guns ... Just think, who hold the guns ? Your uncle's nephew in the NYPD, your wife's sister's aunt at the Propaganda ... oops, Interior Ministry ! In fact, it is « we » the people who enslave ourselves by saluting, by promoting their standards of deception and abuse and reelecting always and always the same tyranical powers only because they feed our lust for greed and pride.
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