"The Return Ticket Can Be Bought Only
Before the End of the Journey There,
When you prepare a journey, you usually take care also of its return part, in terms of ability, time, money, unless you do not plan to return. Man's journey on earth, like that of all living creatures, is one to death. But man nearly since his birth as a species has shown an intent to prepare his own Return journey to life after death. Humans for millenaries have believed that the end of their earthly life was not the end of Life. Nearly all humans beings have hoped that this part of themselves which exists but is not felt as materialistic, the soul, precisely because of its immaterial apparent nature could live after the death of the material body.
Since Neolithic times (http://www.lswn.it/en/archaeology/news/gobekli_tepe), man has believed that the journey of life goes on after death, that there is another world to which belongs man's soul and where it lives for ever. The root of this feeling is not only human ! Animals too keep an eye on their dead, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liQN05xkn94) maybe because they are not fully convinced that they have really passed away for good. This doubt, against evidence because otherwise than their own species, animals know what is death, proves that there is a natural, a cosmical component in man's and animals' intuition: it simply cannot be that death is the end of life.
At the time of Adam, - 3800, it was just the end of the prehistoric's ''neolithic revolution'', the beginning of the Bronze Age and of man's history: writing. Man had settled and become a producer. Humanity had invented the wheel, refined agriculture, set up transports, arts and the first cities, Sumer, Uruk, Ur and Niniv, in the middle east, and created myriads of gods. Each natural or invented power was subject to a mythical representation, every corner from town to forest was a center of mystical idolatrous rituals. Man needed these idols to overcome his fear of death and to materialize his belief in another world and his relation with it.
Soon enough, the gods population had grown its traditions, its priests, its alliances with peoples' leaders. Those gods had their heros, their stories, their fashions, their guardians, their soldiers, their wars. These gods, though considered as such, had most of the time human related characteristics, from Mesopotamia to Egypt because ultimately, the real god was man himself as seen in the half-god way the rulers of the time (or since this time) were considering themselves. The antiquity's leaders were idolatred as much as the contemporary gods.
Pagan Atheism in America
At the time of Abraham, - 1800, thinking of a G.d that would be an ''external power'' only, who would have indeed created the earth, the universe and man together, and more than that, a G.d that as The Creator would be present and accessible by man and would get involved in man's history was simply the craziest possible belief. Eventually, the faith in a G.d Creator of the universe was accepted by a few people descendants of Chem, the son of Noah (Melchizedek, Genesis 14/18-20). But, this idea that man was not his own end, and neither his own god, will prove itself essential and become the mainstream some two thousands years later in a straight following from Abraham's event.
In fact, the "other world", where from comes man's soul and that, until Abraham, was connected to the existent world, becomes only now a real world precisely because it is now apart from the created one we live in materially. The soul does not hide in forests, does not fly somewhere behind a star high in the sky but is part of another reality that man cannot represent although it is not far away, in a weird place, but right in the middle of us, and that reality can be reached. Abraham's G.d earned reputation, respect and fear from many people at the time, Egyptians, Philistines, and more so at David's time.
There is a ''One G.d'' behind the Creation and it is Abraham's. It means G.d wants to be known not as a religious belief who demands rituals and representatives but as a father who has a preference for the son who recognizes Him as such, and loves Him as much as G.d loves us in guiding our walk through the lands and the times. In that sense, He chosed Abraham because Abraham turned to him*, exactly as in a love story where, after the first moment, there is no other issue than life together or death. This is precisely what happened until our days with Abraham's seed, the hebrews, the jews. G.d ultimately wants all humanity to recognize Him as the sole Father but except Abraham at the time (and now ?), every other man's heart was busy with itself and its idolatric world vision.
*This is an important concept. Jacob like Abraham choosed G.d although for other motives but G.d in return chosed Jacob over Esaü. Jacob more than Abraham was not all white. If Abraham saved Lot, from whom the jewish people got the moabites, Ruth, (http://www.senderberl.com/ruth.htm ) and through David Salomon whose lust he inherited from his matriarcal ancestor causing the beginning of the end of the jewish people in Israel, Jacob's securing of his father's blessings by cheating is following the jews until now(http://www.senderberl.com/MissedMessage.pdf).
The story between G.d and man to succeed had to be engraved in time, in the generations of humanity. The one and only possibility was for G.D to have not only a man at a time like Abraham, but an entire people that from father to son would LIVE the story of love. It is much less a story of faith than commitment, less of solitary practice than sharing a statute, being a people with One G.d, the G.d of Abraham, of Moise, of David, the G.d Who's Being is not part of the Creation but Who is not separated of it, neither far from His people. But Abraham's seed is not faithful like him and does not understand that, as in a love story, you cannot remain far away, you cannot be with one and others at the same time because adding another breaks the link which main point was to be unique and total.
Imagine you find yourself a young beautiful woman, that loves you but cannot part with her father's home – the world of idolatry. She welcomes your love and loves you too, but she wants to keep her idols so as to keep a foot in the outside world of illusion that succeeds around her and in which her dreams were raised. Even though she has the best intentions of the world, she loves you from deep in her heart and would truly wish to succeed in concretizing the common genuine love, she is stuck with another part of herself that she is so used to, so comforted with that in the end, she always says no ... No matter how much she experiments the light, the peace, the happiness that brings the reciprocal love when shared, each time that a decisive progress happens in the relationship, each time that the future appears straight and bright, she takes the back door bringing in the most unbelievable reasons.
Israel says to G.d that it loves Him, and only Him and forever, but that it is not ready, that it needs time, that it is too much difficult to be ''only'' a ''One G.d's people''. There is no middle way in love stories, ''if you are not with me, you are against me''. In normal life, one would say to such a woman that she is out of her mind and close the door. But we are talking of humanity, The Humanity on The Earth in The Universe, we are speaking of the sole reality to which the creation has evolved into after fourteen billions years, we are in the domain of real life where man, peoples live and die for. The relationship between G.d and man, that has taken the path of the seed of Abraham, is at the center of today's evolution that is no more darwinistic since nature's evolution has become a turtle compared to human culture change's rabbit. The world's evolution has been since some thousands years, and much more so since some hundreds human driven only.
Indeed, G.d did want to get rid of his covenant with the forefathers during the gold calf event but He argued with man, Moise, TRUST him and cooled down. G.d's love is not a human one to end abruptely even if the woman, Israel appears to be neither worth nor willing. The slightest hope is enough for Him to be eternally patient. And actually, the love story that G.d is waiting for has been an eternal game of deception on Israel's part. Until Gamliel and Akiva, the jews were still opened to G.d's words but since the babylonian exile, they had prepared their own rule to reign over themselves both at the secular and religious level. Instead of yearning to be the people who applies G.d's loving laws together in life, they continually taste the apples of corruption and illusion like other peoples around. They would like so much that moral and spiritual values could be separated from their G.d and that they could pray gods of power and pleasure like their neighbors. They did that, by codifying the laws and separating these laws from the power leaders who could very well be romans or americans as long as they leave alone these 'jewish law keepers' in their remote ghettos. It is not recorded for instance that the jewish priests at Samomon's time did warn him against his idolatry which was desecrating the people.
In all times, jews put G.d's relationship with themselves in their leaders' hands and do not understand that in doing so, they simply dismiss themselves of who they are, not in theory in a mythical world but in this created world, in the evolution of humanity. G.d does not wait for jews to believe in Him because He knows that it is not a question of faith, but to act together as His living creatures, to behave as humans who know that the ''Return to Life'' is in effect a following of the choice made in this life to be with or without G.d choice which will have a preponderant influence in our future life, G.d pleases. The biggest opening of Darwin was not his criticizable theories but the concept of life's evolution. Of all evolution perspectives, the one of ideas has never be so important because ideas shape the society.
The jews all the time evaded G.d as their Heavenly Father. After Joshua passed away, a few generations remained commited in the relationship with G.d but soon, they needed a king to be responsible between them and G.d's prophets like in other peoples. It looks like the heaviest burden of all to put G.d between one another, to meaningly say ''Schema Israel'' with our neighbors in the heart and be freely responsible, alone and together of the unique and wonderful role of G.d's Children. Under Joshua and shortly after, jews did not dare to do much wrong but since a king was there, they began to turn away from being the lively G.d's people, the foremost front of evolution and returned slowly to the darkness of idols, illusion and corruption. In the same move, the prophets were ignored and G.d's laws were transformed into papers under the guard of priests from the newly codified religion, the jewish religion. Ultimately, the land of the people of G.d became a kingdom like others, separated from G.d by human twisted will and actions, with its priests, grand masters of the new jewish religion. This is the wisest destruction and exile recipe. Long after, G.d's will has been dissected in the Talmud and supervised by a military like establishment while G.d's name was to be put on the dollar.
Foot Soldiers of the ''Mashiach army''
However, the jews still exist, have regrouped on G.d's land of Israel and speek of themselves as the jewish people of the jewish religion which is a contradiction. Religious have put G.d behind bars and others do all they can not to behave as G.d's people, as usual. Judaism, Rabbis do not exist and neither jews without G.d. There is nothing like a jewish religion but a jewish people who is, or is not G.d's people. A jewish religion is man designed; a Jewish People is G.d designed in the midst of the creation's own physical and spiritual evolution. The jewish people has nothing to do with a caste of ''religious only'' self called religious jews. If the present financial crisis is good to something, it will be to put a halt to all the huge ''religious only'' jewish institutions who rely exclusively upon charity from tainted money. (http://ery/ jew to bwww.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1047483.html )
The jewish people doesn't need kings neither priests but every jew to be part of the living people on the land under G.d's loving arm. The life 'that is' plays a very important part of the life to follow, historically and spiritually. It is of the utmost importance not to have illusions on our part, as much individually as collectively. Our destiny is not mythical and each one is involved in it greatly. Every jew who believes that it is enough for a jew to practise a religion called judaism, of whatever school, outside Israel, in our days when Israel is a jewish country, is mistaken on a dead end road. Jews like Chabad who are enticing other jews to live outside Israel are simply abducting them on behalf of a non existent World Jewish Religion.(http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3640314,00.html - http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3640314,00.html)
All the institutions with the words Jewish and World together are lies of dramatically ill jews who promote a killing illusion. They contribute to legends that blind the jewish and non-jewish world on the true nature of what happens and happened. They contribute to run cultural, financial and political gangs, yes, the "good jews of America", and elsewhere .... (http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2008/12/08/the-fall-of-the-house-of-rubashkin - http://www.forward.com/articles/14750/) Better see ourself in the mirror even if it is the one of an antisemite like Ford, and accept the fact that jews outside Israel being somehow godless cannot but help the global corruption of the paian cultures in which they swim. Jews in exile are not only a pitiful shadow of the hebrews they can be in israel but most of the time, they help to propagate mortal illusions, be it in finance, politic, cinema, sex, tv ...
(http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/celebrity/la-oew-stein19-2008dec19-gb,0,5272839.graffitiboard - comment #7 " I wish Jews did make pro-Jewish movies. In reality, they make pro-Satan movies.", #17 "Someone should write a book about how Hollywood's great Jewish directors, studio execs and writers represent the American dream." #26 "no, i'm not jewish. i am american indian or native american or indigenous to north america. i think jews have the gall (origin of that word?) to get out there and be foolish or to be silly or just to do what most of us are just too shy to do or to be. hence, they work well in entertainment. they are more american than apple pie, and in fact i think they invented that idea." #96 "why do people care about people who call themselves jews who are not jews? THEY ARE EDOMITES WHICH ARE GENTILE, FAKE JEWS! Hollywood is NOT JEWISH IT IS GENTILE !", #156 "It may be true that the majority of important people in Hollywood were born of Jewish parents and identify themselves as Jewish..That MAY be technicaly correct. However! Do most of these folks actually practice Judaism? Based on the quality of movie & television these days I would say that many of these folks have moved far away from the Judaic principles of ethics & morality.", #168 "The Jews who run - and invented Hollywood 100 years ago - have done more to promote "American" values of cowboy individualism, fair play and "the good guy gets the girl" should be thanked by the non-Jews in America. Without them, they would not have the America they know and love.")

A mythic world for mythical jews
We are only at the dawn of a new era, it is up to us to prepare and welcome it or to sink with the old one. Pride and the greed have been pushed up to such levels that only a blind cannot see that we are leaded by oppressors.
We must re-understand history as it really was, reinvent medicine and teach some at school, recreate education, cities, relationships, all based on a bottom to top collective and genuine desire to reach out to better than what we are, all together each one as he can, but everyone providing his part of an eternal challenge, being the jewish people, the G.d's people that He chosed not because jews wanted Him but because they believed in Him, behind all their wrongdoings, although belief on itself is far from being enough to sustain the living jewish people as G.D's light in the world. But it is nonetheless better than pretending being jew and acting against the jewish people. There is no difference between a jew who pretends being a jew without G.d (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3636374,00.html)and another who says that he represents G.d in his ''religious only'' jewish cave. Both views are not in keeping with the real story of humanity and of the jewish people.
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