*souls - people (Turkish)
When I say Iran, I think of it as a geopolitical entity that has different specifics meanings on the map of the world interactions of political and religious engines that drive the relations between the nations. Iran is not seen as a country of 70 millions souls with as much differences and daily problems as everyone on earth, but is depicted as an “islamo-fascist” country run by extremists muslims with an anti-american, a shoah denier and an enemy of “zionist-Israel” as a leader. Political views, in direct relation with economic principles and religious beliefs have not only shaped the human world but have divided it in order to imply the necessity of dictators and armies who tyrannize humanity with wars, threats of war and daily enslavements of all, under the guise of peace searching and democracies running. (Most of America hangs on a non-reality-based belief system - http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article21239.htm)
Is Israel jewish and democratic ? Neither is it jewish nor democratic, from the flag to the street. Israel like others is divided from top to toe, corrupted mostly on top and is oppressing its people like everywhere else. As much between nations as inside countries, man stands divided from his brother and is ready to draw the sword over the taught enemies. This is what are taught children world wide with TV, videogames and simply culture. History is not the history of man and of cultures but history of wars and dictators, of winners and loosers. They use our created perception of others as different and enemies to make of ourselves war prone individuals, indifferent to mayhem and to the ply of other people, from the screen to the pavement.
This situation developped by nearly every common culture, and by religions as well, bets on the aggressive potential of man and on his tendencies for pride and profit. This is best developed in an world based on individual or group reward and on competition, on a together mythical and materialistic world. Such a world is a centralized world where the main actors are nation states who derive their power from military-economico world corporations, and their justifications from religions.

These children I photographied in june 2007 in Turkey are gipsies. They don’t have more than what they wear on them. They are enslaved by the adults who in front of us threw stones at them so as not to engage in talks with “strangers”. At least they are not on the pavement in Paris or Marseille searching litter bins or washing windscreens at heavy crossroads.
The western civilization has evolved into an overrated world, economically, culturally and spiritually. Everything is exacerbated and the smallest passion, the tiniest sigh can become a trend, a way of thinking, a door to more illusion, an idol. The west has overdevelopped to the benefit of a few whose wealth consists in the blood and the sweat of the world's majority of people.
She might be 16,
no day of rest in the week,
16 hours a day.
Production line in a chicken processing plant on the outskirts of Beijing November 12, 2007. Chinese officials took members of the international media on a series of visits to food processing plants to reassure the world about their food safety following a series of incidents that sparked international concern, including athletes from competing countries in next year's Olympic Games. REUTERS/David Gray (CHINA)
Comment picked up on Henri Makow's site: http://www.henrymakow.com/the_cabalist_plan_to_harvest_y.html
"Beverly said (December 30, 2008):
It saddens me that we Americans take such pride in being skeptics and debunkers while it only succeeds in proving our reliance on the intellect, rather than the universal wisdom available if we would only step outside the box we have created with our limited, egocentric knowledge afforded us by the intellect.
Your grandiose "intellectual" misrepresentation of Hidden Hand's attempt to awaken the masses through his intriguing message, and the resultant responses to your article only verifies my initial opinion above.It is inconsequential whether Hidden Hand is from a royal bloodline, whether the contract with Yahweh is an actuality, or if any of his personal "tale" is fact or fantasy.
The real message is that unless we humans get our act together and abandon those negative traits we continually justify like war, hate, greed, etc. we have lived this life in vain, and many lives to follow if we believe in reincarnation. We fail to recognize the oneness of all creation just because our ethnicity, our religious and sexual preferences, or our dreams and hopes are different.
Until we fail to judge others by our personal standards, allowing for our differences; learn to respect unconditionally; and express compassion and wisdom, we have failed in our ability to fulfill the purpose for our existence. Why else are we here but to become the best that we can be ? I, personally, accept Hidden Hand's challenge to become a better person in spite of the negativity that abounds, whatever its cause."
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