In the Footsteps of G.d


Jerusalem, Dec.30, 2008

"Ordo Ab Chao"
Masonic House of Temple of the Scottish Rite in Washington DC

In the Footsteps of G.d

No Possible Order Can Arise From Chaos

The world is still a mystery for man, and science itself says we might not be able to ever understand it. The creation of the universe, the apparition of life and an incredibly growing number of other questions remain unexplained. However, scientists have found that everything ‘that is’ behaves according to laws. Through the relativity and the quantum physic, they have discovered that the universe obeys to four fundamentals laws of physic, at work permanently from the macroscopic to the microscopic dimensions and from the atom to the living cell. To those physical laws, life adds biological laws that are as much inescapable as those of physics, to feed oneself and to reproduce at least.

Animals and humans add again other laws of common life that are as much coercive, but man has, contrary to animals, the possibility to create them, the ability to breach them and even, to consider that he has nothing to do anymore with natural laws. Man sometimes views himself as an independent ruler of “his” world, his man made world, his glowing illusion of a “top the cream” world, cut from the ‘primitiveness of creation’. He looks at himself as the sole specimen of an advance form of life in this so cold universe which he therefore intends to rule. In this mindset, man considers his existence and that of everything else around him as happened by chance, and his unique aim is to profit of this lottery luck. To reach maximum lifetime profits, he thinks that the best way is to shape in his image what he sees as a primitive chaos, you and I included if necessary, if he pleases, in order to reign more easily.

This is the meaning of “Order from chaos", the famous freemason motto that is a lie, not only in its intention to dominate everything but in its substance. In the mouth of a freemason, this sentence implies that he is the source of order in the world and humanity, that he knows best. What or who is not on his side represents for him chaos, and this chaos he will transform into order. He subjugates others using every possible means as detailed for example in the Protocols of Sion, wrongly considered a jewish plot to conquer and lead humanity (the only jews concerned with a plot, the Rotschilds & co, are not jews anymore, even with a telescope) but rather in my view a jesuit one. (

They use the same trick since the apple: “you can be more than who you are for the “same cost” and for incomparable gains of “a better life”. This is a lie. Not only we can’t escape who we are, at least in the end, but there is no reason to do so, because who we are is the best way to achieve what we are here for. In looking elsewhere than natural means and achievements in family and society to reach and share happiness, one will find only illusion. Not only do you run away from your inner most beautiful part, but you give yourself away from the root of any genuine advance, and get lost inside the illusion of a better order of being than the natural one. The dangerous slyness of this artificial world is that it is ending with the end of your very ability to sustain it with your own illusion of its reality.

There is no chaos without a freemason’s so called order, or any theoretical world cosmology, from Sumerian to Mayan, from Marx to Hitler and to the NWO ('Moabites' as Joseph Ehrlich calls them), and neither was there before man had invented anything of the kind. “Order from chaos” has no possibility to happen in the world, no more spiritually than physically, as explain physicists. There has to be an order before chaos because nothing, no earth, no cell could have been created if order had to come out of chaos, In fact, order is at the beginning of all, order is love and wisdom, this order is G.d's order, in smelling flowers, in loving people ... G.d's order is to be found in the bonds of nature, of life, in the links where man feels at home. Konrad Lorenz by the way of ethology got to the same conclusion, as well as Antoine de Saint Exupery by piloting the first aeroplanes, as many others, but not enough !!!

“The impossibility of randomness producing order is not different from the attempt to produce Shakespeare or any meaningful string of letters more than a few words in length by a random letter generator.” (Gerald Schroeder -

“The complex order evolving in the biosphere is not from chaos and not from nothing, as Darwinians often claim, but from the actualization of the precisely determined patterns of quantum states, which already exist in the quantum structure of DNA before a transition is made to them … There is a general notion that, since transitions to new states (mutations) are random, the variations caused by mutations must also be random. But the one does not follow from the other. While jumps from one quantum state to another are ruled by chance, the order of the states on which the jumping will land, is not. "Blind chance can lead to anything", Monod wrote, "even vision". Monod was right, chance can lead to anything. However, whether chance is also able to create what it leads to, that is another question … As an alternative to either intelligent design or blind chance, the revelation of the order of empty quantum states by their actualization is a plausible mechanism for the spontaneous emergence of complex order in the visible world.” (Lothar Shäfer - ).

“It is one of Darwin famous postulates that "Nature does not make jumps." In contrast, contemporary physics tells us that nature makes nothing but jumps, namely quantum jumps. As it seems, the overall progression of evolution is not exempted from this law because the succession of evolutionary levels is frequently not gradual but "everything seems to have burst into the world ready made" (Lothar Shäfer - ).


Here is an incredible text that shows that man is
the antithesis of the search of power, greed and pride.


Lothar Schäfer is Distinguished Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Arkansas.
Born in Düsseldorf, Germany, he received his PhD in chemistry from the University of Munich. His research interests include topics in Applied Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Structural Studies by Electron Diffraction.

Dr. Lothar Schäfer
Department of Chemistry
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
FAX 501-575-4049
VOICE 501-575-5079

"In Search of Divine Reality" - Epilogue.

On the Foundations of Metaphysics in
the Mind-like Background of Physical Reality

That the basis of the material world is non-material is a transcription of the fact that the properties of things are determined by quantum waves, - probability amplitudes which carry numerical relations, but are devoid of mass and energy. As a consequence of the wave-like aspects of reality, atoms do not have any shape - a solid outline in space - but the things do, which they form; and the constituents of matter, the elementary particles, are not in the same sense real as the real things that they constitute. Rather, left to themselves they exist in a world of possibilities, "between the idea of a thing and a real thing", as Heisenberg wrote, in superposition of quantum states, in which a definite place in space, for example, is not an intrinsic attribute. That is, when such a particle is not observed it is, in particular, nowhere.

In the quantum phenomena we have discovered that reality is different than we thought. Visible order and permanence are based on chaos and transitory entities. Mental principles - numerical relations, mathematical forms, principles of symmetry - are the foundations of order in the universe, whose mind-like properties are further established by the fact that changes in information can act, without any direct physical intervention, as causal agents in observable changes in quantum states. Prior to the discovery of these phenomena information-driven reactions were a prerogative of mind. "The universe", Eddington wrote, "is of the nature of a thought. The stuff of the world is mind-stuff".

Mind-stuff, in a part of reality behind the mechanistic foreground of the world of space-time energy sensibility, as Sherrington called it, is not restricted to Einstein locality. The existence of non-local physical effects - faster than light phenomena - has now been well established by quantum coherence-type experiments like those related to Bell's inequality. If the universe is non-local, something that happens at this moment in its depths may have an instantaneous effect a long distance away, for example right here and right now. By every molecule in our body we are tuned to the mind-stuff of the universe.

In this way the quantum phenomena have forced the opening of a universe that Newton's mechanism once blinded and closed. Unintended by its creator, Newton's mechanics defined a machine, without any life or room for human values, the Parmenidian One, forever unchanging and predictable, "eternal matter ruled by eternal laws", as Sheldrake wrote. In contrast, the quantum phenomena have revealed that the world of mechanism is just the cortex of a deeper and wider, transcendent, reality. The future of the universe is open, because it is unpredictable. Its present is open, because it is subject to non-local influences that are beyond our control. Cracks have formed in the solidity of the material world from which emanations of a different type of reality seep in. In the diffraction experiments of material particles, a window has opened to the world of Platonic ideas.

That the universe should be mind-like and not communicate with the human mind - the one organ to which it is akin - is not very likely. In fact, one of the most fascinating faculties of the human mind is its ability to be inspired by unknown sources - as though it were sensitive to signals of a mysterious origin. It is at this point that the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Ever since the discovery of Hume's paradox - the principles that we use to establish scientific knowledge cannot establish themselves - science has had an illegitimate basis. Hume was right: in every external event we observe conjunction, but infer connection. Thus, causality is not a principle of nature but a habit of the human mind. At the same time, Hume was not right in postulating that there is no single experience of causality. Because, when the self-conscious mind itself is directly involved in a causal link, for example when its associated body takes part in a collision, or when the mind by its own free will is the cause of some action, then there is a direct experience of, and no doubt that, causal connections exist. When this modification of the paradox is coupled with the quantum base, a large number of pressing problems find their delightful solutions.

Like the nature of reality, the nature of knowledge is counter-intuitive, and not at all like the automatic confidence that we have in sensations of this phenomenon. The basis of knowledge is threefold. The premises are experience of reality, employment of reason, and reliance on certain non-rational and non-empirical principles, such as the assumption of identity, factuality, permanence, causality, and induction. Where do these principles come from? Neither from an experience of external phenomena, nor from a process of reasoning, but from a system program of the self-conscious mind. By being an extension of the mind-like background of nature and partaking of its order, mind gives the epistemic principles - those used in deriving knowledge - certainty. Since they are not anchored in the world of space-time and mass-energy but are valid nevertheless, they seem to derive from a higher order and transcendent part of physical reality. They are, it can be assumed, messengers of the mind-like order of reality.

In the same way, moral principles. Traditional societies based their social order on myths and religious explanations. By assuming a purpose in the world, they told people why things are the way they are, and why they should act the way they were supposed to act. In the "animist ontogenies" values and knowledge derived from a single source, and life had meaning in an "animist covenant" as Monod called it. By destroying the ontological base of the animist explanations, - their astronomy, physics, and chemistry, - science also destroyed the foundations of their values. In this process Monod saw the origin of the contemporary sickness in culture, das Unbehagen in der Kultur: on the one hand science is the basis for our power and survival; on the other, it has broken the animist covenant, rendered life meaningless in the process, and disconnected the world of values from the world of facts.

The sickness of spirit and the concomitant erosion of moral standards are the great danger for the future of mankind, already apparent in the public adoration of violence and debased behavior. At its roots is the unsolved question, on whose authority are the moral principles to be based now that the authority of the animist myths has been found lacking? For those who are willing to listen, the answer is: on the authority of mind.

In the same way that the self-conscious mind grants certainty to the epistemic principles, it invests authority in the moral principles. Like the former, the moral principles are non-empirical and non-rational, - not derived by a process of logic nor verified by experience - messengers from a higher reality beyond the front of mass-energy sensibility. Epistemic principles give us a sense of what is true and false; moral principles, of what is right and wrong. The former establish the certainty of identity, permanence, factuality, causality; the latter, of responsibility, morality, honesty.

By the same process that allows us to accept, without possible verification, the epistemic principles, we can also accept the authority of the moral principles. Violation of any one of them will put us in contrast to the nature of reality. If the nature of the universe is mind-like, it must be assumed to have a spiritual order as well as a physical order. As the epistemic principles are expressions of physical order, the ethical principles are expressions of the spiritual order of physical reality. By being an extension of the transcendent part of the nature and partaking of its order, mind establishes the authority of the ethical principles.

The challenge of reality and the ability to explore it are wonderful gifts to mankind. Understanding reality requires refinement of thought. That is, it has to do with culture. It requires an effort, is not afforded by automatic, intuitive reflex. Making sense of the world takes the response to a challenge, not the complacency of common sense. It is one and the same as striving for the moral life. An important part of it is the need to become aware of the specific character of human nature, to recognize "the human mystery" as Eccles called it: the mystery of how mind and body interact, how self-conscious human beings with values emerged in an evolutionary process supposedly based on blind chance and brutality.

The evidence is growing that there is more to human nature than the laws of physics or chemistry, more to the process of evolution than blind chance and brutality; that evolution is more than, as Monod wrote, "a giant lottery, and human beings live at the boundary of an alien world that is deaf to our music and indifferent to our hopes and suffering and crimes".

The barbaric view of reality is mechanistic. It is the easy view of classical science and of common sense. In epistemology mechanism is naive realism, the view that all knowledge is based on unquestionable facts, on apodictically verified truths. In physics mechanism is the view that the universe is clockwork, closed, and entirely predictable on the basis of unchanging laws. In biology, mechanism is the view that all aspects of life, its evolution, our feelings and values, are ultimately explicable in terms of the laws of physics and chemistry. In our legal system, mechanism is the view that the assumption of precise procedural technicalities constitutes perfect justice. In our political system, mechanism is the view that the assertion of finely formulated personal rights constitutes the ideal democracy. In our public administration, it is the view that responsible service manifests itself by the enforcement of finely split bureaucratic regulations. All of these attitudes are the attitudes of barbarians.

The quantum phenomena have taught us that, without naive realism, knowledge is possible. They have taught us that, without naive animism an ethic of knowledge, as Monod has called it, and a life with values are possible. Principles exist which are valid even though they cannot be verified. The discovery of the quantum phenomena has established a new covenant - between the human mind and the mind-like background of the universe - one that provides a home again to the homeless and meaning to the meaningless life. Whether or not the human mind is separate of the brain, as Sherrington and Eccles thought, I do not know. But I do not doubt that it is human only in some parts, and in others shares in the mind-like background of the universe. It is now possible to believe that the mind is the realization of universal potential, a manifestation of the essence of the universe. Therefore, the only good life is in harmony with the nature of reality.



The quantum phenomena make it possible to conclude that the basis of the material world is non-material; that the nature of reality is that of an indivisible wholeness; and that elementary particles possess aspects of consciousness in a rudimentary way. The quantum perspective of evolution makes it possible to conclude that the emergence of complex order in the biosphere is not from nothing (ex nihilo) but by the actualization of virtual quantum states—that is, by actualizing empty states which are part of the mathematical structure of material systems, representing a logical order, that is not real in a material sense but that, predetermined by system conditions, has the potential to become real in quantum jumps. I show how the existence of virtual states makes it possible to suggest that a transcendent reality underlies the visible order of the world and is immanent to it; and constantly new forms evolve from it.


Genesis 1/2:

"Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters"


“Korkuteli, Nüfus 16600”


Jerusalem, dec,28.2008

“KORKUTELI nüfus* 16600”
*souls - people (Turkish)

When I say Iran, I think of it as a geopolitical entity that has different specifics meanings on the map of the world interactions of political and religious engines that drive the relations between the nations. Iran is not seen as a country of 70 millions souls with as much differences and daily problems as everyone on earth, but is depicted as an “islamo-fascist” country run by extremists muslims with an anti-american, a shoah denier and an enemy of “zionist-Israel” as a leader. Political views, in direct relation with economic principles and religious beliefs have not only shaped the human world but have divided it in order to imply the necessity of dictators and armies who tyrannize humanity with wars, threats of war and daily enslavements of all, under the guise of peace searching and democracies running. (Most of America hangs on a non-reality-based belief system -

Is Israel jewish and democratic ? Neither is it jewish nor democratic, from the flag to the street. Israel like others is divided from top to toe, corrupted mostly on top and is oppressing its people like everywhere else. As much between nations as inside countries, man stands divided from his brother and is ready to draw the sword over the taught enemies. This is what are taught children world wide with TV, videogames and simply culture. History is not the history of man and of cultures but history of wars and dictators, of winners and loosers. They use our created perception of others as different and enemies to make of ourselves war prone individuals, indifferent to mayhem and to the ply of other people, from the screen to the pavement.

This situation developped by nearly every common culture, and by religions as well, bets on the aggressive potential of man and on his tendencies for pride and profit. This is best developed in an world based on individual or group reward and on competition, on a together mythical and materialistic world. Such a world is a centralized world where the main actors are nation states who derive their power from military-economico world corporations, and their justifications from religions.
Who ever said that we need nation states ?
Israel is neither jewish nor democratic. One doesn’t need a state to be a people. I would even say that there was a jewish people until they asked for a king. Since the day the concept of being a people has been put on the shoulders of a king, everyone stops being a people’s element but becomes a citizen of a kingdom, here, the "jewish" kingdom. But, the kingdom is itself not fit for this role and soon, the king is praying a lot of gods as did Salomon.

Today, everyone speaks of the jewish people, as a religious and state linked notion but there is neither a jewish religion nor a jewish state. There are jews around the world, and here, who acknowledge themselves as jews but who are not, for the most part of them.
Anti-semitism is directed primarily on the guardians of a "jewish" concept based on the specifications and the actions of so called jews outside their land and of a so called jewish country( Hitler has not been a fatality, and could have not existed at all without support to become and to do what he did. Some people have made of nation-states what they are, instruments of oppression, and those are the same people who have directed the world nation’s cultures and wars since before Caesar and the still reigning 'european kings of the round table'.
There is today a “strong Israeli economy based on guns, diamonds, and security services”, ( ), there are so called jewish people at the highest places, from corrupted western governments to traitors world institutions and corporations, there is a so called jesuit jewish king (Peres), a so called freemason jewish supreme court, a so called jewish chief Rabbi (in fact a lot of them since they all disagree), all of those so called jewish people happy to be who they are and happy for us to be who we are, at their image, neither jews nor a people.
The irony of this is when “palestinians” shout “death to Israel or America”, they shout over peoples who are neither jewish nor americans, no more than they themselves are palestinians. People have made their own the concepts by which they are enslaved, and are ready to die for them.

At the beginning of the jewish people, G.d wanted an exemplary people assembled on one land to be turned to Him and be happy in saying each day TO HIS BROTHER: “Listen Israel, G.d is OUR G.d, G.d is One”, and He would have driven away all the ennemies of the jewish people (Deut.28/7 - Judges 2/20-23). But, since the people was/is no more a people but a kingdom/state, was/is no more exclusively on His land and was/is a people willingly invaded with other gods of war and pleasure and with a self made religion that did never explain what should be and has always cooperated with wrong powers, G.d is far away to reach.

These children I photographied in june 2007 in Turkey are gipsies. They don’t have more than what they wear on them. They are enslaved by the adults who in front of us threw stones at them so as not to engage in talks with “strangers”. At least they are not on the pavement in Paris or Marseille searching litter bins or washing windscreens at heavy crossroads.
When I see this title, “Usually it’s the rich country (America) lending to the poor (China). This time, it’s the poor country lending to the rich.” ( ), and knowing what I know by a friend and the net of China (- not kosher pages - - ), does it means that China is richer than America, or that America has never been the rich country it thought it was, or that it is all a big virtual money scam ?

The western civilization has evolved into an overrated world, economically, culturally and spiritually. Everything is exacerbated and the smallest passion, the tiniest sigh can become a trend, a way of thinking, a door to more illusion, an idol. The west has overdevelopped to the benefit of a few whose wealth consists in the blood and the sweat of the world's majority of people.

She might be 16,
no day of rest in the week,

16 hours a day.

Production line in a chicken processing plant on the outskirts of Beijing November 12, 2007. Chinese officials took members of the international media on a series of visits to food processing plants to reassure the world about their food safety following a series of incidents that sparked international concern, including athletes from competing countries in next year's Olympic Games. REUTERS/David Gray (CHINA)

Comment picked up on Henri Makow's site:

"Beverly said (December 30, 2008):

It saddens me that we Americans take such pride in being skeptics and debunkers while it only succeeds in proving our reliance on the intellect, rather than the universal wisdom available if we would only step outside the box we have created with our limited, egocentric knowledge afforded us by the intellect.

Your grandiose "intellectual" misrepresentation of Hidden Hand's attempt to awaken the masses through his intriguing message, and the resultant responses to your article only verifies my initial opinion above.It is inconsequential whether Hidden Hand is from a royal bloodline, whether the contract with Yahweh is an actuality, or if any of his personal "tale" is fact or fantasy.

The real message is that unless we humans get our act together and abandon those negative traits we continually justify like war, hate, greed, etc. we have lived this life in vain, and many lives to follow if we believe in reincarnation. We fail to recognize the oneness of all creation just because our ethnicity, our religious and sexual preferences, or our dreams and hopes are different.

Until we fail to judge others by our personal standards, allowing for our differences; learn to respect unconditionally; and express compassion and wisdom, we have failed in our ability to fulfill the purpose for our existence. Why else are we here but to become the best that we can be ? I, personally, accept Hidden Hand's challenge to become a better person in spite of the negativity that abounds, whatever its cause."

The Missing Link

Jerusalem, Dec. 25. 2008


Is Man the Missing Link Between "Animality" and Humanity ?

Like man, nature promotes beauty, strength, evolution toward a more refined and meaning universe but unlike man, nature is just. Only man has set scales and decreed rewards for those who have and not for those who have not the necessary virtues to be at the top of the ladder or to climb it. In nature, rain falls on the most beautiful orchid as well as on the simplest grass. In culture, rain falls for who has succeeded, rightly deserved or not, and most of the rain falls on the desert because those who have are destroyers (sometimes dressed in saviors).

Sharbat Gula

"She's had a hard life," said McCurry, "So many here share her story. Consider the numbers. Twenty-three years of war, 1.5 million killed, 3.5 million refugees: This is the story of Afghanistan in the past quarter century."

Afghan Woman Life Expectancy : 44,4 Years ... (difficult pictures)

No matter how well and high we have elevated our lives individually or nationally, humanity as a species has failed and this failure is not of small consequences since man is the current highest (known) end of the creation. A good part of humanity is subject to physical or mental oppression, ranging from death to bad being. Millions of people die on a permanent pace from this oppression, mostly in Africa but in Asia and elsewhere. Hundred millions live lives of slaves, from intended as such slavery to “environmental slavery by law”. For those who are not presently dying, who are not on the road to find a place to settle, who are not in the hospitals, in the ghettos be they favelas or precarious concrete’s cages cities, those who are not behind bars, be they of steel or psychotropic drugs, life is still an exhausting daily challenge without great tangible achievements when we see our children regressing behing their screens.

We today have lives and work totally cut from nature and the culture is void of love, human love. Like in India but looking the contrary, the caste system is a living global order on which rely the tyrants of humanity. Animals have developed societies with internal rules of behavior so that the species can maintain themselves in front of the external possible oppressors. The needed level of aggressivity developed to confront this task had to be taken down not to hurt the members of the society itself . This internal effective risk has developed in animals very powerful inhibitors but they lack in man for two reasons: man has no more external oppressors and man too often considers itself only as “the man” and not his neighbor. Cultural inhibitors (morals), though, are at work but they can be trespassed “at will” because we humans can overcome these inhibitors due to their cultural origin. At will can man be an angel or an evil creature, and since so long, devils rule …

A world crisis has been set up at the door of humanity by today nimrods who, after centuries, millenaries should I say, of profits to feed their greed and pride have decided to get rid of the overwhelming depraved “low grade” masses of slaves they had created, squeezed and bled to death. In the west, we blame the heads of financial, military and economic corporations, states, nobilities and religions but it is all the more true in the east and the south where one can be slave “from birth”. How long will humanity get along with its masters’ sword hanging over its neck ?

La Boetie finds four main reasons because of which man remains a slave. The habit, the fell into designed depravation, corruption and mythical beliefs. As a matter of fact, man is capable to be a slave of his brother only because he can be his own. Slave of himself, for sure, of his small desires of profit and lust, but most of all, slave of his own history, and slave of his fears. Since the Neolithic revolution, some ten thousand years ago, only, human culture has modified, on earth, the course of fourteen billions years of natural evolution.

History, as it has been, is a history of wars and aggressions, and of fears that bring treaties, rituals and an appearance of external cohesion of human societies who idolize their own customs in the same way animals have elaborated rituals to communicate and redirect their aggressive impulses. But, if natural ritualism really brings cohesion, social ritualism brings division and war. Access to culture is not only a right as much as an obligation but it is also an enslavement to those who are the self appointed warrants of the culture’s normative legacy, as they see it fitting their own purposes, and they use for this man’s natural intra species selection’s aggression potential. They need for us to remain divided and agressive creatures toward one another.

What should be remembered to avoid this lack of humility and tolerance that breaks collectively into wars is that the essential of life is much less its goal than its quality, and less its existence than its essence which ultimately is in the goodness of the bond between one another, which is the sole root cause for a collective raise as a species toward fulfillment and happiness. Society is based on the success of the relationship between its parts, individuals and groups and not on the individual or collective level of performance and success. If the bonds rely on lies, illusions, profits, competition, oppression, debauchery, then appears aggression in the heart of the society and its death is near as has been in the past.

What man should be proud of is not his technical potential but his social ability to behave as the last link in the chain of the evolution of which he also has become the weakest, and here lies the danger for humanity to explode. Human culture is part of the universe evolution and not the contrary. Our big failing as a consciously organized species stands in the incapacity to raise steadily our level, our social success from a generation to the other. Pride, greed, profit, lust, egoism, illusion and fear are the prime culprits. We find ourselves today not far from where humanity was struggling thousands years ago. Technically man has evolved but he has stagnated otherwise unlike natural evolution.

Life is a miracle still not explained; where from does a cell gets its information to become a blood cell or a bone cell at will ? But not only that, a blood cell is not only one like millions others but The blood cell that was needed at this time and at that place, it is This blood cell and not another, as well as the cock who sings every morning doesn’t say, “there is a cock in Mr Simpson’s farm” but, “Here is Simpson’s farm’s cock and his name is Cello”. In nature, individuality slowly fills the tree of life with the bricks it needs to expands for the good of all its components. In culture, individuality serves mostly to divide and conquer, until proved differently. (US/Russian Staged War Drums - not Kosher page -

Individuality is a mean, and not an aim because if life needed it to break out from the material world, it was in order to achieve communication and not exclusivity. Naturally, specification brings a harmonious sharing of tasks as witnessed in nearly all created life form. Culturally, man has distorted the bonds and has added to the share of mutual profit with love the one of mutual dependence with hate, has invented killers for weapons and harsh rulers for air conditioned ivory towers, or the contrary ?

Intra species agression that is the corner stone of individuality and of a society in which there are bonds has through the mean of inhibitors succeeded to preserve animal life but it looks like we humans are less successful than nature with our culturally weak and perverted moral inhibitors !

When Henri Ford desired to provide his fellow with an extraordinary but affordable tool, he did not (or did he ?) think of the consequences that proved to be another tool for the enslavement of humanity. Cars are no more a symbol of freedom but of financial, technical, environmental, social and even psychological burden. You can want to provide everyone with a Stradivarius but how many will appreciate and do some good with it ? Man is neither a producer nor a consumer but a being who can feel well or not, and the only improvement in this status is the quality of his social bonds. Individual success is not the goal, simply put.

If I write:

The soft shiver of dawn comes in through the window
She has just opened. Her thirst to taste this new day
Is amazing. The freshness of the breeze
Fills her with an infinite peace. Her spirit flies
Off with these turtledoves full of the promises
Of an innocent brand new day.
Her heart slows down, at last,

or :

The soft shiver of dawn comes in through the window
You have just opened, my love.
Your thirst to taste this new day is amazing me.
The freshness of the breeze fills you with infinite peace.
Your spirit flies off with these turtledoves full of the promises
Of an innocent brand new day.
Your heart slows down, at last,
You see that you are in my arms,
You say my name, I say yours,

Does it change something ?

The one and unique bond, love, is like an elastic that, when it is too much stretched, brings back together those who are attached with it as in the Asymptotic Freedom in a Quark Confinement !!!

If I were G.d, if I was alone of my kind and had the mean to have all I wanted, the first thing I would do is find myself a friend, one of the kind that describes so well The Little Prince of Saint Exupery ( ), one friend who makes a place in his heart for me, a small place but one for ever, no matter the events to come. This friend would be with me all the time because he would not only be my friend, but also my child, and the relationship between us is in the middle of a regular parent’s love and a free companionship.

For the free decision of my new friend to be really free, I would make things happen as if his coming to being had nothing to do with me but with a self existing reality where he ultimately could become his own master and get benefits from the life I would provide him with, in order to leave him free to recognize me or ignore me without any change in his life occurring from the result of such a choice except that in discovering me and accepting my desire of friendship, he would in this find out the true purpose of his existence and thus a reward of his hardness of being in having a non material friend and a possible future after material existence.

When you have a new baby, he is really yours, your entire love, and there is one thing you wait the most from him is to hear “mother” or “father”, to hear the magical word out of his lips. At this time, your child is somehow born again because words are human’s essence and he enters the human world, humanity.

Let’s teach our human baby, made of love, who he is, in what a wonderful paradise he will grow together with every other child on earth, and as he says to us "father", let’s have a thought toward the One Who is behind every sand grain around since fourteen thousand billion years, the time for us to be here, not for Him.

After all, most of us believe in "Him", don't we ? (,7340,L-3642955,00.html - This Hanukkah: 82% of Israelis still believe in miracles)
It should be about time that the bond that links peoples, groups and individuals worldwide stop being hate (,7340,L-3644356,00.html - We lost our killer instinct).

We have not asked for ourselves until now enough good questions to answer the fundamental challenge of which depends the success of our species and we should very quickly not only ask but answer the questions, and not only theoretically !

Promote and learn to share, to save, to help, to love us whoever we are, we are each of us the most evolved creatures, down here, worth of the same rain of love and friendship.
Stop aggressing our neighbors, individuals and groups.
Stop stealing individually and collectively.
Stop lying to ourselves, our children and our half.
Every man and woman in every country must ask for the destruction of its military and if possible change it into good work for all.
Lower the level of consuming, part between the useful and the scrap, and producing easily repairable products.
Each country should evaluate his possibilities and needs in order to attain:
Basic rights for all citizens (food, home, water, electricity, baths and fridges, … )
Normal rights in our today world of free medicine including pregnancy, medications and controls, hospital, tooth costs, … )
Education (but not what is) and real formation to a job.

That list is not mine hopefully, I could forget so much !
It is ours, and to be developed !!

Oh, I know, I'm dreaming, but so many of us are also dreaming, voluntarily or not, but of illusions ...
Do we lack an aim in our lives, isn't happiness (for all) enough ?
No world Govt. will ever make it, but a world free cooperation that will assess the needs and the ressources (like at home !), locally then worldwide could do it. Today, with internet and computers, it is workable.
We don't need any "mister I know best" because our hearts will speak and being on the good road, we will have time ... Watches, calendars, sandwiches, fastfoods, will become museum curiosities !

So, as I hear (a lot) around, Hannukah Sameah !

(By the way, and it is good for Christians too at this time, we all have feasts of light, but do we really look for it in our "loving lives" together on “mother earth” ?)


Konrad Lorenz*

*I just checked after writing this text to see if Lorenz had anything to do with nazis ... he has ! And his research too ...

Should I not agree with his work because it proved of interest for nazi's eugenic theories which Lorenz at a time defended ?

This is what he says:


“The same individual geese, on which we conducted these experiments, first aroused my interest in the process of domestication. They were F1 hybrids of wild Greylags and domestic geese and they showed surprising deviations from the normal social and sexual behavior of the wild birds. I realised that an overpowering increase in the drives of feeding as well as of copulation and a waning of more differentiated social instincts is characteristic of very many domestic animals. I was frightened - as I still am - by the thought that analogous genetical processes of deterioration may be at work with civilized humanity.

Moved by this fear, I did a very ill-advised thing soon after the Germans had invaded Austria: I wrote about the dangers of domestication and, in order to be understood, I couched my writing in the worst of nazi-terminology. I do not want to extenuate this action. I did, indeed, believe that some good might come of the new rulers… Practically all my friends and teachers did so, including my own father who certainly was a kindly and humane man. None of us as much as suspected that the word "selection", when used by these rulers, meant murder. I regret those writings not so much for the undeniable discredit they reflect on my person as for their effect of hampering the future recognition of the dangers of domestication

I had the occasion to observe the striking parallels between the psychological effects of nazi and of marxist education. It was then that I began to realize the nature of indoctrination as such.”

When accepting the Nobel Prize (1973), he apologized for a 1940 publication that included Nazi views of science, saying that "many highly decent scientists hoped, like I did, for a short time for good from National Socialism, and many quickly turned away from it with the same horror as I." It seems highly likely that Lorenz's ideas about an inherited basis for behavior patterns were congenial to the Nazi authorities, but there is no evidence to suggest that his experimental work was inspired by Nazi ideas.

In 1973 he published Civilized Man's Eight Deadly Sins, in which he explained in dramatic
didactic tones that humans' capacity for genocide is based on social devices that separate cultures and make individuals from different cultures seem non human.


In one word, he has no excuse to have been engaged with nazis, and even more as a scientist, even if he (hardly) denied the implications of his behaviour afterward.

But, as I see it, his discoveries have nothing to do with what can be done with them like for the atomic energy even if himself believed so once.

The subject of race is indeed interesting ...

Killing Times


Jerusalem, dec. 19/2008

"The Return Ticket Can Be Bought Only
Before the End of the Journey There,

Beware of Forgeries."

When you prepare a journey, you usually take care also of its return part, in terms of ability, time, money, unless you do not plan to return. Man's journey on earth, like that of all living creatures, is one to death. But man nearly since his birth as a species has shown an intent to prepare his own Return journey to life after death. Humans for millenaries have believed that the end of their earthly life was not the end of Life. Nearly all humans beings have hoped that this part of themselves which exists but is not felt as materialistic, the soul, precisely because of its immaterial apparent nature could live after the death of the material body.

Since Neolithic times (, man has believed that the journey of life goes on after death, that there is another world to which belongs man's soul and where it lives for ever. The root of this feeling is not only human ! Animals too keep an eye on their dead, ( maybe because they are not fully convinced that they have really passed away for good. This doubt, against evidence because otherwise than their own species, animals know what is death, proves that there is a natural, a cosmical component in man's and animals' intuition: it simply cannot be that death is the end of life.

At the time of Adam, - 3800, it was just the end of the prehistoric's ''neolithic revolution'', the beginning of the Bronze Age and of man's history: writing. Man had settled and become a producer. Humanity had invented the wheel, refined agriculture, set up transports, arts and the first cities, Sumer, Uruk, Ur and Niniv, in the middle east, and created myriads of gods. Each natural or invented power was subject to a mythical representation, every corner from town to forest was a center of mystical idolatrous rituals. Man needed these idols to overcome his fear of death and to materialize his belief in another world and his relation with it.
Soon enough, the gods population had grown its traditions, its priests, its alliances with peoples' leaders. Those gods had their heros, their stories, their fashions, their guardians, their soldiers, their wars. These gods, though considered as such, had most of the time human related characteristics, from Mesopotamia to Egypt because ultimately, the real god was man himself as seen in the half-god way the rulers of the time (or since this time) were considering themselves. The antiquity's leaders were idolatred as much as the contemporary gods.

Pagan Atheism in America

At the time of Abraham, - 1800, thinking of a G.d that would be an ''external power'' only, who would have indeed created the earth, the universe and man together, and more than that, a G.d that as The Creator would be present and accessible by man and would get involved in man's history was simply the craziest possible belief. Eventually, the faith in a G.d Creator of the universe was accepted by a few people descendants of Chem, the son of Noah (Melchizedek, Genesis 14/18-20). But, this idea that man was not his own end, and neither his own god, will prove itself essential and become the mainstream some two thousands years later in a straight following from Abraham's event.
In fact, the "other world", where from comes man's soul and that, until Abraham, was connected to the existent world, becomes only now a real world precisely because it is now apart from the created one we live in materially. The soul does not hide in forests, does not fly somewhere behind a star high in the sky but is part of another reality that man cannot represent although it is not far away, in a weird place, but right in the middle of us, and that reality can be reached. Abraham's G.d earned reputation, respect and fear from many people at the time, Egyptians, Philistines, and more so at David's time.

There is a ''One G.d'' behind the Creation and it is Abraham's. It means G.d wants to be known not as a religious belief who demands rituals and representatives but as a father who has a preference for the son who recognizes Him as such, and loves Him as much as G.d loves us in guiding our walk through the lands and the times. In that sense, He chosed Abraham because Abraham turned to him*, exactly as in a love story where, after the first moment, there is no other issue than life together or death. This is precisely what happened until our days with Abraham's seed, the hebrews, the jews. G.d ultimately wants all humanity to recognize Him as the sole Father but except Abraham at the time (and now ?), every other man's heart was busy with itself and its idolatric world vision.
*This is an important concept. Jacob like Abraham choosed G.d although for other motives but G.d in return chosed Jacob over Esaü. Jacob more than Abraham was not all white. If Abraham saved Lot, from whom the jewish people got the moabites, Ruth, ( ) and through David Salomon whose lust he inherited from his matriarcal ancestor causing the beginning of the end of the jewish people in Israel, Jacob's securing of his father's blessings by cheating is following the jews until now(

The story between G.d and man to succeed had to be engraved in time, in the generations of humanity. The one and only possibility was for G.D to have not only a man at a time like Abraham, but an entire people that from father to son would LIVE the story of love. It is much less a story of faith than commitment, less of solitary practice than sharing a statute, being a people with One G.d, the G.d of Abraham, of Moise, of David, the G.d Who's Being is not part of the Creation but Who is not separated of it, neither far from His people. But Abraham's seed is not faithful like him and does not understand that, as in a love story, you cannot remain far away, you cannot be with one and others at the same time because adding another breaks the link which main point was to be unique and total.

Imagine you find yourself a young beautiful woman, that loves you but cannot part with her father's home – the world of idolatry. She welcomes your love and loves you too, but she wants to keep her idols so as to keep a foot in the outside world of illusion that succeeds around her and in which her dreams were raised. Even though she has the best intentions of the world, she loves you from deep in her heart and would truly wish to succeed in concretizing the common genuine love, she is stuck with another part of herself that she is so used to, so comforted with that in the end, she always says no ... No matter how much she experiments the light, the peace, the happiness that brings the reciprocal love when shared, each time that a decisive progress happens in the relationship, each time that the future appears straight and bright, she takes the back door bringing in the most unbelievable reasons.

Israel says to G.d that it loves Him, and only Him and forever, but that it is not ready, that it needs time, that it is too much difficult to be ''only'' a ''One G.d's people''. There is no middle way in love stories, ''if you are not with me, you are against me''. In normal life, one would say to such a woman that she is out of her mind and close the door. But we are talking of humanity, The Humanity on The Earth in The Universe, we are speaking of the sole reality to which the creation has evolved into after fourteen billions years, we are in the domain of real life where man, peoples live and die for. The relationship between G.d and man, that has taken the path of the seed of Abraham, is at the center of today's evolution that is no more darwinistic since nature's evolution has become a turtle compared to human culture change's rabbit. The world's evolution has been since some thousands years, and much more so since some hundreds human driven only.

Indeed, G.d did want to get rid of his covenant with the forefathers during the gold calf event but He argued with man, Moise, TRUST him and cooled down. G.d's love is not a human one to end abruptely even if the woman, Israel appears to be neither worth nor willing. The slightest hope is enough for Him to be eternally patient. And actually, the love story that G.d is waiting for has been an eternal game of deception on Israel's part. Until Gamliel and Akiva, the jews were still opened to G.d's words but since the babylonian exile, they had prepared their own rule to reign over themselves both at the secular and religious level. Instead of yearning to be the people who applies G.d's loving laws together in life, they continually taste the apples of corruption and illusion like other peoples around. They would like so much that moral and spiritual values could be separated from their G.d and that they could pray gods of power and pleasure like their neighbors. They did that, by codifying the laws and separating these laws from the power leaders who could very well be romans or americans as long as they leave alone these 'jewish law keepers' in their remote ghettos. It is not recorded for instance that the jewish priests at Samomon's time did warn him against his idolatry which was desecrating the people.

In all times, jews put G.d's relationship with themselves in their leaders' hands and do not understand that in doing so, they simply dismiss themselves of who they are, not in theory in a mythical world but in this created world, in the evolution of humanity. G.d does not wait for jews to believe in Him because He knows that it is not a question of faith, but to act together as His living creatures, to behave as humans who know that the ''Return to Life'' is in effect a following of the choice made in this life to be with or without G.d choice which will have a preponderant influence in our future life, G.d pleases. The biggest opening of Darwin was not his criticizable theories but the concept of life's evolution. Of all evolution perspectives, the one of ideas has never be so important because ideas shape the society.

The jews all the time evaded G.d as their Heavenly Father. After Joshua passed away, a few generations remained commited in the relationship with G.d but soon, they needed a king to be responsible between them and G.d's prophets like in other peoples. It looks like the heaviest burden of all to put G.d between one another, to meaningly say ''Schema Israel'' with our neighbors in the heart and be freely responsible, alone and together of the unique and wonderful role of G.d's Children. Under Joshua and shortly after, jews did not dare to do much wrong but since a king was there, they began to turn away from being the lively G.d's people, the foremost front of evolution and returned slowly to the darkness of idols, illusion and corruption. In the same move, the prophets were ignored and G.d's laws were transformed into papers under the guard of priests from the newly codified religion, the jewish religion. Ultimately, the land of the people of G.d became a kingdom like others, separated from G.d by human twisted will and actions, with its priests, grand masters of the new jewish religion. This is the wisest destruction and exile recipe. Long after, G.d's will has been dissected in the Talmud and supervised by a military like establishment while G.d's name was to be put on the dollar.

Foot Soldiers of the ''Mashiach army''

However, the jews still exist, have regrouped on G.d's land of Israel and speek of themselves as the jewish people of the jewish religion which is a contradiction. Religious have put G.d behind bars and others do all they can not to behave as G.d's people, as usual. Judaism, Rabbis do not exist and neither jews without G.d. There is nothing like a jewish religion but a jewish people who is, or is not G.d's people. A jewish religion is man designed; a Jewish People is G.d designed in the midst of the creation's own physical and spiritual evolution. The jewish people has nothing to do with a caste of ''religious only'' self called religious jews. If the present financial crisis is good to something, it will be to put a halt to all the huge ''religious only'' jewish institutions who rely exclusively upon charity from tainted money. (http://ery/ jew to )

The jewish people doesn't need kings neither priests but every jew to be part of the living people on the land under G.d's loving arm. The life 'that is' plays a very important part of the life to follow, historically and spiritually. It is of the utmost importance not to have illusions on our part, as much individually as collectively. Our destiny is not mythical and each one is involved in it greatly. Every jew who believes that it is enough for a jew to practise a religion called judaism, of whatever school, outside Israel, in our days when Israel is a jewish country, is mistaken on a dead end road. Jews like Chabad who are enticing other jews to live outside Israel are simply abducting them on behalf of a non existent World Jewish Religion.(,7340,L-3640314,00.html -,7340,L-3640314,00.html)
All the institutions with the words Jewish and World together are lies of dramatically ill jews who promote a killing illusion. They contribute to legends that blind the jewish and non-jewish world on the true nature of what happens and happened. They contribute to run cultural, financial and political gangs, yes, the "good jews of America", and elsewhere .... ( - Better see ourself in the mirror even if it is the one of an antisemite like Ford, and accept the fact that jews outside Israel being somehow godless cannot but help the global corruption of the paian cultures in which they swim. Jews in exile are not only a pitiful shadow of the hebrews they can be in israel but most of the time, they help to propagate mortal illusions, be it in finance, politic, cinema, sex, tv ...

(,0,5272839.graffitiboard - comment #7 " I wish Jews did make pro-Jewish movies. In reality, they make pro-Satan movies.", #17 "Someone should write a book about how Hollywood's great Jewish directors, studio execs and writers represent the American dream." #26 "no, i'm not jewish. i am american indian or native american or indigenous to north america. i think jews have the gall (origin of that word?) to get out there and be foolish or to be silly or just to do what most of us are just too shy to do or to be. hence, they work well in entertainment. they are more american than apple pie, and in fact i think they invented that idea." #96 "why do people care about people who call themselves jews who are not jews? THEY ARE EDOMITES WHICH ARE GENTILE, FAKE JEWS! Hollywood is NOT JEWISH IT IS GENTILE !", #156 "It may be true that the majority of important people in Hollywood were born of Jewish parents and identify themselves as Jewish..That MAY be technicaly correct. However! Do most of these folks actually practice Judaism? Based on the quality of movie & television these days I would say that many of these folks have moved far away from the Judaic principles of ethics & morality.", #168 "The Jews who run - and invented Hollywood 100 years ago - have done more to promote "American" values of cowboy individualism, fair play and "the good guy gets the girl" should be thanked by the non-Jews in America. Without them, they would not have the America they know and love.")

A mythic world for mythical jews,7340,L-3638087,00.html

We are only at the dawn of a new era, it is up to us to prepare and welcome it or to sink with the old one. Pride and the greed have been pushed up to such levels that only a blind cannot see that we are leaded by oppressors.

We must re-understand history as it really was, reinvent medicine and teach some at school, recreate education, cities, relationships, all based on a bottom to top collective and genuine desire to reach out to better than what we are, all together each one as he can, but everyone providing his part of an eternal challenge, being the jewish people, the G.d's people that He chosed not because jews wanted Him but because they believed in Him, behind all their wrongdoings, although belief on itself is far from being enough to sustain the living jewish people as G.D's light in the world. But it is nonetheless better than pretending being jew and acting against the jewish people. There is no difference between a jew who pretends being a jew without G.d (,7340,L-3636374,00.html)and another who says that he represents G.d in his ''religious only'' jewish cave. Both views are not in keeping with the real story of humanity and of the jewish people.

"Let There Be Light"

Jerusalem, 15/12/2008

« Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters. And God said: 'Let there be light.' And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. » Genesis 1/1-4

"of WAR (s)"

At the very beginning, as is said in the Torah, all was dark and light arose because of the primordial evolution which laws were unbelievably, extremely, exactly tuned to accomplish this event, this first creation to be, in a reversed view, ''For Good''. Did G.d say, 'it will be good, there will be light' ? No. He just did it. Like light, life is a creation, a creation made reality instant after instant by the incredible powers that drive the universe. Life is waves made visible by light. Life is information made into flowers. Without the right planet around the right star at the right time, without the laws that drive the universe being so precisely tuned, what physicists call the 'Fine Tuning of the Universe' (, life would not have appeared. Life is a will, desired to be shared. Life is good, life is a choice. Life is the front edge of the creation, an edge that sees itself, that is able to look back and to adapt its future, an edge that has evolved to consciousness, to humanity. Human life has so well thrived that it has filled the earth, but concurrently has reverted it to darkness for so many of its individuals.

If we took all the means we have today to do darkness and turn them for light, we would do miracles !!
(with G.d's help !... - The Last Question by Isaac Asimov © 1956)
It could have been otherwise. It must, now more than ever, be otherwise !
According to Konrad Lorenz (On Agression – a must read !!! see:,M1), the origin of wars between humans originated in the 'Intra-Species Agression Pattern' that had appeared at the neolithic period, when man had no more external predators to fight with. But, unlike among animals who are confronted with the same agressivity, war and death have turned to be an end in itself by unending acknowledged decisions of some to anihilate entire groups of people.
To our days, sadly, we experience wars. War might be until now a human only property ! Animals don't kill themselves only to kill, with a reason or not. Animals don't expect man to kill them. Depending on circumstances, they will be fearful, friendful or agressive, and even if they kill you, they don't intend to do it for itself. Man only is a voluntary murderer. Man invented wars, legal killing, the ''guillotine'', the electric chair to be the ''normal world'' !! (not mentioning the unknown illegal ones) Some wars are called wars but some are not, but kill alike. There are wars that kill slowly, wars that take prisonners, even that make prisonners of themselves. Wars have their warriors, their jailers, their designers, their thinkers, their profiteers and their slaves, their victims. Wars between men fill university studies, cinemas, radios, factories, churches, libraries and hospitals, cemeteries. Wars are lies made true. Wars are man's return to darkness.

''Nobility, Clergy & Commonalty''

We have seen that the main religious leaders, be they jews, christians, buddhists ..., are in collusion with the powers of the world, today as it has always been. If those powers where directed to the well being of the people, it would be fine, but since it is the contrary, we, the people, would expect the self appointed representatives of the highest values of humanity to denounce them, at least not to side by them and ever less to profit of them.



 - The Dalai Lama Loves Bush

Here is another example of wrong by both sides, the present days nobility and clergy, of whatever color spiritual color !!!

"In an access of stress, gazans' arabs are getting relief to their pleas by taking drugs. Although they send to Israel huge quantities of cannabis, they don't use it but rely on cheap psychotropic pharmaceutical pills that products the same effect" (,7340,L-3638017,00.html). They probably know it but they wouldn't be let to buy the ''natural thing'' because it is an export business meant to bring cash to the local warlords who rule this middle age "west of the Pecos" territory. Local religious leaders are not lifting the small finger, neither on cannabis, neither on pills because they are on the payroll of these petty kings and instead, keep brainwashing the people in their right to anihilate us, jews. But this is small change when you see what happens in the courts of the real kings. 

There, they don't rule over a million of poor arabs but millions of the wealthiest world businesses which include ''sovereign'' states. Here too, the clergy is dumb, as we know it, because in the same spirit, it too is on the payroll of the world's warlords, oops ! Lords, only ...(,7340,L-3637964,00.html ) ( ). Oh yes, they did not know, did they ? Nonetheless, as well as the arab, the christian and the jewish clergy know very well where from does its donated money comes , and what it means that some people earn so much money meanwhile some others, a lot more others, are begging for living hell of lives. 

Maybe they believe that G.d made the poors for them to be useful, and to help reveal their infinite kindness that comfort the poors with beautiful spiritual versions of Disney stories ? If we, the people, cannot get rid of the immemorial warlords of the world (or can we ?), at least should we have our so called religious leaders understand that they should be truthful to their role and stand with us rather than with "them" ...

As Henri Makow says: ''Jews today have got to break rank with the bankers and their political puppets. We're not responsible for their machinations and Jews suffer as much as anyone. Moreover, Jews are going to be blamed unless we join in exposing and opposing the Illuminati, (i.e. the highest rank of Freemasonry consisting of Jews and non-Jews.) Organized Jewry and many individual Jews are witting and unwitting instruments of the Illuminati bankers' plan for totalitarian world government.''

''In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes.'' Judges, 21/25

Man is prisonner of self imposed superstitions of which the biggest one may be that he needs a king to rule over him.

''I see no good in having several lords; Let one alone be master, let one alone be king. These words Homer puts in the mouth of Ulysses, as he addresses the people. If he had said nothing further than "I see no good in having several lords," it would have been well spoken. For the sake of logic he should have maintained that the rule of several could not be good since the power of one man alone, as soon as he acquires the title of master, becomes abusive and unreasonable. Instead he declared what seems preposterous: "Let one alone be master, let one alone be king." We must not be critical of Ulysses, who at the moment was perhaps obliged to speak these words in order to quell a mutiny in the army, for this reason, in my opinion, choosing language to meet the emergency rather than the truth. Yet, in the light of reason, it is a great misfortune to be at the beck and call of one master, for it is impossible to be sure that he is going to be kind, since it is always in his power to be cruel whenever he pleases. As for having several masters, according to the number one has, it amounts to being that many times unfortunate.'' In his ''Discourse on Voluntary Servitude'',

Étienne de La Boétie, aged 33 in 1548 said it all !! The reasons to examine at first are, 1. The habit of being slave. ''Thus custom becomes the first reason for voluntary servitude. Men are like handsome race horses who first bite the bit and later like it, and rearing under the saddle a while soon learn to enjoy displaying their harness and prance proudly beneath their trappings''. 2. The designed depravation of the people. ''tyrants use this method of stultifying their subjects ..." 3. A pyramidal corruption of corruptible people to share the tyrant's profits. Connections with other powers, mercenaries, finance, clergies ...
4. The tyrant's collusion with people's spiritual beliefs. ''Tyrants themselves have wondered that men could endure the persecution of a single man; they have insisted on using religion for their own protection and, where possible, have borrowed a stray bit of divinity to bolster up their evil ways.''

When Israel acts as foolishly as La Boetie spotted, five centuries ago, in wanting a king, it was not only for themselves to gain lust because of greed and pride and imitate the other idolatrous people of the area
but to set themselves their own masters and reject their Creator.

And G.d said unto Samuel:

"Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee; for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected Me,
that I should not be king over them. ''
(1 Samuel 8/7)

Rejecting G.d as King means rejecting His Light, the Light He created FOR OUR GOOD. Man has always overestimated his own "lights". How beautiful is a town by night ... How wonderful are man's "creations" ! A mythical man in a mythical world. Then G.d by Samuel Warned Them:

''This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you:

he will take your sons, and appoint them unto him, for his chariots, as to be his horsemen; and they shall run before his chariots. And he will appoint them unto him for captains of thousands, and captains of fifties; and to plow his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and the instruments of his chariots. And he will take your daughters to be perfumers, and to be cooks, and to be bakers. And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants. And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants. And he will take your men-servants, and your maid-servants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your flocks; and ye shall be his servants. And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king whom ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD will not answer you in that day.'' And what had to happen happened, it was the end of Israel, NO LESS, NO MORE !!!

''Now king Solomon loved many foreign women, besides the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites; of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of Israel: 'Ye shall not go among them, neither shall they come among you; for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods'; Solomon did cleave unto these in love. And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods; and his heart was not whole with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the detestation of the Ammonites. And Solomon did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after the LORD, as did David his father. Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh the detestation of Moab, in the mount that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech the detestation of the children of Ammon. And so did he for all his foreign wives, who offered and sacrificed unto their gods. And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared unto him twice, and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods; but he kept not that which the LORD commanded.

Wherefore the LORD said unto Solomon: 'Forasmuch as this hath been in thy mind, and thou hast not kept My covenant and My statutes, which I have commanded thee, I will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and will give it to thy servant. Notwithstanding in thy days I will not do it, for David thy father's sake; but I will rend it out of the hand of thy son. Howbeit I will not rend away all the kingdom; but I will give one tribe to thy son; for David My servant's sake, and for Jerusalem's sake which I have chosen.' And the LORD raised up an adversary unto Solomon, ...''. (1 Kings 11/1-14)

The condition to avoid wars, in the largest sense, is for the whole people to be turned to the Creator of the universe, together, so as not to lie "one to all and all to one", and individually, to see the lacks of ones neighbor as his own, as well as his achievements.

We need each other for light, not for darkness.
Kings of all sorts are not defenders of peoples but their destructors.