Jerusalem, 10/12/2008
By Sharing with the World's Left the Religion of Peace, the Vatican Rediscovered the Power of Inquisition's Times' ''Nice Days'' !!
We live at a time when christian groups fight against the traditional "Official Catholic Church" explaining, proofs in hand, that the Vatican is nothing else than a satanic entity.
This man with a Pope is
an "Innocent Cultivator of Oranges",
Frater Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie
Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John, of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta,
Most Humble Guardian of the Poor of Jesus Christ, Freemason.
Blackwater: Knights of Malta in Iraq http://aftermathnews.wordpress.com/2007/10/01/blackwater-knights-of-malta-in-iraq/
October 1, 2007
The Knights of Malta are the militia of the Pope, and are sworn to total obedience by a blood oath which is taken extremely seriously and to the death. The Pope as the head of the Vatican is also the head of a foreign national power. "Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences" by Albert G. Mackey, 33rd degree Mason, published by the Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, & London, 1925: (Volume One, pp. 392-95)
The painful saga of modern Arab-Muslim history evokes the battles fought in Crusades of the 11th centry - when the Knights of Malta began their operations as a Christian militia whose mission it was to defend the land conquered by the Crusaders. These memories return violently to mind with the discovery of links between the so-called security firms in Iraq such as Blackwater have historic links with the Order of Malta. You cannot exaggerate it. The Order of Malta is a hidden government or the most mysterious government in the world.
Jordanian MP Jamal Muhammad Abidat, from an editorial in the United Arab Emirates daily Al-Bayan entitled "The Knights of Malta - more than a conspiracy". Abidat describes the role played by the Knights of Malta during the Crusades, and that the Order is playing a similar role in the Middle East today, citing the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Successor to Fascist Dictator Francisco Franco and Knight of Malta, King Juan Carlos, with Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Andrew Cardinal Bertie, 2000…outside all laws
outside and above the US Constitution and yet is controlled by people within and outside our government whose allegiance is primarily to the foreign Vatican state. In other words, Blackwater is a religious army serving the Pope in Rome through the Order of Malta, which is itself considered under international law, as a sovereign entity with special diplomatic powers and privileges.
Like Blackwater, the Order of Malta is untouchable "because it is at the heart of the elite aristocracy", Knight of Malta Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1744–1812). The Knights of Malta is not merely a charitable organization. That's just an elaborate front, as should become clear to you later. As the name Sovereign Military Order of Malta confirms, it is a military order based on the crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is interwoven with Freemasonry. Most people have never even heard of SMOM, much less that it is a part of Freemasonry. But that is the way the aristocratic elite like it. One of the symbols of the military orders of the Vatican, the masonic double-headed eagle emblazoned with the Maltese cross, signifies omnipotent royal dominion over both East and West. The orb signifies temporal dominion over the globe of Earth, and the scepter signifies control over the spiritual and religious impulses of humanity. This eagle symbol is used in the masonic rite of Memphis and Misraim, under which it reads, Order Out of Chaos, the Hegelian method of crisis creation.
It is found on the seals of many European and Eurasian nation states including that of Russia, indicating direct Vatican control over those countries. It symbolizes the desire of a predatory elite with virtually unlimited resources, to totally dominate the entire world under a New World Order global government system using secrecy, manipulation, coercion and terror with the ends justifying the means. See: Double-Headed Eagle Symbol at Wikipedia The two-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire) on a Red Shield was adopted in 1743 by the infamous goldsmith Amschel Moses Bauer. He opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany and hung above his door this Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the Red Shield firm. The German word for red shield is Rothschild. After this point, the Rothschilds became the bankers to kings and pontiffs alike, among the richest families in the world. Ever since, they have financed both sides of every major war and revolution using the Hegelian Dialectic to engineer society toward their New World Order.
The Rothschilds and their agents, such as the Rockefellers, have been engineering America and its foreign policy almost since its inception. They and their Skull and Bones Wall Street partners staged and funded both sides in WWII, and out of that hellish nightmare was born their infant global government, the United Nations, and their tool of tyranny, the CIA. The father of the CIA, Wild Bill Donovan, was a Knight of Malta. In order to be a director of the CIA you must be a crusading Knight of Malta and it doesn't hurt if you are a member of Skull and Bones either. In order to reach the highest levels in the Pentagon establishment, you must be an illuminated Freemason and/or a Knight of one order or another. Notable US military members of SMOM include top crusading generals such as Alexander Haig, William Westmoreland, and Charles A. Willoughby, an admitted Fascist.
Other notable members include:
Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi war criminal)
Heinrich Himmler (Nazi war criminal)
Kurt Waldheim (Nazi war criminal)
Franz von Papen (Hitler enabler)
Fritz Thyssen (Hitler's financier)
Rupert Murdoch
Tony Blair
Pat Buchanan
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Precott Bush, Jr.
Edward Egan (Archbishop NY)
Licio Gelli
Ted Kennedy
David Rockefeller
Phyllis Schlafly (Dame)
J. Edgar Hoover
Joseph Kennedy
Henry Luce
Thomas Tip O'Neill
Ronald E. Reagan
Giscard d'Estaing
Allen Dulles
Avery Dulles
Frank C Carlucci
Nelson Mandela
Rick Santorum
Juan Carlos (King of Spain and Jerusalem)
Oliver North
George H.W Bush
Augusto Pinochet
William Randolph Hearst
Francis L. Kellogg
Such a list should make you sit up and pay attention, but it is only the tip of the iceberg unfortunately. Then we come to another SMOM member, important to what is transpiring in Iraq. Educated at the Jesuit Georgetown University, former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz, Blackwater's operations chief, is a member of both SMOM and Opus Dei. Former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz quit in 2005 to work for Blackwater. He is a member of Opus Dei and Knights of Malta. At least $2 trillion went missing from the Pentagon during his watch.The Knights of Malta in Iraq ? Malta Star Sep 29, 2007
An American investigative journalist compared the US firm Blackwater, the biggest security services provider in post war Iraq, to the Knights of Malta.
The company is currently in the midst of a controversy after some of its 20,000 personnel stationed in Iraq killed a number of civilians.
In his book, Blackwater: "The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army", Jeremy Scahill links the modern security firm to the Knights of Malta.
The writer argues that Blackwater's employees… share thee same religious zeal of ancient crusaders, the Egyptian weekly newspaper Al-Ahram reported. All the top Nazis in our government are connected in some way to the Vatican, Jesuits and Knights of Malta and have been for decades, as were the Italian Fascists and German Nazis of WWII. After all, what was their favorite symbol after the swastika ? The Maltese Cross of course !
Catholic Nazi Connections HERE for clip

We live at a time when the most reknown jew has been Jesuit educated and is a Lord of the British Crown ... Didn't I hear somewhere "Lord of the jews ?"
................. well, actually, there is one, in our times, Israel's Reigning President !!
Peres will say to G.d: "You, God of the Jews cannot judge me because I did my whole life everything I could not to be a jew"; answers G.D: "Maybe, but others saw in you a jew and spitted on your shadow as a jewish shadow all along."
We live at a time when people worldwide do not know who they are anymore,
or maybe, they believe they know who they are nomore ...

or do they ???

Arthur Schneier, Park East Synagogue , first 'rabbi' to greet the new pope
Saudi Arabia to Lead U.N. Faith Forum
Colum LynchWashington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 12, 2008; Page A11
Saudi Arabia, the oil-rich
Islamic kingdom that forbids the public practice of other religious faiths, will preside Wednesday over a two-day U.N. conference on religious tolerance that will draw more than a dozen world leaders, including
President Bush, Israeli President
Shimon Peres and British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown.
The event is part of a personal initiative by Saudi
King Abdullah to promote an interfaith dialogue among the world's major religions. The Saudi leader agreed for the first time to dine in the same room with the Israeli president at a private, pre-conference banquet Tuesday hosted by U.N. Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon.
Ban said. "I wholeheartedly support the convening of the interfaith meeting that will be held here at headquarters tomorrow.
The values it aims to promote are common to all the world's religions and can help us fight extremism, prejudice and hatred."
The Saudi initiative emerged in the summer during a meeting of religious leaders in Mecca.
The Saudi leader subsequently drew a
range of religious groups -- including Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Taoists
and others -- together in Madrid in July, where they signed a declaration calling for greater cooperation among religions.
Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice planned to attend the conference to hear the Saudi King's opening address. Bush is scheduled to deliver an address Thursday.
The White House said last month that it welcomed the Saudi initiative and supports "the right to practice one's religion" and other principles of religious freedom enshrined in the U.N. charter."
At Vatican, Capital Role For Jerusalem
Published: December 15, 1995
Leah Rabin, widow of the slain Israeli Prime Minister, said today that in a private conversation with
Pope John Paul II, he
acknowledged Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel as well as the "capital" of three world religions.
In his remarks, Mrs. Rabin said at a news conference, the Pope insisted that Jerusalem has a "
double role," a reference to the special status that the Vatican has long sought for a city held sacred by Christians, Muslims and Jews.
Israel & The Vatican
Ben Gourion in 1962, answers to what the world will be in 25 years from there:
All of'em, even Feiglin :
Ynet : "Should Arabs then be allowed to continue to pray there ?"
"The Torah says the house of God will be open to all nations
– not just Arabs but all of the world's nations."
Does it Moshe ? Come Here Buddhists, Moonists, Jesuits, it is All Yours !
Our World has Today Intentionally
become a Rotten and Killer Society
The world as it is, in every country, under every faith is not fundamentally different than what it was 6000 years ago, the end of Neolithic age, corrupted under the rule of power and money, leaded by gangs of sadistic Nimrods and other Pharaohs who today have become experts in stealth abusing of people.
They drive us so low that they turn the best souls to nothingness.
To sit at a table one evening a week, in family, TOGETHER has become a fear for the best intended humans, men or women. Nothing looks more boring, more distressing than such a simple but so prestigious event. What are the lives we live to be afraid of the corner stone of man's civilisation ? What are our souls busy with to reject, to negate the root of the most precious cement of human's civilisation, the family bond ? Is it an empty promise that is deceiving humanity ? Families are empty nests where one cannot raise more than game and fashion addicted children with whom we have nothing to talk about, if parents had anything to say !!!
Just an example, here is what says Barry Chamish for Israel which is still a nation where most people look at you when talked to ...
The Israeli people are being turned mad, in the modern sense of insanity, not ancient Freudian theory. The concept of modern madness seems remote from dry politics, but it is not. Israeli writers know their leaders are acting insanely and the best they can do is describe flawed, if not suicidal, political decisions, and no more. They are incapable of delving into the core reasons for national insanity.
For the wrong reasons, I interviewed two experts, a therapeutic nurse and a former high school and city counselor. Both were on my e-mail list and were deeply concerned about Israel. I shared these concerns and had others. The long discourses led to, at least, a partial understanding of the psychological forces destroying Israel.
The leaders of Israel are habitual liars. They work behind their public's (children's) back and, at least since the so-called Oslo "peace" of 1993, seldom tell the truth. They lie with reckless abandon, to the point that Israel's police force no longer shoots at terrorists. The cops are too afraid of the consequences to do their job.
Israel is 60 years old, meaning it is in its second generation. The children of the first generation Labor Party founders produced children who are dragging the nation into ruin, while their children, who were once supposed to defend the land, are mostly too busy with drugs and strange sex to get up in the morning and bother. My interview subjects conclude that Israel is, first, a nation ruled by female sexual addiction. In short, compulsion rules, thought is gone.
Here are the behaviors to look for:
« The neurochemical changes that happen in your brain when you engage in sexual activity are closely related to the changes that take place in your brain when you take crack or cocaine.
So there is a physiological, biological base to this addiction. There is also an emotional component to this addiction. The shame that the addicted person feels is overwhelming...
There are four components that make any addiction an addiction.
First, there has to be a compulsion...
A second key component of any addiction is obsession...
The third main hallmark of an addiction is continuing in spite of negative consequences...
The last main characteristic of addiction is tolerance;
The disease progresses either to more and more of the same behavior or to higher risk behaviors.
For women who are sex addicts there is a big power component at work.
The wounds of sexual abuse are profound. It is my conviction that until we face clearly the wounds of childhood and first experiments abuses, we will not be helpful to sexual addicts whose struggles are rooted in abuse. We know that eighty-one percent of sexual addicts, both men and women, are sexual trauma survivors – untreated trauma survivors. It is critical to understand this link between sexually abusive experiences and sexual addiction. Sex addicts believe this: If you really knew me, you would leave me.
There is this front that I present to the world, and maybe it looks really good on the outside, but it's not what is on my inside.
If you knew me, you would leave. These core beliefs, are often impacting us on an unconscious level. »
--- Girl to auction virginity on radio show ---
(talkback #23: now kids "God made it feel good so we'd all enjoy it...abstainence is definitely not God's idea of a good time !")
Having people feel guilty, having them pervert themselves, lose their time with low grade irrational activities at work and at home, lose their identity by providing them with false dreams and at the same time with non improving social and economic aims to work at, life time,
They don't need Blackwater to achieve enslavement of humanity.
Some pills, some Disney, some videogames, some whisky, some events, some cars, some perfumes, some actors, some wars, some conspirations ... and a lot of busy for nothing, lonely YOU & ME.
( Neuromarketing: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=11500)
The best of us sink in this designed world of brutes. We are so overwhelmed by speeding to survive in an upside down artificial jungle, by stressing to achieve their patsy dreamworld in our life that all our native values are trampled on. ''Walking on me, stepping on me'' says the cat in the street ... People don't live anymore normal decent Happy Helping Humble lives. Instead of building a better world, we are fleeing from nightmares, we are running for teaspoons of lust, we are falling in the black holes of corruption, greed and pride, we kill each others with hate, scoffing, superficial and interested contacts only, indifference, vanity.
There are two kinds of people on earth, those that follow darkness and those that follow the light, without inverting the words ! Most of the leaders of the world, economic, political and religious are following the dark side which they called of its opposite's name, the light side. This is mostly because Lucifer, the fallen firstborn angel is called in reverse the lightbearer, but his light is the snake's one, the knowledge of wrong and harm mixing. This is what we are taught, what we innocently teach our children, ''You can do a little harm if you do a lot of good, and the contrary if you cannot but do more harm than good, anyway, good is bad and bad is good my dear'', ISN'T IT ??
I myself have lost the dearest person of my life in this imposed selfdestructive game.
This is the beautiful genuine hope of N., a "preserved" young Human Woman,
24, who speaks 6 languages from ...:
"I am looking for person who can be with me forever and anytime, at every situation, to creat happy family (children) And we're all together can do everything for Allah pleasure. Please, only men can get contact who you believe that good woman/wife have to be loving, caring and alwayz with husband (in illness, sadness,charity), who believe that children are the best gifts from Allah to mankind"
... Time to create the World Humanlife Fund !!
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