At the very beginning, as is said in the Torah, all was dark and light arose because of the primordial evolution which laws were unbelievably, extremely, exactly tuned to accomplish this event, this first creation to be, in a reversed view, ''For Good''.
Did G.d say, 'it will be good, there will be light' ? No. He just did it.
Like light, life is a creation, a creation made reality instant after instant by the incredible powers that drive the universe. Life is waves made visible by light. Life is information made into flowers. Without the right planet around the right star at the right time, without the laws that drive the universe being so precisely tuned, what physicists call the 'Fine Tuning of the Universe' (, life would not have appeared. Life is a will, desired to be shared. Life is good, life is a choice.
Life is the front edge of the creation, an edge that sees itself, that is able to look back and to adapt its future, an edge that has evolved to consciousness, to humanity. Human life has so well thrived that it has filled the earth, but concurrently has reverted it to darkness for so many of its individuals.
(with G.d's help !...
), the origin of wars between humans originated in the 'Intra-Species Agression Pattern' that had appeared at the neolithic period, when man had no more external predators to fight with. But, unlike among animals who are confronted with the same agressivity, war and death have turned to be an end in itself by unending acknowledged decisions of some to anihilate entire groups of people.

To our days, sadly, we experience wars. War might be until now a human only property ! Animals don't kill themselves only to kill, with a reason or not. Animals don't expect man to kill them. Depending on circumstances, they will be fearful, friendful or agressive, and even if they kill you, they don't intend to do it for itself. Man only is a voluntary murderer. Man invented wars, legal killing, the ''guillotine'', the electric chair to be the ''normal world'' !! (not mentioning the unknown illegal ones)
Some wars are called wars but some are not, but kill alike. There are wars that kill slowly, wars that take prisonners, even that make prisonners of themselves. Wars have their warriors, their jailers, their designers, their thinkers, their profiteers and their slaves, their victims. Wars between men fill university studies, cinemas, radios, factories, churches, libraries and hospitals, cemeteries. Wars are lies made true. Wars are man's return to darkness.
''Nobility, Clergy & Commonalty''
We have seen that the main religious leaders, be they jews, christians, buddhists ..., are in collusion with the powers of the world, today as it has always been. If those powers where directed to the well being of the people, it would be fine, but since it is the contrary, we, the people, would expect the self appointed representatives of the highest values of humanity to denounce them, at least not to side by them and ever less to profit of them.
. - The Dalai Lama Loves Bush
Here is another example of wrong by both sides, the present days nobility and clergy, of whatever color spiritual color !!!
"In an access of stress, gazans' arabs are getting relief to their pleas by taking drugs. Although they send to Israel huge quantities of cannabis, they don't use it but rely on cheap psychotropic pharmaceutical pills that products the same effect" (,7340,L-3638017,00.html). They probably know it but they wouldn't be let to buy the ''natural thing'' because it is an export business meant to bring cash to the local warlords who rule this middle age "west of the Pecos" territory. Local religious leaders are not lifting the small finger, neither on cannabis, neither on pills because they are on the payroll of these petty kings and instead, keep brainwashing the people in their right to anihilate us, jews.
But this is small change when you see what happens in the courts of the real kings.
There, they don't rule over a million of poor arabs but millions of the wealthiest world businesses which include ''sovereign'' states. Here too, the clergy is dumb, as we know it, because in the same spirit, it too is on the payroll of the world's warlords, oops ! Lords, only ...(,7340,L-3637964,00.html ) ( ).
Oh yes, they did not know, did they ?
Nonetheless, as well as the arab, the christian and the jewish clergy know very well where from does its donated money comes , and what it means that some people earn so much money meanwhile some others, a lot more others, are begging for living hell of lives.
Maybe they believe that G.d made the poors for them to be useful, and to help reveal their infinite kindness that comfort the poors with beautiful spiritual versions of Disney stories ?
If we, the people, cannot get rid of the immemorial warlords of the world (or can we ?), at least should we have our so called religious leaders understand that they should be truthful to their role and stand with us rather than with "them" ...
As Henri Makow says: ''Jews today have got to break rank with the bankers and their political puppets. We're not responsible for their machinations and Jews suffer as much as anyone. Moreover, Jews are going to be blamed unless we join in exposing and opposing the Illuminati, (i.e. the highest rank of Freemasonry consisting of Jews and non-Jews.) Organized Jewry and many individual Jews are witting and unwitting instruments of the Illuminati bankers' plan for totalitarian world government.''
''In those days there was no king in Israel;
every man did that which was right in his own eyes.''
Judges, 21/25
Man is prisonner of self imposed superstitions
of which the biggest one may be that he needs a king to rule over him.
''I see no good in having several lords;
Let one alone be master, let one alone be king.
These words Homer puts in the mouth of Ulysses, as he addresses the people.
If he had said nothing further than "I see no good in having several lords," it would have been well spoken. For the sake of logic he should have maintained that the rule of several could not be good since the power of one man alone, as soon as he acquires the title of master, becomes abusive and unreasonable.
Instead he declared what seems preposterous: "Let one alone be master, let one alone be king." We must not be critical of Ulysses, who at the moment was perhaps obliged to speak these words in order to quell a mutiny in the army, for this reason, in my opinion, choosing language to meet the emergency rather than the truth.
Yet, in the light of reason, it is a great misfortune to be at the beck and call of one master, for it is impossible to be sure that he is going to be kind, since it is always in his power to be cruel whenever he pleases. As for having several masters, according to the number one has, it amounts to being that many times unfortunate.''
In his
''Discourse on Voluntary Servitude'',
Étienne de La Boétie, aged 33 in 1548 said it all !!
The reasons to examine at first are,
1. The habit of being slave.
''Thus custom becomes the first reason for voluntary servitude. Men are like handsome race horses who first bite the bit and later like it, and rearing under the saddle a while soon learn to enjoy displaying their harness and prance proudly beneath their trappings''.
2. The designed depravation of the people.
''tyrants use this method of stultifying their subjects ..."
3. A pyramidal corruption of corruptible people to share the tyrant's profits.
Connections with other powers, mercenaries, finance, clergies ...
4. The tyrant's collusion with people's spiritual beliefs.
''Tyrants themselves have wondered that men could endure the persecution of a single man; they have insisted on using religion for their own protection and, where possible, have borrowed a stray bit of divinity to bolster up their evil ways.''
When Israel acts as foolishly as La Boetie spotted, five centuries ago, in wanting a king, it was not only for themselves to gain lust because of greed and pride and imitate the other idolatrous people of the area
but to set themselves their own masters and reject their Creator.
And G.d said unto Samuel:
"Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee;
for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected Me,
that I should not be king over them. ''
(1 Samuel 8/7)
Rejecting G.d as King means rejecting His Light, the Light He created FOR OUR GOOD. Man has always overestimated his own "lights". How beautiful is a town by night ... How wonderful are man's "creations" ! A mythical man in a mythical world.
Then G.d by Samuel Warned Them:
''This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you:
he will take your sons, and appoint them unto him, for his chariots, as to be his horsemen; and they shall run before his chariots. And he will appoint them unto him for captains of thousands, and captains of fifties; and to plow his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and the instruments of his chariots. And he will take your daughters to be perfumers, and to be cooks, and to be bakers. And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants. And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants. And he will take your men-servants, and your maid-servants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your flocks; and ye shall be his servants. And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king whom ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD will not answer you in that day.''
And what had to happen happened,
it was the end of Israel,
''Now king Solomon loved many foreign women, besides the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites; of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of Israel: 'Ye shall not go among them, neither shall they come among you; for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods'; Solomon did cleave unto these in love. And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods; and his heart was not whole with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father.
For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the detestation of the Ammonites. And Solomon did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after the LORD, as did David his father.
Then did
Solomon build a high place for Chemosh the detestation of Moab, in the mount that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech the detestation of the children of Ammon. And so did he for all his foreign wives, who offered and sacrificed unto their gods. And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared unto him twice, and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods; but he kept not that which the LORD commanded.
Wherefore the LORD said unto Solomon: 'Forasmuch as this hath been in thy mind, and thou hast not kept My covenant and My statutes, which I have commanded thee, I will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and will give it to thy servant. Notwithstanding in thy days I will not do it, for David thy father's sake; but I will rend it out of the hand of thy son. Howbeit I will not rend away all the kingdom; but I will give one tribe to thy son; for David My servant's sake, and for Jerusalem's sake which I have chosen.' And the LORD raised up an adversary unto Solomon, ...''. (1 Kings 11/1-14)
The condition to avoid wars, in the largest sense, is for the whole people to be turned to the Creator of the universe, together, so as not to lie "one to all and all to one", and individually, to see the lacks of ones neighbor as his own, as well as his achievements.
We need each other for light, not for darkness.
Kings of all sorts are not defenders of peoples but their destructors.
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