"Ordo Ab Chao"
Masonic House of Temple of the Scottish Rite in Washington DC
In the Footsteps of G.d
No Possible Order Can Arise From Chaos
The world is still a mystery for man, and science itself says we might not be able to ever understand it. The creation of the universe, the apparition of life and an incredibly growing number of other questions remain unexplained. However, scientists have found that everything ‘that is’ behaves according to laws. Through the relativity and the quantum physic, they have discovered that the universe obeys to four fundamentals laws of physic, at work permanently from the macroscopic to the microscopic dimensions and from the atom to the living cell. To those physical laws, life adds biological laws that are as much inescapable as those of physics, to feed oneself and to reproduce at least.
Animals and humans add again other laws of common life that are as much coercive, but man has, contrary to animals, the possibility to create them, the ability to breach them and even, to consider that he has nothing to do anymore with natural laws. Man sometimes views himself as an independent ruler of “his” world, his man made world, his glowing illusion of a “top the cream” world, cut from the ‘primitiveness of creation’. He looks at himself as the sole specimen of an advance form of life in this so cold universe which he therefore intends to rule. In this mindset, man considers his existence and that of everything else around him as happened by chance, and his unique aim is to profit of this lottery luck. To reach maximum lifetime profits, he thinks that the best way is to shape in his image what he sees as a primitive chaos, you and I included if necessary, if he pleases, in order to reign more easily.
This is the meaning of “Order from chaos", the famous freemason motto that is a lie, not only in its intention to dominate everything but in its substance. In the mouth of a freemason, this sentence implies that he is the source of order in the world and humanity, that he knows best. What or who is not on his side represents for him chaos, and this chaos he will transform into order. He subjugates others using every possible means as detailed for example in the Protocols of Sion, wrongly considered a jewish plot to conquer and lead humanity (the only jews concerned with a plot, the Rotschilds & co, are not jews anymore, even with a telescope) but rather in my view a jesuit one. (http://www.whale.to/b/phelps_q.html)
They use the same trick since the apple: “you can be more than who you are for the “same cost” and for incomparable gains of “a better life”. This is a lie. Not only we can’t escape who we are, at least in the end, but there is no reason to do so, because who we are is the best way to achieve what we are here for. In looking elsewhere than natural means and achievements in family and society to reach and share happiness, one will find only illusion. Not only do you run away from your inner most beautiful part, but you give yourself away from the root of any genuine advance, and get lost inside the illusion of a better order of being than the natural one. The dangerous slyness of this artificial world is that it is ending with the end of your very ability to sustain it with your own illusion of its reality.
There is no chaos without a freemason’s so called order, or any theoretical world cosmology, from Sumerian to Mayan, from Marx to Hitler and to the NWO ('Moabites' as Joseph Ehrlich calls them), and neither was there before man had invented anything of the kind. “Order from chaos” has no possibility to happen in the world, no more spiritually than physically, as explain physicists. There has to be an order before chaos because nothing, no earth, no cell could have been created if order had to come out of chaos, In fact, order is at the beginning of all, order is love and wisdom, this order is G.d's order, in smelling flowers, in loving people ... G.d's order is to be found in the bonds of nature, of life, in the links where man feels at home. Konrad Lorenz by the way of ethology got to the same conclusion, as well as Antoine de Saint Exupery by piloting the first aeroplanes, as many others, but not enough !!!
“The impossibility of randomness producing order is not different from the attempt to produce Shakespeare or any meaningful string of letters more than a few words in length by a random letter generator.” (Gerald Schroeder - http://geraldschroeder.com/evolution.html)
“The complex order evolving in the biosphere is not from chaos and not from nothing, as Darwinians often claim, but from the actualization of the precisely determined patterns of quantum states, which already exist in the quantum structure of DNA before a transition is made to them … There is a general notion that, since transitions to new states (mutations) are random, the variations caused by mutations must also be random. But the one does not follow from the other. While jumps from one quantum state to another are ruled by chance, the order of the states on which the jumping will land, is not. "Blind chance can lead to anything", Monod wrote, "even vision". Monod was right, chance can lead to anything. However, whether chance is also able to create what it leads to, that is another question … As an alternative to either intelligent design or blind chance, the revelation of the order of empty quantum states by their actualization is a plausible mechanism for the spontaneous emergence of complex order in the visible world.” (Lothar Shäfer - http://www.metanexus.net/magazine/ArticleDetail/tabid/68/id/8529/Default.aspx ).
“It is one of Darwin famous postulates that "Nature does not make jumps." In contrast, contemporary physics tells us that nature makes nothing but jumps, namely quantum jumps. As it seems, the overall progression of evolution is not exempted from this law because the succession of evolutionary levels is frequently not gradual but "everything seems to have burst into the world ready made" (Lothar Shäfer - http://www.paseoart.com/skipsilver/ziusudra/lothar/essay.html ).
Here is an incredible text that shows that man is
Lothar Schäfer is Distinguished Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Arkansas.
Born in Düsseldorf, Germany, he received his PhD in chemistry from the University of Munich. His research interests include topics in Applied Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Structural Studies by Electron Diffraction.
Dr. Lothar Schäfer
Department of Chemistry
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
FAX 501-575-4049
VOICE 501-575-5079
e-mail: schafer@protein.uark.edu
"In Search of Divine Reality" - Epilogue.
On the Foundations of Metaphysics in
That the basis of the material world is non-material is a transcription of the fact that the properties of things are determined by quantum waves, - probability amplitudes which carry numerical relations, but are devoid of mass and energy. As a consequence of the wave-like aspects of reality, atoms do not have any shape - a solid outline in space - but the things do, which they form; and the constituents of matter, the elementary particles, are not in the same sense real as the real things that they constitute. Rather, left to themselves they exist in a world of possibilities, "between the idea of a thing and a real thing", as Heisenberg wrote, in superposition of quantum states, in which a definite place in space, for example, is not an intrinsic attribute. That is, when such a particle is not observed it is, in particular, nowhere.
In the quantum phenomena we have discovered that reality is different than we thought. Visible order and permanence are based on chaos and transitory entities. Mental principles - numerical relations, mathematical forms, principles of symmetry - are the foundations of order in the universe, whose mind-like properties are further established by the fact that changes in information can act, without any direct physical intervention, as causal agents in observable changes in quantum states. Prior to the discovery of these phenomena information-driven reactions were a prerogative of mind. "The universe", Eddington wrote, "is of the nature of a thought. The stuff of the world is mind-stuff".
Mind-stuff, in a part of reality behind the mechanistic foreground of the world of space-time energy sensibility, as Sherrington called it, is not restricted to Einstein locality. The existence of non-local physical effects - faster than light phenomena - has now been well established by quantum coherence-type experiments like those related to Bell's inequality. If the universe is non-local, something that happens at this moment in its depths may have an instantaneous effect a long distance away, for example right here and right now. By every molecule in our body we are tuned to the mind-stuff of the universe.
In this way the quantum phenomena have forced the opening of a universe that Newton's mechanism once blinded and closed. Unintended by its creator, Newton's mechanics defined a machine, without any life or room for human values, the Parmenidian One, forever unchanging and predictable, "eternal matter ruled by eternal laws", as Sheldrake wrote. In contrast, the quantum phenomena have revealed that the world of mechanism is just the cortex of a deeper and wider, transcendent, reality. The future of the universe is open, because it is unpredictable. Its present is open, because it is subject to non-local influences that are beyond our control. Cracks have formed in the solidity of the material world from which emanations of a different type of reality seep in. In the diffraction experiments of material particles, a window has opened to the world of Platonic ideas.
That the universe should be mind-like and not communicate with the human mind - the one organ to which it is akin - is not very likely. In fact, one of the most fascinating faculties of the human mind is its ability to be inspired by unknown sources - as though it were sensitive to signals of a mysterious origin. It is at this point that the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Ever since the discovery of Hume's paradox - the principles that we use to establish scientific knowledge cannot establish themselves - science has had an illegitimate basis. Hume was right: in every external event we observe conjunction, but infer connection. Thus, causality is not a principle of nature but a habit of the human mind. At the same time, Hume was not right in postulating that there is no single experience of causality. Because, when the self-conscious mind itself is directly involved in a causal link, for example when its associated body takes part in a collision, or when the mind by its own free will is the cause of some action, then there is a direct experience of, and no doubt that, causal connections exist. When this modification of the paradox is coupled with the quantum base, a large number of pressing problems find their delightful solutions.
Like the nature of reality, the nature of knowledge is counter-intuitive, and not at all like the automatic confidence that we have in sensations of this phenomenon. The basis of knowledge is threefold. The premises are experience of reality, employment of reason, and reliance on certain non-rational and non-empirical principles, such as the assumption of identity, factuality, permanence, causality, and induction. Where do these principles come from? Neither from an experience of external phenomena, nor from a process of reasoning, but from a system program of the self-conscious mind. By being an extension of the mind-like background of nature and partaking of its order, mind gives the epistemic principles - those used in deriving knowledge - certainty. Since they are not anchored in the world of space-time and mass-energy but are valid nevertheless, they seem to derive from a higher order and transcendent part of physical reality. They are, it can be assumed, messengers of the mind-like order of reality.
In the same way, moral principles. Traditional societies based their social order on myths and religious explanations. By assuming a purpose in the world, they told people why things are the way they are, and why they should act the way they were supposed to act. In the "animist ontogenies" values and knowledge derived from a single source, and life had meaning in an "animist covenant" as Monod called it. By destroying the ontological base of the animist explanations, - their astronomy, physics, and chemistry, - science also destroyed the foundations of their values. In this process Monod saw the origin of the contemporary sickness in culture, das Unbehagen in der Kultur: on the one hand science is the basis for our power and survival; on the other, it has broken the animist covenant, rendered life meaningless in the process, and disconnected the world of values from the world of facts.
The sickness of spirit and the concomitant erosion of moral standards are the great danger for the future of mankind, already apparent in the public adoration of violence and debased behavior. At its roots is the unsolved question, on whose authority are the moral principles to be based now that the authority of the animist myths has been found lacking? For those who are willing to listen, the answer is: on the authority of mind.
In the same way that the self-conscious mind grants certainty to the epistemic principles, it invests authority in the moral principles. Like the former, the moral principles are non-empirical and non-rational, - not derived by a process of logic nor verified by experience - messengers from a higher reality beyond the front of mass-energy sensibility. Epistemic principles give us a sense of what is true and false; moral principles, of what is right and wrong. The former establish the certainty of identity, permanence, factuality, causality; the latter, of responsibility, morality, honesty.
By the same process that allows us to accept, without possible verification, the epistemic principles, we can also accept the authority of the moral principles. Violation of any one of them will put us in contrast to the nature of reality. If the nature of the universe is mind-like, it must be assumed to have a spiritual order as well as a physical order. As the epistemic principles are expressions of physical order, the ethical principles are expressions of the spiritual order of physical reality. By being an extension of the transcendent part of the nature and partaking of its order, mind establishes the authority of the ethical principles.
The challenge of reality and the ability to explore it are wonderful gifts to mankind. Understanding reality requires refinement of thought. That is, it has to do with culture. It requires an effort, is not afforded by automatic, intuitive reflex. Making sense of the world takes the response to a challenge, not the complacency of common sense. It is one and the same as striving for the moral life. An important part of it is the need to become aware of the specific character of human nature, to recognize "the human mystery" as Eccles called it: the mystery of how mind and body interact, how self-conscious human beings with values emerged in an evolutionary process supposedly based on blind chance and brutality.
The evidence is growing that there is more to human nature than the laws of physics or chemistry, more to the process of evolution than blind chance and brutality; that evolution is more than, as Monod wrote, "a giant lottery, and human beings live at the boundary of an alien world that is deaf to our music and indifferent to our hopes and suffering and crimes".
The barbaric view of reality is mechanistic. It is the easy view of classical science and of common sense. In epistemology mechanism is naive realism, the view that all knowledge is based on unquestionable facts, on apodictically verified truths. In physics mechanism is the view that the universe is clockwork, closed, and entirely predictable on the basis of unchanging laws. In biology, mechanism is the view that all aspects of life, its evolution, our feelings and values, are ultimately explicable in terms of the laws of physics and chemistry. In our legal system, mechanism is the view that the assumption of precise procedural technicalities constitutes perfect justice. In our political system, mechanism is the view that the assertion of finely formulated personal rights constitutes the ideal democracy. In our public administration, it is the view that responsible service manifests itself by the enforcement of finely split bureaucratic regulations. All of these attitudes are the attitudes of barbarians.
The quantum phenomena have taught us that, without naive realism, knowledge is possible. They have taught us that, without naive animism an ethic of knowledge, as Monod has called it, and a life with values are possible. Principles exist which are valid even though they cannot be verified. The discovery of the quantum phenomena has established a new covenant - between the human mind and the mind-like background of the universe - one that provides a home again to the homeless and meaning to the meaningless life. Whether or not the human mind is separate of the brain, as Sherrington and Eccles thought, I do not know. But I do not doubt that it is human only in some parts, and in others shares in the mind-like background of the universe. It is now possible to believe that the mind is the realization of universal potential, a manifestation of the essence of the universe. Therefore, the only good life is in harmony with the nature of reality.
The quantum phenomena make it possible to conclude that the basis of the material world is non-material; that the nature of reality is that of an indivisible wholeness; and that elementary particles possess aspects of consciousness in a rudimentary way. The quantum perspective of evolution makes it possible to conclude that the emergence of complex order in the biosphere is not from nothing (ex nihilo) but by the actualization of virtual quantum states—that is, by actualizing empty states which are part of the mathematical structure of material systems, representing a logical order, that is not real in a material sense but that, predetermined by system conditions, has the potential to become real in quantum jumps. I show how the existence of virtual states makes it possible to suggest that a transcendent reality underlies the visible order of the world and is immanent to it; and constantly new forms evolve from it.
Genesis 1/2:
"Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters"