Jerusalem, Feb.08, 2009...
Most Important News
Since 2000 Years ...
Faction Rabbis Endorse
Ichud Leumi Party
While the official Chabad-Lubavitch movement is staying out of politics, many leading Chabad rabbis have issued a proclamation with instructions to vote for the Ichud Leumi (National Union) party. It is signed by Rabbi Gedaliah Axelrod, former Rabbinical Court President and the Rabbi of the Chabad community in Haifa, Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe, author and head of the 'Task Force for the Land and Nation' and Rabbi Yigal Pizem, founder of yeshivot and Chabad institutions in northern Israel.
The proclamation was issued last week, including a specific imperative “upon every one of our brethren in Israel to vote for the National Union.” The letter states: “As is well-known, the fact is that there is no party today waving the banner of the Entirety of the Land of Israel except for the Ichud HaLeumi (National Union). Leading the list is Yaakov HaCohen Katz (Ketzaleh), who has proven in deeds his total dedication and loyalty to the Land of Israel for decades.
The next two candidates, Mr. Uri Ariel and Prof. Aryeh Eldad, have over the course of many years proven their absolute loyalty to the Entire Land of Israel. Fourth on the list is Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, the representative of the Our Land of Israel movement on the National Union list. Dr. Ben-Ari, who was chosen for this task by Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe and Baruch Marzel, will express in the Knesset the firm position of the Lubavitcher Rebbe regarding the Greater Land of Israel and the integrity of the Nation and the Torah.
After he appeared before us and we talked for a long while, we determined that he is worthy of publicizing the holy opinion of the Rebbe in all matters on the public agenda, and he will in fact follow the rabbis’ decisions in all matters. It is therefore our opinion that every man and woman of our brethren in Israel must vote for the Ichud Leumi (National Union) party, whose symbol is the letter tet, and influence all those who will listen to them to do the same.
Heaven forbid that they should vote for any other of the parties, all of which have proven in the past that they were partners to giving away land, releasing terrorists, and making concessions that have placed the lives of millions of Jews in the Holy Land in danger. “And everyone can be sure that with this vote they are publicly sanctifying G.d’s Name, by showing that there is a large sector for whom the Land of Israel is precious.”
Only National Union,
'Ichud Leumi',
represents Jews
"There is Someone to Vote For "
"Without Any Fear"
Like the election of Obama, whatever he does or does not, means the end of Noah's curse over Cham, this event marks the end of the separation between the Torah and the land, even if still not actualized, and it is a wonderful sign of the birth of Machiah for Rosh Hashana 5770, or before as G.d pleases !!!
Judges 5/1-13
"Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying:
When men let grow their hair in Israel, when the people offer themselves willingly, bless ye the LORD. Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, unto the LORD will I sing; I will sing praise to the LORD, the God of Israel. LORD, when Thou didst go forth out of Seir, when Thou didst march out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, the heavens also dropped, yea, the clouds dropped water. The mountains quaked at the presence of the LORD, even yon Sinai at the presence of the LORD, the God of Israel. In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways ceased, and the travellers walked through byways. The rulers ceased in Israel, they ceased, until that thou didst arise, Deborah, that thou didst arise a mother in Israel. They chose new gods; then was war in the gates; was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel ? My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless ye the LORD. Ye that ride on white asses, ye that sit on rich cloths, and ye that walk by the way, tell of it; louder than the voice of archers, by the watering-troughs! there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the LORD, even the righteous acts of His rulers in Israel. Then the people of the LORD went down to the gates. Awake, awake, Deborah; awake, awake, utter a song; arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam. Then made He a remnant to have dominion over the nobles and the people; the LORD made me have dominion over the mighty."
Hashem never chose the strongest nor the first born by human
criterion to lead his people from Itshak, Yaakov, Yossef, David ...
and He will not begin today or tomorrow !
The next leader will not come out of a ballot but a Blessing,
because if we, the jewish people, still retain the Birthright,
we desperatly lack the Blessing and let's pray HKBH that
He sends us His Leader, the Machiach, to come soon and fast.
'Psak Halacha': Vote Ichud Leumi !
The letter 'ט' has a guematria of 9 that is related in simple count (without 0) to: 'Emet' (truth), 'Brit' (alliance) and Shabbat, things that come from UP and accordingly, the letter is opened on top, btw, like the glance of Katseleh, the only one who looks up ... 5769 is also: תשס"ט
Leading Rabbis Bless Ketzale
Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu blessed Ketzaleh and acknowledged that Ketzaleh serves as his 'long arm' in politics. In addition he told Ketzaleh to stand watch over the land of Israel.
In the afternoon, Ketzaleh visited Rabbi Chaim Kanievski, a leading figure in the hareidi-religious community.
Rabbi Kanievski is the nephew of the Chazon Ish and is married to the daughter of Rabbi Yosef Elyashiv, who is widely recognized as the leader of hareidi-religious Lithuanian Jews. Rabbi Kanievski expressed his satisfaction that Ketzaleh and the Ichud Leumi have pledged their dedication to Rabbinic guidance, and wished Ketzaleh “blessings and success” in the elections.
Ketzaleh: Rain a Good Sign
Reported: 20:00 PM - Feb/10/09
( Ichud Leumi (National Union) chairman Yaakov "Ketzeleh" Katz, who cast his vote in his home community of Beit El in Samaria, said he considered the rain a good sign. "These rains are a blessing that portends a deluge of votes for the National Union," he commented. "Our public is invigorated, not deterred, by the rain."
(Well, it was much more a storm than regular rain so, as I said, we have the Birthright but still lack the Blessing because of our divisions and being remote from together the Torah and the land.)
Ichud Leumi Posters in Kfar Chabad
Reports that Rabbi Eliyahu Said to Vote for Shas False
Reported: 20:24 PM - Feb/10/09
( Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, son of former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, said Tuesday that reports that his father said to vote for either Shas or Bayit Hayehudi were false. He emphasized that his father gave his full support to the Ichud Leumi (National Union) party.
Rav Eliyahu added: “How are there people who want to increase respect for the Torah by trampling the words of Torah scholars. If someone was considering voting for these parties this disgraceful behavior should change his mind.”
'Speed interview' with Maariv newspaper's website NRG
Nrg: The war in the south
Ketzaleh: The time has come to call it by its real name: the Disengagement War.
Nrg: Hamas.
Ketzaleh: A cancerous growth that strengthens from Israeli weakness.
Nrg: The Ichud HaLeumi (National Union) party.
Ketzaleh: Zionism with no hesitations. The surprise of these elections.
Nrg: The Jewish Home party.
Ketzaleh: Not only nationalists love Judaism. They need a home too.
Nrg: Splitting (of parties)
Ketzaleh: The Ichud HaLeumi brought together 4 separate parties and will not allow any split offs.
Nrg: Guaranteeing a spot on a party list for a woman
Ketzaleh: Women have always been the guarantee of the Jewish People.
Nrg: Minimum threshold (setting a minimum number of votes to get into Knesset).
Ketzaleh: It should be raised to reduce the number of small parties.
Nrg: Moshe Feiglin.
Ketzaleh: A Jew who was insulted. His followers should punish Bibi and return home.
Nrg: Binyamin Netanyahu.
Ketzaleh: We will strengthen him from within his government
Nrg: Baruch Marzel.
Ketzaleh: Will give us another Knesset seat.
Nrg: Arutz Sheva (which Ketzaleh founded).
Ketzaleh: A ship that will never be sunk. The left will not shut our mouths.
Nrg: Adir Zik z"l (famous broadcaster on Arutz Sheva who passed away).
Ketzaleh: I miss him. A man of truth. We need him.
Nrg: BeSheva newspaper (which Ketzaleh founded).
Ketzaleh: A profitable operation. One must also know how to advance an ideology.
Nrg: HaTzopheh newspaper (now defunct).
Ketzaleh: Of blessed memory.
Nrg: Gush Katif (the Jewish region destroyed by the Kadima gov't).
Ketzaleh: These bones represent all the House of Israel. A breath of life should enter you and revive you.
Nrg: Ariel Sharon.
Ketzaleh: A friend who has many merits and disappointed us. If he returns, we will receive him.
Nrg: Refusing orders.
Ketzaleh: Only when the order is illegal and immoral.
Nrg: Accepting dictates of the State.
Ketzaleh: This holy State needs root canal work.
Nrg: Rabbi Avraham Shapira.
Ketzaleh: A warrior.
Nrg: Hilltop youth.
Ketzaleh: A brigade in the Zionist enterprise.
Nrg: The Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
Ketzaleh: The time has come for a chief Rabbi from our camp.
Nrg: The Shas party.
Ketzaleh: Had they not supported the Oslo accords, everything would be different today.
Nrg: The Supreme Court.
Ketzaleh: The Neturei Karta of the left.
Nrg: Chardal (the religious hareidi-Zionist camp).
Ketzaleh: An up and coming force in the religious-Zionist camp.
Nrg: The two sides of the Jordan river.
Ketzaleh: This side is ours, and the other one too. (a well-known pre-state nationalist song).
Nrg: Arab citizens of Israel.
Ketzaleh: Today, even the last of the leftists knows to whom they are loyal.
Nrg: The Temple Mount.
Ketzaleh: It has already begun to be built, at least it the public awareness.
Nrg: G-d.
Ketzaleh: Dad.
Nrg: Breslov Chasidim.
Ketzaleh: Joy.
Nrg: A cane (part of Ketzaleh's leg was blown off in Yom Kippur war. He walks with a cane).
Ketzaleh: To walk on two complete legs is a privilege.
Nrg: The Jewish Underground.
Ketzaleh: The pre-state Jewish underground against the British was excellent.
Nrg: Channel 2 TV.
Ketzaleh: I criticize their content but respect their success.
Nrg: Internet.
Ketzaleh: An imaginary global village.
A Message to 'Feiglinites'
Pr. Paul Eidelberg
Some sanguinary Feiglinites would have the public believe that by voting Likud, not only will additional supporters of Moshe Feiglin enter the Knesset, but that one or two may receive cabinet portfolios by which to prevent Benjamin Netanyahu from surrendering Judea and Samaria! Not all Feiglinites are so naive. Nevertheless, most betray woeful ignorance of Israel’s system of prime ministerial government.
Notice I said “prime ministerial” government. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Israel is not a parliamentary democracy so much as a democratically elected autocracy. Israel’s prime minister has more power vis-à-vis- the Knesset than an American president has vis-à-vis Congress, if only because Congress can thwart his legislative program and hinder his foreign policy, even when both houses are controlled by the same party as the president.
There are no such institutional checks and balances in Israeli government. If proof is wanted, since Israel rebirth more than sixty years ago, no Labor-led, no Likud-led, and no Kadima-led government has ever been toppled by a Knesset vote of no confidence.
Prime ministers of Israel have enormous power over their cabinet ministers. Ministers know they may lose their portfolios and privileges in the event of an “untimely” new election. Since cabinet ministers are the leaders of the parties forming the ruling coalition in the Knesset, a prime minister can readily manipulate the Knesset. This is exactly what Ariel Sharon did in October 2004, when he “persuaded” 22 Likud MKs to vote for “unilateral disengagement,” which they did contrary to their campaign pledges, but primarily because MKs are not individually accountable to the voters in constituency elections.
Returning to the Feiglinite issue: Let us remember that Sharon dismissed Benny Elon and Avigdor Lieberman from his cabinet because of their opposition to “unilateral disengagement.” Elon and Lieberman were party leaders, and could therefore induce others to oppose Sharon. What could two Feiglinite cabinet ministers do—not that any will be appointed—besides resign from a Netanyahu government? BB will have no problem replacing them with Kadima and/or Labor MKs. More realistically, what could they do simply as Likud MKs?
Like Sharon, Netanyahu will design a coalition agreement that will require any Feiglinite to support the government’s policies. And if they fail to do so, they will suffer the consequences, whatever these may be.
In view of these considerations and the utter unreliability of Benjamin Netanyahu—which I have documented in other articles—it seems to me that Feiglinites would be well advised to vote for a party that unambiguously opposes a Palestinian state, foremost among which is the joint list of parties forming National Union.
Feiglinites should bear in mind that National Union will not be limited by any restrictive coalition agreement concocted by Netanyahu. They should also ponder the hundreds of thousands of floating votes, a large percentage of which may be attracted to National Union.
NU advocates political principles and policy positions that appeal to a large part of the public—above all, NO to a Palestinian state. The pubic distrusts Netanyahu on this issue. Countless voters wonder whether Netanyahu can stand up under American pressure. And BB is not famous on such issues as Jewish education and concern for the poor.
Another consideration. National Union includes the Hatikvah Party, hence one of Israel’s most courageous Knesset Members Professor Arieh Eldad. In contrast to the dismal record of Netanyahu and the Likud Party on “disengagement” from Gaza, Eldad will stand four square against a Palestinian state.
Moreover, Eldad, like Uri Bank of Moledet (another NU party), also wants to empower the people by making MKs accountable to the people in constituency elections—something opposed by Netanyahu.
These are reasons why Feiglinites should think again before voting Likud.
by Barry Chamish
I asked you not to vote. But only a third agreed. So here is what is being connived for you wasting your time: The "nationalist" camp won 65 seats, while the"moderate" camp won 55 seats, including 11 Arab parties. The Jews swamped the "peace" camp. But that camp had one party that got the most votes, Kadima, and the nation'spresident, Shimon "the Pieman" Peres, comes from Kadima. So, although the nationalist leader Binyamin Netanyahu could put together a government in a matter of days, the "moderate" leader Tzipi Livni will get the first shot at government-building by Peres. It's going to take a pile of bribery and blackmail but she's going to cobble together a coalition including Yisrael Beitenu, Shas, Labor, and get ready, if the fight becomes deadly enough, even their true ideological partner, the Likud.
Sounds bizarre, the loser becomes the winner? It's nothing. I was on court, front and center, for the rigging of the 1996 Israeli elections by Netanyahu. Now follow closely, I rarely have the opportunity to be nostalgic.
On April 3, 1997, I was supposed to lecture at Hebrew University on Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, organized by my still formidable friend, Brian Bunn. As it turned out, the Labor Party led by Knesset member Eitan Cabel, and the secret service, Shabak, organized a violent rally against me that turned me into front page news. The intent was to humiliate me, the result was to start my new career as a political crimes writer. Not that I'm thanking them. They didn't mean to and it's an insecure life. Not that there aren't rewards, like you reading this.
The morning after the riot, I received a phone call from Yaacov Mor. He introduced himself as, "The economist for the Minister of Welfare And Social Affairs, Eli Yishai." Today Yishai is the leader of the Shas Party. Mor continued, "But I previously worked for the Shabak. What I want to know is what you have that made the Shabak try to bury you."
So I invited Mor to my home to see my evidence. Back then I had some 80 documents, not the 2500 I ended up with, but they were devastating in proving Yigal Amir did not shoot Rabin. I had the police ballistics results showing that Rabin was shot at point blank, something Amir could not have physically done, and I had the hospital reports declaring that Rabin was shot 3 times, and once from the front, neither of which Amir was responsible for.
Yaacov was a naturally sympathetic fellow, and without hesitation I handed him my evidence collection, which he read in silence over the next half hour. When he finished, he put his right index finger vertically over his lips and used his left hand to guide me outside. When we reached the street, he said, "I'm not talking in your house. You have to be thoroughly bugged. Do you know those documents are authentic?"
I said I did.
"Then why didn't you get a job in Nepal or have an 'accident?' Do you know how high up this murder had to go?"
I answered that I did know how high up it had to go.
"I'll tell my Minister what I saw and I'm sure he'll contact you."
The next morning Eli Yishai's secretary called me. "Minister Yishai would like to have your documents and in return, will give you the most important story of the Rabin assassination. Do you agree?"
Indeed I did. In fact, I would have given the documents anyway, that's how much I still believed in the inherent honesty of the political system. That would change for good in the next two days.
Bright and chipper, Yaacov picked me up for the cheery ride to building Kirya 3, opposite the Knesset, and home to Eli Yishai's office. I made a little error, giving my documents to the secretary before I closed the deal. She guided me into a small office, closed the door, and I heard a vigorous conversation in the hall outside. Finally, the Shas Spokesman, Yisrael Sudri, then 24 or so, and today I believe he holds the same job, came in, shut the door behind him and sat down.
"The Minister could not attend the meeting," he announced, "But he wants you to know that he backs every claim I will make."
A bit of a comedown but I accepted the arrangement, like I really had a choice.
"It's about the 1996 elections...Netanyahu didn't win. Peres won by 3% just like all the polls had it. But the Likud had documents, and we think you've collected some of them. We're sure of it, actually. In February of '96, the leaders of the Likud met the leaders of Labor for a frank discussion of the elections. The Likud presented the documents, then someone, we think Netanyahu, held a few in his hand and said, 'If you bring up the name of Yitzhak Rabin even once in your campaign, we'll release these to the media." Netanyahu lifted another bundle of documents and said, 'If Peres wins our tv debate, we'll release these." Finally, he takes all the documents and says, "And if Peres wins the elections, we'll release them all."
"Now, I don't have to remind you that Rabin's name was not mentioned once in Labor's campaign and that Peres looked like a scary monster on the tv debate. But how could the election results be faked? We are going to leave you the name and phone number of a Tel Aviv law school PhD candidate. His thesis is on the '96 elections. He'll tell you."
I arranged to meet the PhD lawyer-to-be at a very empty and remote Tel Aviv restaurant. We sat in the remotest table and he made his voice inaudible at a range of five meters, in fact he almost whispered the whole meeting. It turns out, it didn't help.
"This Labor-Likud partnership destroyed over 160,000 votes for Peres, and replaced them with spoiled ballots."
Back to the present. That's almost 5% of the vote spoiled. In the 2000 elections, there was a highly publicized campaign to deliberately spoil votes as a protest, and 'only' 61,000 were spoiled.
"Think back to the election night. Peres is declared the winner by all the polls but refused to address and thank his crowd in Tel Aviv. But at midnight, a smiling Netanyahu addressed a half empty rally in Jerusalem promising them that by morning he will be Prime Minister. Then at 2 AM, the revolution in vote change appears out of nowhere. By the morning, Netanyahu wins. He knew the results were fixed."
I added an obvious thought. "So the Likud's documents proved Peres murdered Rabin?"
He gazed at the table and answered, "Is there another possibility?"
The lawyer-to-be added, "I trust you. I have strong proof that the vote destruction was organized by Interior Minister Chaim Ramon. Contact me tomorrow and we'll meet again to see my thesis."
The next day, he called me. "I got a phone call. We can't meet." I asked, "Do you mean today?" He replied, "I mean ever." He banged down for good and I don't recall his name.But I told his story to audiences whenever I felt it was appropriate. The usual reaction was, "So why didn't Netanyahu use the documents to get rid of Peres and Labor for good?" The answer is Labor and Peres have enough information on Netanyahu to have made this a one election deal. That'll do until and if the whole story is ever told by someone who was there.
Then, in Bet Shemesh in 2001, I told the story to a crowd of over 80 and one response hit the jackpot. The man added, "I was an election poll supervisor and when the polls closed, we took votes for Peres out of the boxes and burnt them out back. We replaced them with spoiled votes and resealed the boxes. I never understood who allowed this to happen, but I didn't want Peres elected so I played ball."
As for story back-up, my Bet Shemesh organizer was David Morris. Another 80 people heard the truth about this man's polling station at the lecture. As for Sudri, I chose to expose him after he appeared at Peres' 80th birthday bash. I was protesting outside when he appeared. I told him, "How could you celebrate Peres? I know what you told me?" Hewalked by, then turned around and shouted, "You're ruining the country."
So when I suggest that voting props up a political system run by murderers and their aiders and abetters, recall that as Shimon Peres gives Tzipi Livni the nod to form a coalition including Eli Yishai's Shas Party. But if Netanyahu is somehow given the first shot, recall that he still holds the big cards on Peres.
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