Jerusalem, Feb. 13, 2009
Mashaal: Shalit won't be part of deal
Hamas agrees Shalit deal before Gaza truce
Scroll down a little &
Vote for Gilad Shalit Release !
To release or not to release ?
To release or not to release ?
National Union: Prisoner release
'crime against Jewish nation'
... yes, who's right ???
I would 100% release 1000/1 !!!
I am ashamed I voted NU.
I should have listened to Barry ...
or, should I have known this before,
I had voted Kadima!
This written a day after what's below!
Is the left more 'leftist' in its heart
for life than for Torah ?
We are 2 people, Huxley's syndrome
of Double Thought ...
What ?
oops, WHAT ???
Nothing Sir.
The left is 'humanist'
and the right 'patriotic' ...
They cannot go with their natural brothers,
whom they make the ennemi,
and then,seek balance with non jews ...
To this end, there is a permanent need of a lot of
jews abroad to deal for that and get paid for their
silence on their selling Israel to its ennemies.
With Ichud Leumi's last words
we may be have lost more than we think.
This young fellow is named Ratzinger.
Now, as I felt it, Obama neither. His wife did it ...
You know, this little tricky sign, I don't put the picture here because it is half kosher, but you can see it at:
Is Bibi good for us ? I won't even ask for Tsipi, neither Lieberman but should I for Ishai ? Well, if you have read the last piece from Barry, I don't have to say.
So, is Katzeleh ? Are Chabad ?? My G.d, who is ???
The answer is not simple at all !!!
Ichud Leumi is ready to go to bed with Shas, Chabad is since a long time in bed with the 'powers to be' worldwide, from US to URSS, oops sorry, Russia, playing with huge amounts of money under the cover of what ? The Torah. Shas does the same here. And Katzeleh does nothing because he, like Shamir (Itzhak) in his time, believes that G.d is with him and that waiting like a well rooted tree (or so he thinks) will exhaust his ennemies.
When Sharon uprooted Gush Katif, I was there, with my two daughters, we left Bet El (we lived there at the time) in the morning and through the fields, after hiding from jeeps, police cars, even helicopters, we managed to reach Kissufim at midnight to see what ? Nothing. Nobody. We were there on a parking lot with a dozen of people and finally, after having put up a tent for my kids to rest, at around 3 am, a police guy made us quit. Then, we hid the rest of the night in a grapefruit orchard and at sunrise, we discovered that there were some fifty jews around us in the same orchard. We left.
When They destroyed the 11 houses in Amona, I stayed home but my daughters were on the hill, we lived in Ofra at the time. I have photos of all this but on another computer that should come back from a check soon, just wait. I had a walk up the hill at night before the cosaques 'worked' in the morning, and I tried to talk to some army guys, only to see they didn't talk hebrew ... young russians, druzes (Druze Beat Out Jews in Recruitment to IDF - 'yassams' (ex convicts for most), well, those ones never learned to talk at all !
Now, as I felt it, Obama neither. His wife did it ...
You know, this little tricky sign, I don't put the picture here because it is half kosher, but you can see it at:
Is Bibi good for us ? I won't even ask for Tsipi, neither Lieberman but should I for Ishai ? Well, if you have read the last piece from Barry, I don't have to say.
So, is Katzeleh ? Are Chabad ?? My G.d, who is ???
The answer is not simple at all !!!
Ichud Leumi is ready to go to bed with Shas, Chabad is since a long time in bed with the 'powers to be' worldwide, from US to URSS, oops sorry, Russia, playing with huge amounts of money under the cover of what ? The Torah. Shas does the same here. And Katzeleh does nothing because he, like Shamir (Itzhak) in his time, believes that G.d is with him and that waiting like a well rooted tree (or so he thinks) will exhaust his ennemies.
When Sharon uprooted Gush Katif, I was there, with my two daughters, we left Bet El (we lived there at the time) in the morning and through the fields, after hiding from jeeps, police cars, even helicopters, we managed to reach Kissufim at midnight to see what ? Nothing. Nobody. We were there on a parking lot with a dozen of people and finally, after having put up a tent for my kids to rest, at around 3 am, a police guy made us quit. Then, we hid the rest of the night in a grapefruit orchard and at sunrise, we discovered that there were some fifty jews around us in the same orchard. We left.
When They destroyed the 11 houses in Amona, I stayed home but my daughters were on the hill, we lived in Ofra at the time. I have photos of all this but on another computer that should come back from a check soon, just wait. I had a walk up the hill at night before the cosaques 'worked' in the morning, and I tried to talk to some army guys, only to see they didn't talk hebrew ... young russians, druzes (Druze Beat Out Jews in Recruitment to IDF - 'yassams' (ex convicts for most), well, those ones never learned to talk at all !

Nili, the 'Amona Girl'
See, all this and what happened next until the last Gaza 'war' was prepared from long and Sharon just had his 3rd birthday in coma, I believe that at the end he regreted it, like Rabin btw, too late for them unfortunately. Today, we face a much more difficult promise by the same guys, well, robots, inhuman beasts, as you like it, that are not very different from the one pictured up here, a war with Iran, a 3rd WW, Armagedon as Xtians say, and the crowning of a savior, Zombie Obama, or any other satanist.
We are in Israel still a little out of the financial turmoil, now, but we will not be out of the plan to wipe out America which is well underway because we are meant from scratch to be wiped out too by the very ones who promoted the creation of a "jewish" state, the ones who financed Hitler and Staline, the ones who did not bomb the camps but Dresden, the ones who spread aids and so many sweeties around, the ones who are in charge of colonial Europe, imperial America and Japan and Israel, yes my friends, the ones who inundate us with violence, drugs (legal or not) and porn, the ones who go to church or kiss the wall with a kippa ...
This is a well oiled monster, from Blair to Biden to Bibi to Merkel, Sarkozy, Strauss Kahn, Fisher, Bernanke, Jintao, Mubarak, Faycal, Putin, all of them, but those are the soldiers. The masters are Rockfeller, Kissinger, Juan Carlos, the Black Pope, Soros, Elizabeth (the queen), and many others we don't hear of because they are deemed out of the picture like the Kaiser for instance, yes, there still is one. Are we doomed ? Only too much naives to believe in such conspiracy stuff, too egoistic, too materialistic, too much behind a TV, a coktail, waiting for the next holidays in Turkey, well, maybe Greece now, too much hoping of a new car and so on.
Let the Arabs Run Israel for the Sake of Jews !
And maybe so, jews would remember what jew means, do we need another shoah ??? yes "israelis", be afraid, really, now, not much time to go for a last ride. The Jewish Home just said to Bibi they would approve a coalition with Kadima. We're in a mess, a nation of all its citizen. Not that I don't know Orlev the 'Traitor with a Kippa', just like every other, but the fact is there is noone to turn to except our Heavenly Father, and this should be deadly frightening in our times. Amalek is at the door, and he shows its nasty nose when jews wonder who they are, exactly what is happening right now, but modern Amalek has gone uranium enriched in our days ... And Rav Aviner is all smile saying arabs MKs are anti-Halacha. Is there one jew not out of the picture ???
And maybe so, jews would remember what jew means, do we need another shoah ??? yes "israelis", be afraid, really, now, not much time to go for a last ride. The Jewish Home just said to Bibi they would approve a coalition with Kadima. We're in a mess, a nation of all its citizen. Not that I don't know Orlev the 'Traitor with a Kippa', just like every other, but the fact is there is noone to turn to except our Heavenly Father, and this should be deadly frightening in our times. Amalek is at the door, and he shows its nasty nose when jews wonder who they are, exactly what is happening right now, but modern Amalek has gone uranium enriched in our days ... And Rav Aviner is all smile saying arabs MKs are anti-Halacha. Is there one jew not out of the picture ???
(For those who still doubt like dear Pr Paul Eidelberg, the problem does not lie in a structural problem of constitution or democracy but, as I report from Deuteronomy as the core reason of this blog, we for 99,99% of us are dumb individuals leaded by a handful of corrupted leaders: "So thou shalt put away the evil from the midst of thee. ... for the LORD thy God is in the midst of thee, a God great and awful.")
The reward will come. Not because those nazis or whatever want it, oh no, but because we deserve it, and G.d will send them to clean a little, not that He wants to, He didn't want to destroy the Temple, did He ??
He didn't want that we die in the Shoah, did He ? We have eyes but don't see, ears but don't listen and not Jesus said that first should I remind us ? We jews are the only ones who could do something because we have a Law, G.d gave us a channel to reach Him, prophets to teach and warn us, we not only had King David but Shaul, yes, Shaul, who was greater than David, I won't explain now.
And what do we do ? Each one stands for himself, every one of us is his own kinglet and look at the other not as a brother, neither an ennemy but another, another self, another remote chap. See, even at the synagogue, each one stands for himself, for his own petty self. From down to top and top to down. There is no curiosity in life, there is no sharing for free inthe fate of the other, no understanding of our collective responsability before G.d. He is here and we are not. He has always been here and we have always been on another planet, a dreamland of our own, even not idols, even not lust of greed or pride but away, out, cosmonauts in our own lives preparing the next barbecue ...
Then, you might ask, why did I rejoice at the news of Chabad supporting Ichud Leumi ? Or why is it important that Obama has been elected ? Because though we fail again and again, me included, things are moving. If the satanists, NWO, illuminati, moabites or whatever believe that they are advancing their agenda of world conquest, there is another agenda that does not only rely on man that is moving (movin' ...) under cover and there are events that show us that whatever happens, this second agenda is progressing. The only question will be at what price ?
As you should know, nothing good or bad happens without His consent, but he cannot spare us against our will. We should be together relieved that the coming of Machiach (our definitive salvation and the end of the last exile, we are still in it even here in Israel) is on the way but we should be afraid of the circumstances of this coming since we had the shoah not so long ago, ask my father ... So, the ultimate question should be: are we, jews, good for ourselves ? Not our selves but collectively, one another, and there is only one answer, you know it, don't you ?
The reward will come. Not because those nazis or whatever want it, oh no, but because we deserve it, and G.d will send them to clean a little, not that He wants to, He didn't want to destroy the Temple, did He ??
He didn't want that we die in the Shoah, did He ? We have eyes but don't see, ears but don't listen and not Jesus said that first should I remind us ? We jews are the only ones who could do something because we have a Law, G.d gave us a channel to reach Him, prophets to teach and warn us, we not only had King David but Shaul, yes, Shaul, who was greater than David, I won't explain now.
And what do we do ? Each one stands for himself, every one of us is his own kinglet and look at the other not as a brother, neither an ennemy but another, another self, another remote chap. See, even at the synagogue, each one stands for himself, for his own petty self. From down to top and top to down. There is no curiosity in life, there is no sharing for free inthe fate of the other, no understanding of our collective responsability before G.d. He is here and we are not. He has always been here and we have always been on another planet, a dreamland of our own, even not idols, even not lust of greed or pride but away, out, cosmonauts in our own lives preparing the next barbecue ...
Then, you might ask, why did I rejoice at the news of Chabad supporting Ichud Leumi ? Or why is it important that Obama has been elected ? Because though we fail again and again, me included, things are moving. If the satanists, NWO, illuminati, moabites or whatever believe that they are advancing their agenda of world conquest, there is another agenda that does not only rely on man that is moving (movin' ...) under cover and there are events that show us that whatever happens, this second agenda is progressing. The only question will be at what price ?
As you should know, nothing good or bad happens without His consent, but he cannot spare us against our will. We should be together relieved that the coming of Machiach (our definitive salvation and the end of the last exile, we are still in it even here in Israel) is on the way but we should be afraid of the circumstances of this coming since we had the shoah not so long ago, ask my father ... So, the ultimate question should be: are we, jews, good for ourselves ? Not our selves but collectively, one another, and there is only one answer, you know it, don't you ?
And there is only one way to correct this: "I am the LORD thy G.d" (Exodus 20/2, the first Word of the ten ... and What does He means ?
BrrrrrEAKIN' NEWS ...
IDF: Iran Threat N°1 to Israel
That's it !!! (Reminder):
The time has come but fortunately, there is another agenda on track that no one can beat: Machiach, that is our only hope. Israel is on the list from its creation for bargain, anihilation if you want, and Iran is the one set up to do it, don't believe one second that Iran's leadership is against US, this is the biggest PSY.OP of all times. There is noone at the command to simply think of such a possibility (peace between Iran & Israel) and the people, even if they understood what's going on could not raise a finger to say no. As I just said, let's pray, Iranians as well, because it might be a no return game, remember Russia is ready to play nukes too ... (
PS: I moved Barry's last article at the end of last post.
Barry's Short
Between us:
50 killed in NY plane crash; 2 Israelis suspected onboard
Foreign Ministry inquires on whereabouts of
two Israeli nationals suspected to have been on flight
that crashed in Buffalo,
leaving all passengers dead.
Continental Airlines says no knowledge of
Israelis aboard flight.
Ynet and AP.
How Obama fixes his mistakes
He assured victim-family member Beverly Eckert he would investigate her claims of 9-11 negligence.
Less than a week later she dies in a Continental Express plane that suddenly nosedives into a house in Erie Country, NewYork.
How Clintonesque!

Problem person dies in plane crash.
On Feb. 6, 2009 Beverly Eckert and other family members of 9-11 victims met with President at the Executive Office building in Washington DC.
Present were victims of both the USS Cole bombing and the 9-11 mass-murder with crashbombings and planted explosives.
Obama assured her -- see picture -- that he would prosecute anything that she could present. Eckert, the founder of Voices for September 11th maintained that there had been criminal negligence (but not criminal conspiracy) which enabled the attack to succeed.
Remember that victims were payed a million dollars to keep their mouths shut and not sue anybody. (The money that people all over the world spontaneously sent for victims not allowed to get to them. They had to sign before they received a penny of help.)
I also remember that Barbara Olsen, a well-known critic of Hillary Clinton was on of the passengers of Flight 77.
I also remember that all of my letters and phone calls to the 9-11 commission were ignored. The Jewish official with the responsibility of controlling all communications with the committee -- replied that he new exactly which agency to direct letters from me.
I also can catalog other instances of remote-control takeover crashes where especially troublesome common enemies of the ruling elite have died. I have done the research and I am certain.
EgyptAir Flight 990 on Oct. 31, 1999 is just one example.If Mr. Obama wants multiple lines of proof that 9-11 was a false-flag attack he need only send investigators to me - but he will have to create them first, because no one in the FBI or any other agency is investigating this kind of crime.In the death of Eckert we have a clear message from the Obama administration: "Get nosy about the details of 9-11 and the attack on the USS Cole and see what happens to you."
Foreign Ministry sources following the plane crash in Buffalo, New York, which left 50 people dead, expressed concerns on Friday for the lives of two Israeli citizens who may have been onboard the aircraft. The concerns arose after two families contacted the ministry after being unable to contact their loved ones.
The Israeli Consulate in New York is also involved in an effort to inquire for more details on the victims of the crash. A Continental Airlines spokesperson said, "At this point, we have no knowledge of any Israelis onboard the plane."
However the Foreign Ministry stated that the airline had contacted the two Israelis' families.Continental Connection Flight 3407 flying from Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey headed for Buffalo Niagara International Airport crashed into a house while coming in to land Thursday night.The crash sparked a fiery explosion that killed all 49 people on board and one person on the ground.The Foreign Ministry continued efforts to gather information on the two Israelis suspected to have been on the flight and the Israeli Consulate in New York is in constant contact with the families.
Bibi's CFR Grooming
Try to see it my way
Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu was spotted at MIT in 1973 and the grooming began there when he was in his early twenties. After graduating, he received a high paying job at Boston Consulting. His boss was Ira Magaziner (CFR). But he quit the job in 1979, returned to Israel, staring selling furniture at the Rim company, then organized an anti-terror convention. Inexplicably, the CFR sent a team of their biggest guns including George Bush Sr., Richard Perle and George Shultz to this unknown 27 year old’s get-together.
Once the convention was over, Netanyahu returned to work selling home furniture for three years until 1982, when Washington Ambassador Moshe Arens invited him to be his deputy. He claimed the choice was indirectly made by those who came to his convention and “were impressed with his performance.” That means Bush and Shultz pressed Arens to bring Bibi to Washington. From there, they pushed his career higher. In 1985, Shultz chaired another anti-terror convention in Washington supposedly organized by Netanyahu. By the time Bibi was UN Ambassador Schultz visited him every time he was in New York, and that was often.Having groomed and financed Netanyahu into office, the CFR made certain his tenure as head of the opposition did not endanger the Oslo process.
Though Netanyahu had the goods and scandals to fell Labor, he was a remarkably restrained opposition leader.In September 1995, PM Rabin told what he thought was a funny story on Israel Television One. It seems his CFR handler, Henry Kissinger phoned him to relate that Netanyahu called to ask him to declare that American troops would not be placed on the Golan Heights as part of a peace deal with Syria. Who Kissinger was supposed to make this declaration to was not revealed.Kissinger, according to Rabin, laughed at Bibi and told him to quit bothering him. The next day Netanyahu confirmed his phone call but denied Rabin’s mocking version of it.The moral of the story is that both the leader of the government and opposition got their commands from their CFR officer.
Last Joseph Ehrlich Opinion
(I disagree for the first half,
-my separation,
the Slavery Market
Will NOT "CHANGE" Hands)
1. There is so much misinformation that it is important to cover it.
Note in the article below that Japan is the second largest world economy. Germany is the number one exporter but Japan is the second largest world economy.
Oil is down to $37 a barrel and with the food prices and prices in general toward their highs and themselves not retracing one has to ask what is really going on? Most people know that oil is not going to stay low and prices will remain high. So why all the sleight of hand?
Go back when we said that was the way to go. There wasn't a word about it and no one was considering it possible. However, Obama, is on the right path THE ONLY PATH TO SAVE THIS NATION.
Of course, protectionism kills Europe and Asia because the US economy if rebuilt and protectionist will be the prime beneficiary. All this globalization BS all these years was to rape us and shift the economic power to where it found itself to wit IN ENEMY HANDS.
So the American worker is up to here with NAFTA and the other BS that has driven them to poverty and closed towns and mills and the American way of life.
When it comes down to it folks I really rather drive a less than perfect US automobile that a perfect German or Japanese car if protectionism served the country and rebuilt our industrial base.
2. Of course, I want to see everything that came with globalization disappear those whores who work for government who keep raising tolls and taxes mainly to protect their own turf as though it were their turf.
Americans are thinking revolutionary type of thoughts. They however can't get a feel for the enemy because the media obfuscates them. As you can see, Greenspan and Madoff are in the headlights, as many Jews and Jewish names will be, as though the Moabites were some form of Jewish organization. This again is what I said would prove the case: that Jews like Greenspan would be positioned where the Moabites wanted them to be when the roof caved in so that people would blame the Jews.
The spectrum of greed encompasses all ethnicities and religious backgrounds. Bad people are bad people and evil people are evil. When they run the nation and the world we get the darkness that I could have told Rabban Gamliel and Akiva lied ahead. How would I have known. I know that G-d does not look to intervene into our lives unless there was a reason for OUR BENEFIT in his doing so. Who wants to be involved with us? I assure you not intelligent life forms in other universes. They would like G-d to turn His back because they think we serve no genuine purpose but a negative one (as seems to be the case). So what is it that keeps G-d with us? I am not sure because I would not blame Him for turning His back on us because we surely do not deserve His mercy and blessings. But there is a kernal of godliness in each of us and perhaps He want to see it blossom in all of us. Perhaps we find out ultimately in the next life.
Meanwhile, all I can remind everyone is that this nation reached its pinnacle due to its Judeo-Christian spirit. We have lost so much of it that there is a direct correlation between that loss and our currrent plight. All I can say is that this economic malaise should have driven people into the churches and synagogues. I don't really see it which means that the Moabites have been very successful in their long term campaign to pollute man's relationship with G-d. That by the way is why their time is soon over. However, it seems that people respond on a large scale to a leader for good as they regrettably at times do for a leader for bad or evil. I continue to pray and hold by my belief that Obama (with Hillary) can prove a leader for good. My channel skills tell me Bill is trying to sell Hillary to formally move to the dark side. He is very persuasive but my vision was that Hillary has removed Bill from her heart and soul (as she should have done long ago).
So it is just a matter of waiting these days to see what unfolds. However, I am glad that many in the nation understand the importance of protectionism in order for us to survive as a nation. I assure you that the Moabites are doing everything to deny it taking hold.
Americans are thinking revolutionary type of thoughts. They however can't get a feel for the enemy because the media obfuscates them. As you can see, Greenspan and Madoff are in the headlights, as many Jews and Jewish names will be, as though the Moabites were some form of Jewish organization. This again is what I said would prove the case: that Jews like Greenspan would be positioned where the Moabites wanted them to be when the roof caved in so that people would blame the Jews.
The spectrum of greed encompasses all ethnicities and religious backgrounds. Bad people are bad people and evil people are evil. When they run the nation and the world we get the darkness that I could have told Rabban Gamliel and Akiva lied ahead. How would I have known. I know that G-d does not look to intervene into our lives unless there was a reason for OUR BENEFIT in his doing so. Who wants to be involved with us? I assure you not intelligent life forms in other universes. They would like G-d to turn His back because they think we serve no genuine purpose but a negative one (as seems to be the case). So what is it that keeps G-d with us? I am not sure because I would not blame Him for turning His back on us because we surely do not deserve His mercy and blessings. But there is a kernal of godliness in each of us and perhaps He want to see it blossom in all of us. Perhaps we find out ultimately in the next life.
Meanwhile, all I can remind everyone is that this nation reached its pinnacle due to its Judeo-Christian spirit. We have lost so much of it that there is a direct correlation between that loss and our currrent plight. All I can say is that this economic malaise should have driven people into the churches and synagogues. I don't really see it which means that the Moabites have been very successful in their long term campaign to pollute man's relationship with G-d. That by the way is why their time is soon over. However, it seems that people respond on a large scale to a leader for good as they regrettably at times do for a leader for bad or evil. I continue to pray and hold by my belief that Obama (with Hillary) can prove a leader for good. My channel skills tell me Bill is trying to sell Hillary to formally move to the dark side. He is very persuasive but my vision was that Hillary has removed Bill from her heart and soul (as she should have done long ago).
So it is just a matter of waiting these days to see what unfolds. However, I am glad that many in the nation understand the importance of protectionism in order for us to survive as a nation. I assure you that the Moabites are doing everything to deny it taking hold.
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