The different crisis we currently experiment are not merely financial, economical or systemical but human.
We have let our passions and miseries dominate our dreams, and our lives.
We are dessicated.
The worst human behavior doesn't bother us.
We have allowed sharks and wolfs at the command of the world.
In human societies, those who have the less feelings succeed best.
This should be old news, from history books.
Like the 8 o' clock traffic jams around schools,

10 Million Americans Disappeared
during the Great Depression Time
And all this has a single cause: man. Humanity is divided, men and women don't agree on the basic values of life, not to say in its practical ways. I'd rather believe that the essence of the division has its origin in a particular point of the brain known as "Gyrus Supramarginalis" (in K. Lorenz: Psychology and Phylogenesis), which acts as a link between knowing and acting, between the spiritual and the material.
Roughly, some people tend to value more one part or the other and believe that this part should receive orders of the other, that one part has to lead upon the other for the convenience of life or for one's own intimate faith, or one's union with what one's feel about this need of preeminence from one side on the other.

When W. Pauli said: "G.d created the volume and the Devil surfaces", he indeed describes our civilizations of diamonds and fictions made the core of man's life, be it called either spiritual or materialist. We have deserted the fresh deepness of the ocean to dry on the shore. To climb on an Everest will not help. We must recover our own values that express themselves in no other way than fighting for the truth, against the lies of so called leaders, for our profound right to be good, to believe in others, to share and work for our hopes, to recall we are human ... beings, until we will be no more, blame Mickey Mouse, the Prophet, the Bankster, the Leader (of any kind) but don't be surprised if we implode of all this blood, this mud a few people pour on multitudes of others, worldwide, second after second, tick, tick ...

Reported: 22:40 PM - Feb/25/09
To Renew the Beginning: A Lesson from an Atheist
Paul Eidelberg
For in their beginnings, comments Leo Strauss, religions and republics must have had some virtue or strength, else they would not have gained their initial reputation and would not have spread. “Machiavelli proves his thesis regarding republics, by the example of Rome’s regaining new life and new virtue after her defeat by the Gauls.” Rome then renewed its old orders, especially those of religion, through the neglect of which she had suffered disaster and had declined.
Therein we see why the United States is declining. The Americans have forsaken the religion that inspired the beginning of their republic. I am alluding to the theology and ethics embodied in their Declaration of Independence. The Declaration, which was included in eight of the original thirteen states of the Federal Union, expresses the underlying political philosophy of the American Constitution. Abraham Lincoln called the Declaration “our ancient faith.” Nevertheless, President Barack Obama has boasted that he will provide a new Declaration of Independence, hence a new beginning.
Evident here is the monumental arrogance of America’s new president, and arrogance rooted in abysmal ignorance. This arrogance of ignorance has long been evident among Israel’s political and judicial elites. These elites stumble in darkness, the darkness of a state whose so-called Declaration of Independence tacitly denies the Covenant of Mount Sinai. Blinded by the Enlightenment or the “Age of Reason,” they have been pursuing the irrational policy of “territory for peace” with Arabs who never experienced the Enlightenment and whose religion exalts war.
The Age of Reason has thus led in Israel—and not only in Israel—to an Age of Unreason or Stupidity. Israel’s Illuminati believe they can make Israel’s backward, barbaric, and jihadic enemies modern, civilized, and peaceful by making them prosperous! What a travesty of 2,000 years of Jewish suffering, so many as dhimmis among Muslims who once again are threatening civilization.
Israel, the “light of the nations,” has become a black hole. Let me remind you of the illustrious Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen, who called Judaism the “religion of reason.” Cohen traced the religion of reason to Moses, mankind’s greatest law-giver. Alas, Moses has been supplanted in Israel by Judge Aharon Barak, the former president of Israel’s Supreme Court, who laid down the dictum “everything is justiciable,” including, therefore, the law of Moses.
Barak and his anti-Jewish minions—let us not mince words—Barak and his ultra-secular Illuminati want to make Israel another dismal “state of its citizens,” a state lacking any distinctive national identity, which can only mean they want to nullify Israel as a Jewish state. These peace-loving Ahmadinejads want to wipe Israel off the map!
One way of erasing Israel is by expunging the historical or collective memory of the Jewish people. This lobotomy can be done by establishing an Arab state in Judea and Samaria—the names of places sanctified by the Prophets of Israel and hallowed by the teachings of Israel’s great rabbis.
This is why the Camp David Accords refer to Judea and Samaria as the “West Bank.” Those accords were signed, in shortsightedness, if not in cowardice, by Menachem Begin! A few words in a document — not economics, not Marxism, not “American pressure” — inaugurated a revolution among the people of Israel.
A few words propelled these Jews on a road that may deprive them of their heartland and national identity. Even though that road is already soaked with Jewish blood, we still have spiritually vacuous and intellectually shallow prime ministers serving, in a stupidity born of cowardice, the spearhead of Islamic imperialism. Nothing is further from their minds than to restore the virtue and strength of Israel’s beginning.
Then let us put our minds to work and form a virtual government based on structural principles related to those of the Torah, a government whose elected and appointed ministers love and honor the Jewish people and who want to renew the virtue and strength of their ancient heritage? I mean a government that would empower the Jewish people and represent their noblest aspirations. Hence, a government that wants to revive the world-historical mission of the Jewish People, the one and only God-bearing nation.
Dear Friends,
It has been an intense time for me. Moreover, the movies out there represent a higher level of depth than normally seen from Hollywood. One movie Defiance has no nominations for tonight's Oscars (as far as I can see) and it was my favorite movie among them all. While, as will come no shock to you, I know the fourth Beilski brother and his wife (when in FL) we never discussed anything remotely connected to WWII. Moreover, I need not do that because as you might remember my father was in the forests and survived the very existence shown by the movie until he could not take the cold weather any longer after a number of years and due to his fluent German hid out in the underground/resistance in Munich, Germany (where as he adeptly put it, few were looking or expecting to find any longer Jews there).
I thought the actors playing the two main characters were terrific and I thought what the movie represented was actual truth: it showed it, the good and bad, as it took place. There seems to be two streams of Jews represented there as today: those that represent the urban element and those that represent the rural element: the latter having usually to do the fighting normally connected to the failings of the urban element.
My own roots are in the very rural element represented by the Bielskis. Now, again, I think the two streams are going to become overt again. What really galls me is that the German pope has undermined all the positive the former pope achieved. He has reverted to prayers removed, he has again put the Jews on the other side of the fence and shown his true disposition by putting into prominence bishops holding anti Semitic viewpoints and tendencies. This to me is the sign that the Moabites have positioned as long seen by me the Jews to assume their scapegoat function as the global depression unfolds, with a black president seen pretty much helpless to do anything.
Then of course the featured point of this email is the article below showing Netanyahu as Rambo set to proceed to wipe out Iran.
I only ask these questions. If Iran becomes nuclear exactly how is it a greater threat than it is today to Israel? What is Islamic Iran going to do: bomb the holy land with nuclear bombs despoiling the land for centuries? What reaction does Iran expect if it uses nuclear weapons against Israel? Does it really think it will not be totally eviscerated because that in fact would be the result. Who would be happy with this result? You know who except the Moabites fear the nuclear bomb since it links back to Sodom. Iran wants the nuclear bomb for the same reason North Korea developed it. Without it, North Korea like Iraq would have been invaded. Japan knows that NK's primary target with nuclear weapons IS NOT South Korea but Japan.
What country then fears Iran having nuclear bombs? Yes, of course, the homeland: Germany.
Last night I saw The Reader. What I left with regarding the primary scene of the movie (for me) of how an earnest straightforward honest illiterate and basically kind person, who was a prison guard, swallowed the blame with the blessings of the German court for the true culprits in the death of 300 prisoner Jews. She, the main character, carrying German pride, was ashamed to absolve herself by simply attesting that she could not read or write, and her young lover, Michael, who was now a law student, while in love with her, was not able to muster the courage due to the German culture, to either see her or move to help absolve her but after she received a life sentence he sent her the tapes that meant so much to her. This was something akin to The Green Mile, where the man linked to G-d, who was innocent, who saved the lives of his prison guards etc., was asked whether they could give him anything he wanted as his last meal, willingly standing silent while knowing his complete innocence.
Who are those that I admired in the two movies. I think an Oscar might go to Kate for The Reader because she so brilliantly conveyed a woman who made an ugly decision to work for Siemens as a prison guard, who followed her orders to maintain rules and regulations, but conveyed that she was a simple but honest woman who was trying to live out a life highly bereft of any good fortune or opportunity, especially as an illiterate, under a background we were denied. Critics will say that she ruined Michael's life, but she did not. She moved away to assure it. Moreover, the opening scene showed that she was a caring person doing what few others would do for him when he was seriously ill. When before the German Court she told the truth no matter how low she was regarded by that arrogant court and her equally arrogant co-prison guards who escaped as so many others punishment for inflicted cruelties which was not part of the main character's true nature, but was obviously part of their's.
Michael's affinity for Hanna was based on the reality that a person crossed his life who not primarily introduced him to sexual relations, but who was a person who was bluntly honest but caring. All the airs and pretenses that surrounded him, his family, his schooling, and his relationships, were removed by just an honest simple relationship THE ESSENCE OF SLUM DOG MILLIONAIRE.
I doubt you will ever read or hear a tie in between The Reader and Slum Dog Millionaire but in fact both movies rest on the very same foundation.
Defiance on the other hand, shows relationships evolving under the threat of basic survival (think Slum Dog Millionaire). Men whom women otherwise would not be inclined to favor for their future, realize and recognize that without them they have no future and due to that reality forge lifetime bonds on a predicate far more real and meaningful than what our Moabite societies support for such relationships: accounting for the high rate of divorce etc.
If you appreciate the links I have provided for you between the movies you should see them all in no particular order but I think you will walk away with knowledge and insight from these movies you might have not without the connect the dots analysis provided above.
I offer such analyses because I think such analyses really enhance not only your movie experience but make points and lessons which truly endure and thereby enhance your life as these insights, gifts to me, enhance my own.
PS. For political (politically correct) reasons, movie critics could not even begin to even cover what I touch upon above. Further, one of good friends, who passed on, was a scout for the military against Japan -- the most dangerous assignment probably in the military. He was the second toughest person I ever knew and both of them represented probably the toughest people alive on planet earth. In any event, he knew about the Japanese atrocities, in prison camp and elsewhere. Thus, I doubt you will ever see a movie predicated on US solider's experiences with the Japanese, either on the field, or in a prison camp. I hand it to my late friend, he once went with me to a Japanese restaurant, owned by people I know whom are Japanese. He was so uncomfortable I still remember it. He was a hero among the Philippine military, since his exploits were legendary (and there was a book written about him but I don't mention it because it did not cover his military experience). What it all boils down to is that under the right circumstances life proves that we would all kill each other, some with compassion, and others with unbridled cruelty. This perhaps is our ultimate destiny.
U.S. Paper: Bibi Vs. Ahmadinejad Like Churchill Vs. Hitler
by Gil Ronen
“The global stage is set for a confrontation reminiscent of Churchill vs. Hitler and Reagan vs. Gorbachev,” the paper declared in a weekend editorial. “How long will [Binyamin] Netanyahu tolerate an Iranian nuclear threat before acting?”
The editorial notes that while U.S. President Barack Obama believes Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can be engaged diplomatically, “whatever grand Barack/Mahmoud summits lie ahead may have just been dealt a pre-emptive strike, courtesy of the Israeli electorate.”
The paper says that Netanyahu “used his first statement as prime minister-presumptive to send a powerful message to both Iran and the Obama administration.”
“To the shock of many, he pointedly refused even to mention the Palestinian peace process, which has been going nowhere of late. Nor was there, again clearly deliberately, any reference made to the so-called two-state solution, which those negotiations had been aiming to find.”
“Instead, the man who will soon once again lead the state of Israel spoke of ‘the gravest threat to our existence since the war of independence’ - Tehran's Islamofascist regime, which for years now has been pursuing a uranium enrichment program it claims to be peaceful, but which even the United Nations diplomats who seek to appease Iran know to be an unprecedented danger to the free world.”
The editorial cites the recent discovery by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that Iran has enriched more uranium than it had admitted to enriching and can now produce a nuclear bomb. “the IAEA doesn't even know how many centrifuges Iran is manufacturing. And considering the urgency of the Iranian nuclear threat, it is incomprehensible and outrageous that the rest of the world stands for its inspections taking place only once a year,” IBD notes angrily.
“It all spells the deadliest of challenges ahead for the United States and the rest of the civilized governments of the world. It seems, however, that only one leader fully appreciates the threat. Like Churchill, Benjamin Netanyahu is calling on his political rivals to unite in a broad ‘national unity’ coalition government.
“In nullifying the Islamist nuclear threat it should not be only Israel that unites, but all of us,” the paper concludes.
February 21, 2009
by Henry Makow
The Elders of Zion vowed to harass the nations with corruption and strife until they accepted their "Superstate" (i.e. world government tyranny.)
"The recognition of our despot may also come ...when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence - a matter which we shall arrange for - of their rulers, will clamor: "Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders - frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts - who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives." (emphasis mine, Protocols of Zion, 10-18)
Of course, this also applies to the current economic depression. Right on cue, Henry Kissinger, CEO of the NWO, tells us: "the alternative to a new international order is chaos." The "E" in CEO stands for Extortion. "Please Mr. Kissinger, give back our prosperity. We'll agree to anything."We are in the eighth inning of a long term conspiracy and must shake off our complacency. This is not another recession; it is a final life-and-death power grab. A satanic cult, the Illuminati, has subverted all nations and religions and now is moving to consolidate its power. Our "leaders" (including Obama) belong to this cult. From their past record (in Russia & China), it is possible to predict the future: Conditions will deteriorate. There will be civil unrest. An assassination or some other contrived terror will result in war or martial law. Anyone who has expressed opposition to their agenda, -- patriots, Christians, "anti Semites" -- will be put into concentration camps and possibly murdered. The war and suffering will be such that the masses will accept the Illuminati's sugar coated tyranny. I hope I am wrong.

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