Waltz With Obama

Jerusalem, Jan. 29, 2009

Dear reader,

I have put aside for now the following of coincidences because of a (very much)
more important issue, that somehow is related to it, and the following will need
a bit of translating work, please wait for the end ! Thank's a lot.

What does US President Obama think while dancing ?

This is THE question.

Does he think: "I have defeated all the whites who have made my brothers and sisters suffer for centuries and this dance is nothing but a symbol of the justice that I will try my best to uphold for my people and others in trouble during the times to come." ?

Or: "I deserve it more than anyone and I will enjoy no end my victory with my family whatever is asked me to do as president." ? (Obama in the Boots of General Lee !! - http://blogs.reuters.com/frontrow/2009/01/31/obama-shares-spotlight-with-palin-at-alfalfa-dinner/)

Looking at both the pose of his wife in the oval office and the list of his mostly CFR/NWO staff (http://www.newswithviews.com/baldwin/baldwin487.htm -http://rense.com/general85/zaround.htm), I would apparently bet on the second possibility, but who knows ?

Upon this doubt on the moral options opened to him lies a striking possibility
that he could turn the entire world for the best or the worse.

The following explanation comes from a deep understanding of the world through Torah researching by a great Rav, here in Jerusalem, who for years (and not only him but he is on the right spot) is succeeding to explain the reasons of our today world through the prism of judaism, Rav Dynovisz. His explanations (in french: http://ravdynovisz.tv/videos.php?id=17) are mostly rooted in the Torah, of course, the Zohar, Rachi and many other great rabbis of the past (for our subject the Malbim, around 150 years ago) who have amazingly described/prophetized our present time from the suicide bombings with nails in their explosives (thorns in the chair) to our ennemies hiding in subteraneans caves, and even the Mumbai's assassination of 5 'tsaddikim' (and the last Gaza war, 32 days later - http://www.ravdynovisz.tv/videos.php?id=51) and much more.

I usually don't take account of such knowledge because it is not a binding neither a rational way of explaining the world's events that still remain free choices depending on the freewill of all. Nonetheless, freewill is a personal capacity that mostly dissapears in groups actions or states management and this is why the worlds events are mainly unfolding in a way that could be considered as a possibly foreseeable plan (I hope, G.d willing, that I will be able to come back to this subject that is tied to the coincidences). Though the past founds our present, it is the future that draws it into being what it is.

Whatever the truth behind the kabbalist demonstration, Obama, the most powerful man on earth, the "miracle" success story of an abandoned child of divorced parents raised by mostly his own will, with some errors but who doesn't do any, should manage anything he can to alleviate the suffering of distressed people in the US and set so a worldwide example for the future of humanity, if only to answer the crazy (?) hopes put into him by millions of souls. If HE doesn't do it, nobody will ever, and should he fail, darkness will rise as never before.

800 Million 'Street Children' by 2020 ?!http://www.friends-international.org/aboutkids.html

1. The Name

Obama's election should have defied the common sens of every american. He should not have made it, even if supported by the NWO, only because of his names that ought to have frightened anyone in America. Hussein is the name of the Saddam, and Obama reminds too well of Ossama. It is as if a candidate in Israel with a name like (with no comparison of course !) Adolf Hijler was presenting himself to lead the jewish state ...

2. Torah Codes
(There is a lot of misuse of this for predictions of all sorts which are out of subject because nothing is written in advance in the way some tends to wrongly believe, and this point is not very much important in itself)

This is a special, well accepted, way to search for names in the Torah that consists in the finding of the letters of a name which appears at regular intervals. Obama appears at a straight leap of 7 letters (7 refers to holiness, the seventh day) in (http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt1238.htm) Ezekiel 38/2-3, the chapter that talks about the leading prince ('nassi': president in hebrew) of Meshech and Tuval . Counting from the 'alef' of 'nassi', the name Obama is clearly spelled. The two verses introduce the section of the war of 'Gog and Magog'.
בֶּן-אָדָם, שִׂים פָּנֶיךָ אֶל-גּוֹג אֶרֶץ הַמָּגוֹג--נְשִׂיא, רֹאשׁ מֶשֶׁךְ וְתֻבָל; וְהִנָּבֵא, עָלָיו.
וְאָמַרְתָּ, כֹּה אָמַר אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה: הִנְנִי אֵלֶיךָ, גּוֹג--נְשִׂיא, רֹאשׁ מֶשֶׁךְ וְתֻבָל.

2 'Son of man, set thy face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy on him,
3 and say: Thus saith the Lord G.d: Behold, I am toward thee, O Gog, prince of Meshech and Tubal;

3. Preamble

- The Torah had been given in the form of "a black fire over a white fire". The black fire means the royalty (of man) and the white fire the kingship of G.d (the Torah is not only a book but the eternal law of G.d of which the creation is an imperfect mirror), the aim being for man to exert his power over the world in accordance with the law of G.d.
Man's failure is symbolized by the fault of Adam Harichon that cut the black fire from the white fire, and thus reigns upon earth without reference to G.d's kingship, to G.d's will.

- The color black personifies man's royalty. Moshe's wife was a black woman and, when came a time that Moshe (Moise) separated from Tsipora ('ha kushit', the black) his wife, his sister Myriam went to him and asked Moshe not to do that for she was afraid her brother would fail to unify the Kingship of G.d, the white fire that he was representing (Moshe has been the only being to be able to see G.d, although from behind) with the royalty of man who was in his black wife (woman also represents royalty, a black woman symbolizes twice royalty - a woman is man's crown) and thus fail to repair Adam Harishon fault. Moshe answered that the repairing of Adam's failure would occur only in the future because he himself was not the vessel to do that at this time. More, the 'tikkun' (repair) would not concern the jewish people only but the whole world and the representative at the time of the royalty of man on earth, Pharaoh, was far from having the potential to fix Adam's curse.

- Then, we learn from the laws (halachot) of 'nida' (monthly separation between husband & wife) that the colour black is in fact a variation of red that has lost its glance and is even more unclean. 'Edom' (red) is written like Adam with the addition of a 'vav' (o), which means that Edom is a man without G.d's light, like 'Shachor', (black), is 'Shachar', (dawn's light), with a vav, a dawn without light. Vav has a numerical value of 6, the six non holy days of the week. Adam and Shachar are related words of light and Edom and Shachor are related words of darkness through the add of a vav. So, when Edom becomes Shachor, it is a double loss of light.

- In Oba ma, אוב מה , the 2 last letters, מה (gematria - numerical value - 45) are related to the word Adam and Adam often means leader. Now, the 3 first letters, אוב , have a 'vav' in the middle and if you take it off and add it to Adam, you get Edom. How is Edom (symbol of the white civilization) found in the name of black leader ? Because black is red in its most dark meaning, and though black means royalty, the possibility exists that this royalty could part with G.d's white fire and then becomes the darkest side possible of Edom, the possible source of wars and blood in the world. A worrying number for Obama lies also in 44 which gematria is the one of blood, though it still depends anyhow.

- אוב מה , when we have taken out the 'vav' of the 3 first letters, it remains אב that can be read interverting the letters: בה that means Bo and we have thus: 'Bo Edom', Edom will come, and this reminds of Gog's war which is the coming from Edom to Eretz Israel who will unite with Ismael (arabs - muslims) but at the last moment they will fight together and Israel will be saved, but with a possibility of huge casualties depending on the jewish people to stand in truth ('Emet') before G.d. In 'Bo Edom', the first 2 letters, בה before interverting them, אב which mean father refer also to Ismael because Ismael has only a father related to jewish history, Abraham, his mother being an egyptian. 

4. The "Lesson"

Obama in hebrew can be written in two ways, with one or two 'alef': אובמה / אובאמה, which you can even find in the same page (http://www.ynet.co.il/yaan/0,7340,L-1145376-MTE0NTM3Nl8yMTUzNDg3NjZfMTQ4Njg3MjAw-FreeYaan,00.html). Both writings will prove significant in the end.



Germany troops will officially enter France for the first time before WWII (http://article.wn.com/view/2009/02/02/Germany_to_send_troops_to_France_as_army_ties_deepen/), as the world is going twice upside down (The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens, Why Aren't We ? - USA - http://www.alternet.org/workplace/124836) and Japan like Germany have the finger on the nuclear button (don't believe they have no nuke), (http://senderberl.com/lucas.htm) I wish to say:



I came out of the hospital last Saturday,hoping the leg wound heals after my 11 day stay in the hospital, tied to the bed with a wound vac after two surgeries on the leg. After getting rid of the dead tissue and the skin graft, it looks like a black, shiny peach sticking out of a indented lava bed colored yellow, red and purple. I've got to continue to keep the leg propped up as much as possible. I hate looking at it myself, but as my son said, it's better than looking at the possibility of a stump. I had excellent doctors, so I hope all goes well. This is just to let you know why you haven't heard from me. I'm adding a few names to this email list. If you wish to be off it, just let me know.

I HOPE ALL OF YOU HAVE BEEN KEEPING UP WITH THE OBAMA STORIES FOR THE LAST SEVERAL WEEKS. HERE ARE SOME STORIES YOU MAY HAVE MISSED. STORIES LISTED: Soros connection to Obama Treasury Sec. Geithner's father was Obama's mother's boss Obama may be a Communist plant Constance Cumbey says New Age encompases and goes even beyond communism Obama bored being President, gets out of the White House Obama replaces Hail To the Chief music with piano player and Arabic lyrics song Pelosi not aware of the population of the US just as Obama thought there are 57 states in the US Pocket Obama quotes book draws fire from the disgusted at Amazon School in Nevada had children do pledge of allegiance to Obama Sultanknish blogspot provides good information My commentary on propaganda And for those who want to keep up on New Age developments, thanks to OldManOfTheSki http://gtinitiative.org/

With Obama as president we are in deep doodoo. He seems to be following some sort of Soros plan with all of the Clinton appointees to his cabinet and other posts. You know George Soros who broke the Bank of England and wanted to take down the Bush administration; you know one world government Soros; you know, socialism promoting anti-capitalism Soros. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6706 There are several tax cheats on that list, including Timothy Geithner who is now head of the Treasury. Speaking of Geithner, here's a clue that Obama was primed from his early years on for the post of President. http://philanthropy.com/news/government/index.php?id=6453 December 03, 2008 Ford Foundation Links Parents of Obama and Treasury Secretary Nominee In an unusual twist of fate, the parents of Barack Obama and his pick for secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner, share a nonprofit connection: they worked at the Ford Foundation at the same time. Indeed, Mr. Geithner's father was head of the philanthropy's Asia grant making for a period in the early 1980s and oversaw the work of Mr. Obama's mother, who developed the organization's microfinance programs in Indonesia. According to the foundation, they met at least once in Jakarta. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now here's an interesting story that can't be verified but rings true to me based on Obama's family communist background and the communist mentor provided for him by his grandfather. I'm only posting some of this information. Go to the link for more. Constance had him on her show and she was able to verify the existence of the couple, particularly the wife he claims did the boasting. As you think about this remember how the Jews were treated in the Former Soviet Union. Remember Obama gave his first interview to a Muslim group.http://americantownmeeting.com/Essays.php The First Time I Heard of Barack "During the period of roughly February 1992 to mid 1994, I was making frequent trips to Moscow, Russia, in the process of starting a software development joint-venture company with some people from the Russian scientific community. One of the men in charge on the Russian side was named V. M.; he had a wife named T.M...... "What if I told you that you will have a black president very soon and he will be a Communist?" The out-of-the-blue remark was met by our stares. She continued, "Well, you will; and he will be a Communist." It was then that the husband unsuccessfully tried to change the subject; but she was on a roll and would have nothing of it. One of us asked, "It sounds like you know something we don't know." "Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of Presidents. He is what you call "Ivy League". You don't believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and American and his father is black from Africa. That's right, a chocolate baby! And he's going to be your President." She became more and more smug as she presented her stream of detailed knowledge and predictions so matter-of-factly - as though all were foregone conclusions. "It's all been thought out. His father is not an American black so he won't have that social slave stigma. He is intelligent and he is half white and has been raised from the cradle to be an atheist and a Communist. He's gone to the finest schools. He is being guided every step of the way and he will be irresistible to America."......" -------------------------------------I've been pointing out Obama's connections to the New Age movement for many months, particularly the support given by very high level New Age leaders. You'll have to check some of my old mail for that. Constance Cumbey said... I believe the real ideological goal is NEW AGE and not MARXIST which bears out which I have said from the 1980's: 1. This is NOT Communism 2. When it is fully achieved, it will make Communism look like a Sunday School picnic. Barbara Marx Hubbard who put together the Soviet-American Dialogue process in 1988 (remember her) and had the CHAIRED by PAUL N. TEMPLE (remember him?) bragged in the Seattle speech which I have written often about that "the higher one goes in Russia, the more likely they are into this [New Age]). Remember, it was Oprah Winfrey who said she wished Barack Obama would run for President. And it was New Ager Marianne Williamson who had been hosted by the Clintons at the White House and Camp David who even turned on Hillary to back Barack Obama. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now a little on the personality of our new leader. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090203/D964BKD01.html On a tough day, Obama escapes for a while WASHINGTON (AP) - On the rockiest day of his young administration, President Barack Obama did what surely made him happy for a while. He left. With little notice, the president and first lady Michelle Obama bolted the gated compound of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in their tank of a limousine on Tuesday. They ended up at a Washington public school, greeted by children who could not care less about the collapse of a Cabinet secretary nomination. "We were just tired of being in the White House," the president candidly told the gleeful second-graders at Capital City Public Charter School. "We got out! They let us out!" Mrs. Obama said as the kids and their teachers laughed. The White House said the Obamas' trip had been planned, just not publicly announced. The surprise timing, though, gave the feel of two different worlds. (more at the link) ------------------------------------------------------------ http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/ http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2009/02/obama-replaces-hail-to-chief-with.htmlTuesday, February 03, 2009 Unreal! Obama Replaces "Hail to the Chief" With Sting's "Desert Rose" -- With Arabic Lyrics Barack Obama has replaced "Hail to the Chief" with this song by Sting- "Desert Rose" featuring Algerian-born raï singer singer Cheb Mami singing in Arabic: Hat Tip Jamie Allman on 97.1 FM This Arabic language song will be played at public events instead of the traditional "Hail to the Chief." Change. NewsBusters and Mark Knoller reported: On Day One of his presidency, everywhere Mr. Obama went they played "Hail to the Chief" for him – but not since. In fact the U.S. Marine Band's duties at the White House over the last 10 days appear to have been dramatically downsized. Instead of the usual contingent of trumpets, tubas and drums, a single piano player now provides musical interludes before and after the president's appearance. And the tunes have little connection to the military marching music of John Phillips Souza [sic] that is the usual accompaniment to presidential appearances. These days the pianist's repertoire includes Cole Porter's "Night and Day" and Sting’s "Desert Rose." "He's not a 'Pomp and Circumstance' kind of guy," says press secretary Robert Gibbs of the new president." And who is Cheb Mami? From the comments section at Atlas Shrugs: Cheb Mami is currently under an international arrest warrant after being indicted in October 2006 for “voluntary violence, sequestration and threats” against an ex-girlfriend, and failing to answer a court summons on May 14, 2007. He is accused of having tried to force his former girlfriend, a magazine photographer, to have an abortion. During a trip to Algeria in the summer of 2005, the alleged victim is said to have been locked in a house belonging to one of Mami’s friends, where an abortive procedure was attempted on her. Another real "class" act. This man knows no bounds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stories posted at Drudge Report:Obama backs down on 'Buy American' after EU trade war threat... ________________________________ PAPER: Democrats Party on Taxpayers' Dime; $500K spent on caucus retreats... ________________________________ CASH OUT: Obama campaign manager getting million-dollar book deal... ________________________________ American car sales fall below China's for first time; GM sales fall by almost half... 500 million Americans lost jobs every month (Nancy Pelosi: Dumber than soap. Nancy claims that we lose 500 million American jobs each month we don't pass her $1 trillion pork barell spending boondoggle. )------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.amazon.com/Pocket-Obama-Editors-History-Company/dp/0978736842/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1233769825&sr=1-1 or http://tinyurl.com/dctegg Pocket Obama (Paperback)by The Editors of History Company (Author) 69 Reviews 5 star: (18) 4 star: (1) 3 star: (3) 2 star: (0) 1 star: (47) See all 69 customer reviews... See all discussions... (69 customer reviews) Just one of many comments circulating around the internet: 131 of 143 people found the following review helpful: Mao's Little Red Book Resurrected, January 25, 2009 By Bonnie Blue - See all my reviews This is either a joke or the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. Can sane American's really have such worshipful adoration for any politician, expecially to this level? Supporting a politician is one thing, but this is sick, sick, sick. Mao's Little Red Book, now Obama's Little Blue Book. This is actually beyond sick, its frightenly delusional. Who published this, Louis Farakhan? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why you ask your children what is happening in their classroom: http://newsblaze.com/story/20090127224509nnnn.nb/topstory.html January 27,2009 Pledge of Allegiance Becomes Pledge to Obama By Alan Gray, NewsBlaze A parent in the Clark County School District of Las Vegas, Henderson area reported January 27th that his son, who is in 1st grade, came home yesterday saying that he didn't want to go back to school anymore. When asked why, the boy said that during the Pledge of Allegiance the teacher put up a large image of Obama next to the flag. Thinking that the boy might be exaggerating, the man asked his son if he was sure, and suggested that by "large" he might mean an 8x10 photo of the president. The boy apparently said "No, it is a large picture of Obama and when we are done, the teacher turns off the image." The same thing was not done for President Bush last year. After investigating this morning, the other parent reported that what the boy said was true. At least three of the five classrooms have an overhead projector and as the children stand to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the teacher turns on the classroom overhead and a full body image of Obama, with six U.S. flags behind him, comes up about 4 feet away from the flag that hangs on the wall. The screen is apparently around five feet by six feet. In the image, President Obama appears to be staring straight out with no facial expression, just a serious look. All of the kids in each class faced the President, instead of the flag that hangs in the corner. Local parents are up in arms over this situation. Teachers clearly do not realize the gravity of what they are doing. Update Jan 28th: The parents spoke to the Vice-Principal this afternoon. He said he would take care of it. I will check with them tomorrow and update this story. Update Jan 29th: The teachers at the school today talked to the children about flag etiquette and the meaning of the flag and why the pledge is made. The lights were left on in the room, so the flag could be clearly seen and the children were told that they should face towards and look at the flag. The parent spoke to the Principal and the child's teacher. The Principal said they would not show the image of the president at the same time as the pledge tomorrow. The Principal apologized for causing offense. The parent and Principal and teacher left on good terms. Anyone can make a mistake - the measure of a person is what they do next. The Principal and the teachers did well - this is a good thing. Note: the blogosphere is now saying this is a hoax because the school has not been named or the school district has not confimed it. Instead of seeing this as a situation that was amicably resolved, it is seen as an attack on Obama, which it never was, and an attack on the flag, which it never was. It is not a hoax. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes, it's a lot of reading, but to be a good citizen one must keep up with what is going on from a variety of sources. http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?bl_url=http%3A%2F%2Fsultanknish.blogspot.com%2F&as_q=obama&submit=Search Although the format is very bad, good information is available from sultanknish.blogspot.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .It is extremely necessary to be able to analyze information that is presented to us on a daily basis. We are all vulnerable to any number of the techniques of New Age or any other "religious" hucksters who use the same techniques as the ShamWow salesman on television. It's a truism that those with street smarts are taken in far less than those who take pride in their intellectual abilities and cult leaders depend on this. Analysts say there are thousands of cults in operation in the US alone. Leaders of these cults use the one of the same techniques as the ShamWow salesman. Confidence in his product. You hear him endlessly on television and now probably see him in your e-mailbox. Endlessly he promotes confidence in his product, and it is the basis of the success that company has. Having purchased a shamwow type product at the local Ultra store, I can tell you that there is no truth to his claims despite the confidence he shows. So it is with all cult leaders such as those active in New Age, messianic and other cult operations. Endlessly they drone on and on about their confidence in their product. Trying to speak rationally with a believer in Obama, Oprah, Scientology, dominion theology, or any other cult gets a person nowhere. If one is polite and lets them talk on and on, they will eventually wear a person down, just like the ShamWow salesman. Very few people have the energy to keep their guard up day after day after day. CULT OPERATORS COUNT ON THIS RESPONSE. The ShamWow salesman probably knows his product doesn't perform as well as he claims it does, but he has something to gain from his sales pitch. The confidence he shows in his product probably has more to do with the money he is getting from presenting the product. In spite of the flaws that are becoming apparent in their cult leader, Obama, followers endlessly state that that he is a good guy and must be given a chance. Those following any cult leader, New Age or otherwise, have great difficulty admitting they have been duped. Their pride will not allow it. They must draw others into the cult to give validity to their own beliefs. That is why their confidence appears robot like. The link to this essay was posted earlier. "Social psychological research has repeatedly demonstrated that we are more likely to believe and judge as accurate statements made by those we perceive as attractive and prestigious (cf., Cialdini, 1984; Baron & Byrne, 1991). Individuals judged to be prestigious do not have to actually make these statements; merely being associated with these statements (the halo effect) is enough to significantly affect us. Thus, when a group sponsors a conference listing Nobel laureates and professors from famous universities among its speakers, it may not matter what the speakers say or even if they actually attend. "The same holds true when we hear statements made with great confidence. The more confident the speaker sounds, the more likely we will judge him or her to be accurate (Bloomfield, Libby, & Nelson, 1996)....." "Religious" cult leaders will most likely use the "halo effect" in their presentations. Even better than than the halos of professors, Nobel prize winners, and heads of corporations are the halos of Jesus, God, Ascended Masters, channeled spirits, etc. which can be used to give validity to the cult leaders presentations. Who wants to argue with God's supposed word? Who wants to argue with some "wise" channeled spirit who has lived through many reincarnations and become wise? Who wants to argue with Obama's plans? As far as the latter is concerned, only those smart enough to see into the Obama cult right from the beginning. This is not to say that there is no validity to the religions in Christianity and Judaism. It is just to say that religious texts can be hi-jacked to promote a cult as very few are academically prepared to challenge the confidence shown by cult leaders in their interpretations. Know that mind manipulating techniques are down to a science and have nothing to do with the truth of presentations. Simply put, Buyer Beware. 11:27 AMVatican Fights to Keep Nazi Gold Lawsuit Out of US CourtsSan Francisco February 3, 2009While the Vatican faces new charges of Holocaust denial over the Pope’s pardon of Holocaust denier Bishop Williamson, it has also been fighting a little-known 10 year battle to protect the Vatican Bank from accountability for laundering Nazi loot after the Second World War.The lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, (9th Circuit Court of Appeals, Case: 08-16060) alleges the Vatican bank and Franciscan Order laundered tens of millions of dollars including concentration camp gold from former Yugoslavia immediately following the Second World War.The case against the Vatican Bank (but not the Franciscan Order) was dismissed on grounds the Vatican Bank is an organ of a sovereign entity, the Vatican, which is immune from lawsuits.The just filed appeal however argues that the Vatican Bank is not sovereign and engages in commercial activity in the United States and therefore should be held accountable in a United States Federal Court. Attorneys for the plaintiffs, Holocaust survivors and their heirs including Serbs, Jews, and Roma originally filed the lawsuit in 1999. They are seeking an accounting and a return of the loot estimated to have been worth over $50 million dollars in 1946.The "Creative Destruction" of the economies of the world continues, as President Obama is said to be ready to combine various aspects of the government's stimulus into one giant package -- the financial "Big Bang"!

NEWS BRIEF: " US set for ‘big bang’ financial clean-up", Financial Times, January 30, 2009"The Obama administration is gearing up for a 'big bang' announcement within the next two weeks that will combine a bank clean-up with measures to reduce home foreclosures and probably steps to kick-start credit markets. The Obama administration is gearing up for a “big bang” announcement within the next two weeks that will combine a bank clean-up with measures to reduce home foreclosures and probably steps to kick-start credit markets."This kind of severe regulation is exactly what we should expect in a Fascist Economy ! The Federal Government has achieved such an important ownership of these banks and insurers that its officials can now step in to demand that certain actions be taken. The Bush Administration set this TARP program into place so that the Obama Administration can now begin to force certain actions upon the privately owned companies who have taken the Federal bailout."The 'big bang' approach reflects the belief of Tim Geithner, Treasury secretary, and Lawrence Summers, National Economic Council director, that the Bush administration was wrong to dribble out policy initiatives. Mr Geithner intends to present a 'comprehensive' plan that policymakers hope will command market confidence."As we have stated so many times in the past five months, the entire world is struggling at the same time to accomplish the same task, i.e., the overthrow of Capitalism so the Fascist system can be implemented (Read NEWS2317, entitled, "Financial Coup Completed: American Economy Now A Tightly Controlled, Severely Regulated Economy")The Chinese Premier remarked over the weekend that he sees "light at the end of the tunnel" in this financial turmoil.

NEWS BRIEF: " China's Premier Wen sees light at end of global financial tunnel", Reuter's News, February 2, 2009" LONDON (Reuters) - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on Monday there was 'light at the end of the tunnel' but called for strong and effective stimulus plans to boost economies hit by the global financial crisis."This kind of statement is so typical of the Illuminati. After they have deliberately created this awful financial mess, they insist that their grand plan be embraced as the solution! And, a panicked citizenry follows right along! He continues:" 'In some places people are disappointed, people are frustrated and people are pessimistic. They are quickly unsettled by the current situation', Wen told a business conference during a visit to London . 'There is light at the end of the tunnel ... I am calling for confidence, cooperation and responsibility, I've been calling for that all along because if we do that we can save the world'."That is the bottom line, is it not" To "save the world"!

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