Archimedes' Lever


Jerusalem, Jan.15, 2009

Man, a precious stone, that is !

“Where there are no men, try to be a man.” Abraham was the first to understand that, as a human creature, he had nothing to do with the craziness of his neighbors’ superstitions and with the illusory artificial world they had designed. Nature has laws, successful and good laws, and the intent behind the creation is very obvious and written in its perfection, its happiness for every being. It doesn’t mean all goes smoothly without hurt but overall, the world has achieved such an astounding evolution from simple matter to us that the comparatively small wrongs of the process can be dismissed a lot more than collateral damage in the best intended human war.
Everyone has an aim like anything created, and if the aim of a ‘simple cell’ is already more complex than that of a Boing 747 (), just imagine how much incredible is man’s aim ! The increase in complexity between a cell and man is not only quantitative but qualitative. Evolution since the creation of our universe is one of meaning, of information made conscious until the present level when the ultimate creature is able of co-creating with nature and thus get involved in the signification of the creation itself.

This is man’s aim and each one has his part to do no less than a cell does its part inside a living being. But, the disadvantage of man against nature is that he has to learn what to do both through his biological parents and its environment, and then, supposing he has learned the process and is able to proceed, he can chose to walk in it or not. The inside principle of a cell will make it succeed to achieve its task and altogether find its place in the bigger system it inhabits. Man has to consciously accept his accordance with nature before he can fulfill his goal in the creation. Should he chose one of the myriad of exit doors, it is as if he puts his life on hold. Would he later choose to return on the right path, he will have to press ‘rewind’ in order to retrieve the lost time and actions.

Following nature means creating bonds, love bonds that are the only ones viable to sustain any evolution toward life’s success. Love bonds deny sins and thrive with understanding coupled with sharing. This is what nature does best because it is its fundamental root. Man has simply to accept his beautiful origin that cannot be better in every sense, and willingly take his place among it and among one another. Only like that can he fulfill his role and retrieve from such an accomplishment the feeling of true plenitude and inward peace. One might ask where is G.d in all this if feelings, consciousness and values are part of the creation.

It is here that we humans are waited for, to give credit to Who is behind all this extraordinary walk toward ourselves, a collective consciousness that dominates one's own destiny and with it, that of the creation of which we are the frontline. Shall we make it ? On the paper, it is quite simple, so simple that our pride blinds us on our ability to succeed. Unlike material transformations, we do not need huge amounts of energy, raw materials and high end technology but a change of ideal, of perception, of aims. It could be done here and now, everywhere on the spot, but it is thousand years that the contrary happens. Each day gives birth to millions of newborn, quite nearly perfect potentially loving and happy babies, ‘fabricated’ in less than a year, and those wonderful creatures, when growing, destroy all life long their loving origin and goal since millenaries.

( )

Man is feeding his children since ages, and with no end in sight, with illusions and flaws, greed and hate, mayhem and tyranny. If we are collectively responsible of our successes, we are also together guilty of our failures, the main one being that some people can enjoy what they have and live to gain more and more meanwhile others die of not having the minimum to live. This collective moral failure is in fact not as collective as we think. Since ages, some people have been stronger than others because of intelligence, moral and physical strength, and they are at the core of leading humanity on a death path. They have assembled, and have denied the masses access to truth, wisdom and happiness. History of man is more their history of rivalries to rule the world through wars and conspiracies than that of peoples evolution toward a happy society ( - The world feels wrong because psychopaths run it).

I believe that G.d is He who gives us the hope that brightens our real possibility to get rid of slavery in voluntarily choosing created light over existing darkness, beginning with ourselves, our families, friends, and so on. G.d is the ultimate Archimedes' Lever. From such an understanding only can society reverse the luciferian path it has been thrown into by these forces of evil that rely on each and every personal evil’s addiction to go on reigning supreme without being challenged. Things can only change from down to up and not the contrary. Like every cell in a body, every human has his part to do and ultimately, in being responsible of himself, he is of all. The fight for light begins inside and at the same time, we ought to remove together the power of the powerful, simply as La Boetie said, by halting to abide by their wicked rules of the game.

City Chains

In Genesis (10/8-12, 11/3-9), we are told of a man called Nimrod who was together a mighty hunter and a great city builder. Like many of the Bible’s stories, it is not that important if this character did really exist but the concept underlined is.

“And Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; wherefore it is said: 'Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD.' And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Akad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land went forth Ashur, and builded Nineveh, and Rehoboth-ir, and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah - it is the great city.”
“And they said one to another: 'Come, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.' And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said: 'Come, let us build us a city, and a tower, with its top in heaven, and let us make us a name; lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.'
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said: 'Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do; and now nothing will be withholden from them, which they purpose to do.
Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.' So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth; and they left off to build the city. Therefore was the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth; and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”

How can one be at the same time a city builder and a hunter ? Who is Nimrod ?

Nimrod is also a generic name for Sumerian and assyrians kings of old and for all their successors until today) is a soul hunter. In the steps of Cain, he had revolted against G.d and he wanted to take’s G.d’s place and be the adored leader of a people. To achieve his goal, he built cities and in the process, he together told people to rebel against G.d and to reach the sky in order to ‘steal’ G.d’s power. Nimrods unite people physically, provide them with false dreams and rule over them through proxies. The pyramids, from the mesopotamians, egyptians, mayas to the illuminati are the representation of these people at the base enslaved by the all seeing eye at the top. This pyramidal power scheme can and must be broke, be it the consequence of tyranny or democracy. (

Summerians were the first to legislate their power in their new city-states and, while giving rights to some of their subjects as long as they obeyed their rule (, they first wanted to legitimize their power. Laws are not created to protect the interests of the recipients of these laws but to withdraw from critic the authority of the lawyer himself, who pretends to be God's hand. Laws book on differences ("naturals", intellectual, social abilities to success, races, and culturals, traditions, free citizens and slaves, religions, ...) inside peoples to make them official under the 'liberty law' to be different, and add more divisions in order to rule freely.

Small is Beautiful

Let’s not humanity’s failed past dictate its future ! Alice’s Rabbit is late and more than anything, this simple usual sentence frightens the bottom of the soul, why ? Being late means having failed to do in time what had to be done. Million things are put on a hold for future care and this is not a concern until it becomes a fixed idea, an obsession. There was a time when man was not producing more than he needed, was happy of his life’s achievements, even small ones, and was at peace with his future as long as no external threat menaced him, and this normal behavior still exists in non capitalistic countries. Today, western society has imposed on peoples’ minds a twofold process that proves inescapable. First, millions of always renewed materialistics goals one has to reach in a life time and second, conditions that make these goals slow to attain if ever. The result is an embittered ans distressed society that holds on mythical confabulations and bestial pleasures to counter its distress of being late.

The lie is that man’s achievement can be expected in materialistic goals whose mirages can only enslave those who run after them, at least in western abundance regions. Technological progress should be and remain a tool to share happiness thorough humanity and should never become an aim in itself. There is no dictator in sight at the core of such a process, only populations of proud and greedy men who fool themselves in believing in inappropriate goals for their existence and settling for debauchery in the course of their never ending ride. Man’s free will task is to help him chose his spiritual part to lead over his material one, and as be free, because in chosing spiritual goals, he will never be late for he can reach them in no time and with no manufactured tool.

There are laws in creation, from physic to biology, laws that birth harmony, beauty, communication, love. Since thousands years, man felt his bond to this wonderful order and tried to apply it to his society in seeking justice ( ). But since the same times, there has been exceptions, and in the name of gods or nations, man has slaughtered people meanwhile he was creating common laws. This because the laws who apply to individuals don’t for nations and corporations which are permitted to defend interests that are ‘above the law’ and consequentely, anyone who has power can subvert the laws as soon as he believes his existence and actions are more important than others, be it a tyranny or a democracy.

Democracy brings the free market ( and its cascade of inner and forged abuses of human life and of its evolution. Free market brings absolute competition, then pride, and infinite possession possibility, then greed. Production doesn’t intend to satisfy anymore livelihoods needs but any illusory marketable good or idea. Most of the free market activity is meant to sustain its own growth that transforms the world into a vampire hydra that sucks humanity’s energy more and more without end neither purpose. Freedom and equality ornament the gates of city halls and schools but no one even remember what it means. In practice, democracy brings slavery no less than tyranny, the only difference being that people don’t acknowledge they are willing slaves of the system they themselves promote. ( - McCain or Obama, is there really a difference ?)

One can be a perfect parent and teach one’s children with the best examples and values but witness their fall through an artificial world of wrong aims and means. Nature teach humility and love, friendship and respect for the same and the different, collective achievements while preserving beauty and diversity while ‘free market democracy’ brings the exact opposite, an amoral society based on material goals and mythical beliefs. The problem is not only conceptual but also practical, and one of a pyramidal power scheme both in the physical and spiritual worlds.

The illusion of democracy is either a reality or a mythical dream for most of the world due to its aura of so called liberty and equality. When it comes to design a perfect slavery system, each and every dictatorship is left far behind. Dictators oppress from outside but democracy from inside. Under openly totalitarian systems, people always manage to keep their inner freedom in secret as we saw for christians at the fall of USSR for instance. In democracies, one is bound by definition; there is no better choice to search for ( ).

In dictatorships, wealth and happiness are restricted to a ground level but it is “official”. In democracies, wealth and happiness reach peaks, but virtually only, because democracies prove to be as unequal as dictatorships, and the result is a spiral of frenzy to attain what is said everyone deserves and can reach. But as we can see, not only poor but billionaires hang themselves, not only middle class people lead unhappy lives but stars. Democracies are mythical peace and freedom providers who no less than tyrannies run on a pyramidal power scheme that abuse people in believing they have a word in it, and that they can hope for achievements and a better future through it. But as we can witness, democracies in the name of liberty and equality lead slowly not only to inequality but to oppression of minorities AND of the supposed majority. Democracies are on one side a dream of gold and on the other a root of coercion. Democracies are a spider’s web of legislations, of regulations, of punishments and artificial rewards, of deceptions and mythic fulfillments, the whole on a self imposed acceptance. ('Atlas Shrugged' -

"It seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: That we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude."Aldous Huxley (1962 speech at Berkeley)

Decentralize states, economy, politic, (:'religion', cities, workplaces, agriculture ...)
Rebuild society on family needs, ties, future.
Care of nature including human !


Pr Paul Eidelberg's Take on Democracy:

Beyond Political Parties

Many well-motivated people believe they can improve the quality of public life by forming a new political party, or by reforming an existing party.

The experience of reform-oriented parties such as Dash (which won 15 Knesset seats in 1977) or Techiya or Tsomet shows that the attempt to elevate public life by means of political parties is an exercise in futility. The reformers are rendered impotent, and often are corrupted, by the system they wish to reform. But to appreciate the nature and limitations of political parties, some historical background is necessary.

First, political parties are a modern invention traceable to the 18th century. They signal the beginning of a democratic era, when loyalty to party leaders replaced loyalty to nobles and kings. Eventually, party ideologies and programs—vague principles and more or less set policies—replaced the idea of statesmanship, meaning discretionary rule based on the merits of specific cases and not on the whims of public opinion.

Second, parties recruited candidates for public office, competed in election campaigns for control of government, while disseminating information about the party’s program to the electorate. The winners of these elections obtained the spoils of office. They still do, despite the establishment of a supposedly neutral civil service.

In the United States, political parties are almost obsolete. Candidates are increasingly self-chosen, tutored by public relations firms, and financed in devious ways by various interest groups. Meanwhile, the educative role of parties has been usurped by the media, especially television.

Since democratic governments, hence parties, are not concerned about promoting virtue, and since political debates have no memorable ideas, what counts most in politics is money and imagery. Candidates appeal not to the intellect but to the emotions. This is a game for play-actors, not persons who want to elevate the moral and intellectual life of a nation.

Thus, no significant and salutary change will be brought about by entering the current political arena, not in the United States, not in Israel. No revolutionary change is to be expected in middle-class democracies—unless the middle class is impoverished, or unless the democracy succumbs to excessive ethnic diversity or the multiculturalism trumpeted by intellectuals.

The European revolutions of the 19th century were largely inspired by university-bred socialist doctrines. Today, the liberal-left dominates academia, therefore the news and cultural media. No wonder the liberal-left has ruled Israel from the outset and has now gained ascendancy in the United States.

This means that the restoration of the entrepreneurial spirit as well as traditional morality in these two countries would have to be preceded by basic change in the mode of thought that permeates higher education. For these and other reasons, anyone who thinks he can bring about fundamental change in Israel today by conventional politics is tilting at windmills.

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