Jerusalem, Jan.20, 2009 ...

Life is No Game
What is better than a Ferrari ? A new Ferrari. Everyone wants more of the same, man has become a huge desert inside himself. Man of the 21st Century is alone and empty, not without values, whatever they are, not without goodwill but without hope. What is lost is the ability to be good, to help, to know one another on a human scale and to achieve results in faith, true sharing worldwide. Today, but maybe a little less since Madoff, to give means to send a check to big charities, and when you drive all windows closed with AC through the city and that you see people who need help, you think: "I have given", but your heart hurts, of the paradox, inconsciously, and before sleep, how much happy you can be, you may need a pill.
What is needed before all is a quick come back to reclame the freedom of atteigning one's own values and so recover the accountance with one self when witnessing the reality of today's world situation which is high on the rope. Man, and woman want to be responsible, of themselves, of their families, of their works, be proud to accomplish and transmit good deeds, to reach one's moral goals, to enjoy together, worldwide, we are all wired, and if not for the best ...
Humanity has become at the same time too much emotional and cold !!! Relationship if they exist vary from sharing quick expressed emotions or long rationals discourses. We are somehow depraved without knowing exactly why ...
In the words of Max Nordau, this is a good description !
" Egomania coexists with its opposite, “self-abhorrence” . Interestingly, egoism and self-loathing of degenerates render them quite suggestible. The combination of egomania, self-loathing, and suggestibility conduces to impulsiveness, lack of balance, weakness of will. Degenerates, lack a sense of honor as well as a heightened sense of outrage at the suffering of others,
incapable of correctly grasping, ordering, or elaborating into ideas and judgments the impressions of the external world. The degenerate surrenders himself to the perpetual obfuscation of fugitive ideas. He is given to “fixed” ideas, however visionary or unrealistic . Moreover, acts which do not please him he does not notice, or so interprets that they seem to support his delirium.
This “selective inattention” raises the question of compulsively misrepresent or consciously lie about reality. They believe in the truth of their fabrications and conscious but habitual liars will eventually believe in the truth of many of their lies."
We must understand that all of us have an enormous task to accomplish because we have taken the wrong way for a long time now and time is accelerating Really. Humanity is a big challenge in our own hands. We have learned (did we ?) that our past is not white, our present also, and the tools to build another path still need to be implemented if not fabricated !! There are leads here and there, and every small achievement cannot be disregarded, toward the true desire of our hearts that suffer at each millisecond, knowingly or not. We are all connected, say the scientists, in matter and mind. Today, science has proven what religions since millenaries have expressed through misrepresentations but what man has felt since before religions existed, love is the real game, the only think that count and is written on the big book, all the rest is smoke.
Love has a basis, an inside generator, all natural, always ready. Love nests in our deepest part and needs to be expressed. Love is not far from hate ... All depends. The civilisation of lights has blinded us of our more powerful and best part. Every daily move is codified by the impetuous mythic "culture" of pleasure and illusion, by the "laws of freedom", by the "justice" of liberty, and man is nowhere anymore in this artificial jungle of idols always renewing itself, expanding like the universe into the last corner of our intellect, of our desires.
The NWO is NOW,
only growing,
hour after hour ... - MUST READ !

9/11 ? No, only Obama, the 44th'
Today Worldwide Organ Traffic:
From Russia to Brazil, Philippines, India, Africa ...
Obama, the perfect "choice"
The son of Spartacus gets the keys of Roma, but he is not; he only looks like the son of a Kenyan, but he is Made in USA, he is the star product of the so-called american miracle, he is a law student, the 'Gamliel law' of the majority, the law that comes before G.d or Nature, the law that "freely" binds the majority and extracts from it its ruling 'majordomes', straight from neolithic times, whatever the appearance of the regime.
Black or white, red or yellow, blue, green (well, since there is more & more UFO, I hope not !), there is today, as Obama's victory symbolizes too well, no difference, we are all understanding the curse, or near to. It was time, in a sense !!! Only that it comes late, thank's Mr Disney Rabbit, and it will be only worse, ask gazan's arabs, indians workers in Dubaï or prostitutes anywhere, I don't even speak of these brazilian slum kids pictured sniffing glue to ease their hunger.
I come out from the dentist, and the number of the tooth he treated was 44. Coincidence ? 44 has another central meaning for me and it has been on stage, "for record", today also !
Coincidences, the big secret ...
How our individual human life is connected with Life ? How two scientists thousand of miles away discover the same formula at the same time ? How the eye appears simultaneously in different species ? How an 'imprevisible' event answers the right question at the right time like the dinosaurs' extinction right on time to allow soon appeared mammal life to expand ? How suddenly a parking place appears on the spot, or only lonnnnnnnnnnng after ? What has in common a coincidence that happens in our individual life and another that affects all the earth, the universe ?
... Caramba !
(I don't have the translation, but the short movie sets the question clearly by itself)
(to be continued)
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