The World of Values Overfilled by Fiction
The main meaning of the not ending financial crisis has been lost. The root of the crisis is an over-production of fictitious assets, values.
The occidental civilisation is also over-producing fictional moral and spiritual values. The range of credit possibilities has been multiplied by thousands of thousands. When you produce goods and the price of these goods cannot but raise, you must provide potential buyers with the ability of paying for the items. When the would be customers can't afford to buy, they are provided with credit, on anything. So, the amount of money increases in the books while there is no money but a perishable merchandise which will have to be replaced sooner than later, before credit's end, and so on.
( - (I know, the subprime crisis is not what I said, but anyhow, its foundations were burried with full knowledge of the nearly sure probability of what we today witness.)
(Money As Debt -
The same for moral and spirituals values that are now temporary, disposable, questionable, cheaper and cheaper just like the financial values.
There have been also an over-production of those values both in range and amount. This is wanted by the Illuminati because different values means different people and easier ruling over them, ''dividing is reigning''. It is sometimes easy for us to get involved but in what? What for ? It is more difficult to chose than to do. Montaigne used to say ''better have a well sorted brain than a filled up one''. When once, good and evil were easy to part with, today, one asks if there is anyhow anything like that ? This has to do with calling good what is bad and the contrary. (The tree of Good AND Evil)
René Magritte Finest examples of this trend lie in feminism. You cannot imagine how many trends there is in the woman's world. Fashion, of course, but all of them aim a lone slogan: ''Because I deserve it well !'' (L'OREAL: ''Parce que je le vaux bien !''). This said, all of the multiplicity made affordable to the woman is legitimazed. The same is true to man's purpose of course. The multiplicity of the visions (dreams) of the world is mainly of British and so-called Jewish origin. There we find masonic so-called jews in every level of power, from the governement to the banks, to medias, the education ... These people like Bronfman promote this never finishing propaganda toward novelty, change, empowering man by mythical desires, cults of the independance and selfishness but ironically turned to the other, the one who is here only to be the respondant of the hero, the leader, the one who is first and foremost a perpetual shadow, their shadow.

Miliband calls Tehran an immediate threat,7340,L-3624394,00.html
The first who ought to open their mouth are the religious, but like a woman's world, religion is divided without end. The meaning of the word itself is fading like the banks toward 0. Well done ''Mister Bean-Ovitch''. The meaning of the world is gone with the multiple and often opposite ways of seing it. All the ''ism'', communism, capitalism, judaïsm, anarchism, narcissism, feminism ... have given to the world so many ways to understand it that every man is on his own, without any real partner to share with a once common knowledge about common thinkings, unless you accept to be considered the fool on the hill. Who will save the true human values ? Joseph Ehrlich wrote Recapturing America and one should write Recapturing Human Mind !!
(THE ONLINE LINK ! : Man is not so much different from one another, and neither is he from animals, plants or all created beings of the universe. Indeed, the last findings of physic have even proven that every particle on earth is related to the others. Love, pain, beauty, horror, all these feelings are the lot of all human beings, just see this letter "from Gaza with love" in a bottle (,7340,L-3628170,00.html)
In fact, there is a monumental difference in the behavior of two people if they meet in a simple daily event or if they begin discussing from an ideological perspective, be they brothers. This is where the over information, the flood of facts, ideas, trends ... now worldwide comes into play.
Too much possibilities are killing the freewill, free thoughts better than none. This is the ''miracle of Babylon'', be on your own, be ''the one'' who is and not like your neighbor but like you yourself, you the one and only, you who deserve it better than noone else.
Excuse me Sir, but what do I deserve exactly ??
1948 was the year of Israel's birth but is also Orwell's Big Brother's anniversary, and still today, leaders are planning, planning on me, planning on you ...
Charlie Chaplin's "Great Dictator" was in black and white ? No problem, Disney made a rainbow culture, full of colors, a Wery Wonder World, available to children, my children, your children. Sorry to say this but, if no one undestands, so what for will our children stand up ??? This maybe is the question, after all.
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