Jerusalem, 17/11/2008
We, the jews of Israel, the israeli people, have been deceived by our leaders, be they from right or left, religious or seculars of one of the most terrifying psychological brainwash of modern history, a PsyOp beyond all understanding: to erase a country of the map, Iran.
Dec.14: "Time to hesitate was yesterday"
It has been some years that one can see on the front page of the first non hebrew israeli newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, a nuclear ticking bomb symbol with only one word written in the center: Iran. But since a few days, it has disappeared.

Ahmadinejab has been portrayed by nearly the whole world as the devil's incarnation but probably not more than here in Israel. Contrary to Saddam Hussein's past Irak, Iran has no history of invading neighbors neither killing its own people.
The reputation is only made over Iran's president' rhetoric who takes a fancy to overstate in order to provoke and to be heard. He is used to say Iran will eradicate ''the sionist state'' and the next day, that Iran has no intention to wage war against anybody.
So, why would everyone retain only the agressive part of his stance and forget the last ? The first reason is because of Iran itself. As a Shiite country, they are at war with the west symbolized by the USA and Israel, and all the more since Iran has not always been that way and was under the occidental rule some decades ago.
The second reason is because Iran is the pin in the west access of the middle-east petrol, and more so since the invasion of Irak. A third reason is because they support the world terror against capitalism. Iran has won the title of the beast from the ''civilised'' world but have we got to promote a war against it ?
The fact that the JP removed the Iran's bomb logo might signify that first, they believe that common people have swallowed the message and second, that a decision has been taken to transform the propaganda into action so that there is no need anymore to promote a prospective move
(Dec 4, 2008 /
Now, coming to the players. I don't suspect the Mollahs not being faithful to Allah but there are other interests in play for them, meaning economic ones. They have to sell their oil to somebody for if they don't, they gonna starve and lose the power. The west, if they really wanted to get rid of the Shiite regime could do so easily without pouring a single drop of blod by setting a naval blockade of all iranian oil exports at the Straits of Hormuz.
However, while I don't suspect that Iran would be happy to get a bomb or two on their nuclear plants, I suppose that for the Mollahs to remain in power, they had no chance but to agree to a probable blackmail imposed by the NWO, maybe not so much imposed because Ahmadinejab has been seen flashing the Horn Sign, just like Bush ...
The play behind the table could be that they agreed to develop an agressive stance against the US and Israel at the risk of receiving pinpointed bombs but at the benefit of remaining in power. Remember that Saddam invasion of Kuwait was on his part a suicide game too and what saved him at the time was a restriction of the UN that the american mandate did concern only the freeing of Kuwait.This time also, although Ahmadinejab is not in the same category of dictators as Saddam was, the would be mandate would concern only the nuclear sites.
If 9/11 and a false flag of WMD was the start of the second Irak war, we must expect soon another event of the kind of the 1914 assassination of the Austrian Archiduc at Sarajevo that, with today's reality post 9/11, could be devastating.
Isnt'it weird that many world leaders have warn in the recent weeks of the high possibility of the occurrence of such an event ? ( ) -( On the same plane, Bin Laden though probably dead is back ...
So, by acting in this direction, the NWO would gain the retribution of a state of war worldwide, would be able to impose martial law in the US, would extent their grip on the world with another round of mayhem and death. Such a prospect would reasonably, in their view, follow the long prepared economic crash.
Turning back to Israel and to conclude the first paragraphs of this article, most of the people here are really angry at Iran and would be delighted to see Israel bomb this country. The Psyop worked well above the expectation, I believe, and every Israeli would acclaim Netanyahu if elected, him or Livni by the way, if he was to play by the NWO rules and send bombs over Iranian places, no matter of side casualties of course. In the NWO game, Iran is to Israel what Israel is to Iran.
We, ''the beautiful people'' are defeated from the inside, from the leaders whom we suppose are acting for the good of our country albeit they play by the game of Illuminati World Control. What to do ? At this stage, not much, transmit the knowledge and pray, each one with his own words and heart !!
Good. I agree. Did you get it on conspiracy planet? Barry (Chamish)