Jerusalem, August the 5th, 2010.

see Talkbacks #6/7:
(NB: the first talkback implies the west doesn't know what its 'help' is used for,
but the west knows it pretty well and follows a perfectly crafted policy in doing so)
Stupid Australians, stupid French, and Americans , and the rest of Europe. This load was intercepted; how about those who were not?. All of the above, including the UN, UNWRA and the others, are pouring Billions while the arab world is laughing all the way to the bank. They are laughing at you because for the last 62 years you have been duped on a large scale, unprecedented in the annals of fraud, grand theft, bribery, by the Billions.This damned gaza is living the good life without lifting a finger. The so-called leaders of the free world are tacking a cue from arab potentates : villas, palaces,priv. jets, limos, parties (they call it meetings) all over the world, all paid by the idiots who elected them. all the while the princes, ayatollahs, dictators, imams, are having the last laugh by making you pay for the mess they created since 48', and doing a very good job in depleting your treasuries. "
for Ever ?"
to legitimate the world's anti-semitism,
renaming it anti-zionism,
that is anti-israelism,
transforming Judaism into a 'world religion'
and Israel in an "international" place,
and to have Israel looking like a butcher's nation ."
A “prosperous” Gaza
in which prices are low and luxury businesses are booming !!!
Israel looks like an aberration of a society. This is a country where the governement promotes homosexuals freedom (,7340,L-3922524,00.html) while giving to the religious orthodox the monopoly of legislating who is a jew (,7340,L-3918576,00.html).
What sane nation would officially back at the same time two such opposed groups of people ?
The only answer is that the 'roadmap' behind such an extreme position is to divide as much as possible the society upon illusions (gay identity equals in this game religious fundamentalism) made to be seen as viable behavior. If Israel may be seen as a leading example, nearly all countries on earth are building internal rifts on the back of their citizens.
Most nations are talking of unity and peace but their acts prove they intend to spread out division and hate. This is true from America to Iran, from China to Rwanda. Instead of building bridges, they dig holes between people. The ditchs are built with income, religion, health, gender, anything than fits in as a potential discord trap in order to separate more and more the peoplefrom one another.
There was a time when citizen trusted their governements to act for their good, when they went to war singing patriotic songs, when they went to the fields or the factory believing they were working for the homeland, where the national anthem was the most rejoicing song and the national flag hanged proudly not only out of their windows but out of their hearts.
Western Wars Are Preplanned ?
But they didn't guess that, behind their back, there was plans drawn to rip them from any benefice of their faith in their governements, there was people who applauded to projects made to enslave them without notice behind open air bars that would come out of their own minds, out of self made divisions. Culture and progress for all was a trap so well engineered that every one applauded Walt Disney, the Beatles and so on. Here we are back to 1549, when Etienne de La Boétie aged 19 wrote his "Treaty of Voluntarily Servitude" but today, the Tyrant is the majority and his minions are representing the Law, the law supposedly accepted by everyone because it is the result of freedom, of equality, of liberty.
Jane Burgermeister
on the razor edge !!!
in OUR Names ...

"She's got a ticket to ride" ...
(RYDE, the first place in England to legalize abortion)
If the animals could act as in Animal's Farm,
they would today as yesterday send us in orbit !

Paul Craig Roberts:
During most of my life government power, the power of government bureaucracies, was excessive. The Soviet government was the epitome of unaccountable government power. In the US, government power over business and individuals grew.
Daily Bell: Is that still the case?
Paul Craig Roberts:
In recent years there has been a redistribution of power in the US from government to private. The US now resembles an oligarchy of private interests. The most powerful ones are Wall Street, AIPAC, the military/security complex, the oil industry, agri-business, insurance and pharmaceuticals. These private interests control economic and foreign policy, write the legislation that Congress passes and the President signs, and have achieved the monopolization of the US economy by large -scale commercial organizations. As far as I can tell, traditional conservatives scarcely exist in the US today. They have been eliminated by the neoconservatives, essentially militarists committed to US world hegemony.
Daily Bell: That doesn't sound like a very healthy evolution.
Paul Craig Roberts:
There's another. The Republican Federalist Society has succeeded in enhancing the powers of the executive over the co-equal branches of government. Many federal judges and Department of Justice appointments are drawn from the membership of the Federalist Society, thus putting in place ideologues to advance executive power. Once executive power becomes dictatorial, we will have lifetime rulers and growing conflict between the executive and private oligarchic interests. American elections are meaningless as the vast majority of those elected are dependent, or become dependent, on the campaign contributions from the private oligarchic interests. Today government bureaucracies (Child Protective Services and police, for example) have unaccountable power over private individuals, but the power of government over organized private interests has been beaten back. Today the private interests rule the state.
Don't believe this path of hate is a natural way humanity has taken out of nowhere ...
Things could have been different and probably still could be, but there are big interests that it will not.
For example, see:
The nazis have never been defeated because the official nazi country was only a front for the nazi rule of darkness that has invaded humanity through the brightest culture of all times, from Disney to the Beatles and so much more.
Here we are, back to 1549, when La Boetie, aged 19, wrote his "Treaty of the Voluntarily Servitude" with the difference that the Tyrant is ourselves, our own ego divided and opposed one to another in invisible "tiny url" wars.
BP will be soon rewarded for his inside job with Iran's oil wells in the next invasion of Iran from the never ending American Sheriff: Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill,
Bad memories never die ...
Jane Burgermeister
Alex Jones from Infowars, one of USA’s major alternative media websites, has made a video about the threat of a new generation of vaccines that features my poster as one of the people who made a push to inform people about the risks of the swine flu jab with adjuvants and mercury.
In the video, Alex Jones discusses how new vaccines are designed to target neural structures in our brains that are associated with emotions.
He points out that being able to experience emotions is not just a vital and healthy part of being human but also that emotions such as as anger and fear can alert us to dangers as well as mobilise our energy and resources to fight threats.
The new vaccines alter the neural structures for emotions under the pretext of the need to reduce stress, but they will also result in a society of dumbed down sheep, easier for governments to control. Alex Jones argues. In the meantime, these “vaccines” can be delivered through variety of ways, also through food so that humanity as a whole is facing an unprecedented biological/vaccine assault.
Paul Joseph Watson discusses in the report with the video how the Nazis used flouride in water to make prisoners more docile.
The Nazis also experimented together with German pharamceutical companies on using vaccines to kill concentration camp prisoners. In one experiment, prisoners were killed after being injected in the heart with toxins.
Gulf 'Spill' NOT an Oil Spill.
False Flag Drilling to Red-Mud Volcano
Maybe what they sprayed was not Corexit ...
(but a product to mix some oil with methane mud ?)
as the oil was not oil but ...
who Knows ???
Maybe the "Tale of the 2 Wells" was for
one to give some oil while the second throws 'methane charged' mud ?
They are testing us, like what nazi scientists did to humans
and not nazi scientists (and not scientists at all)
do to animals ...
Chemtrails air, Fluoride water, antibiotic meat, heavy metals fishs, urban and war radiations,
and more, not to speak of moral/psychological forms of enslavement.

a "Mud+Methane's" Volcano ...

All Oily Mud with Methane (and Very Little Oil),
the Gaz that Gives its Orange Color To Saturn's Moon Titan :

for big fishes one need big questions ...
Gaz Bursting from Seafloor ...
2 months ago, someone raised the question
of an false flag coupled with an illusion,
but he failed in saying it was an asphalt volcano.
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