The Little Mermaid's father's fate, the king of the seas,
the good & faithful father that is reduced
to a small black larvae by the octopus evil.

The story is that the mermaid has to sell her voice to the
octopus evil so that the evil will not kill her father ...
and make of him a "Soul in Black" prisonner.

Joseph Ehrlich addressing an email received by him:
"That even if Netanyahu arose tomorrow morning and declared Israel a nation that no longer believed in G-d that the proffer I made remains fully true and valid. When G-d returns biblical Israel certified further by borders reflecting biblical Israel, then G-d passes judgement. What the writer does is pass what he and the Islamic community see as JUST JUDGMENT and thus impute that Israel's existence and thus ipso facto its creation under atheist Zionists are all illegitimate. Again, anyone can say that Israel's presence in Israel since 1948, since yesterday etc. is an abomination to G-d's name, but this is the one instance both Torah and the Qur'an both attest that no man can override G-d in connection with those present by His will in the Holy Land. Does anyone genuinely think that Israel witnessing the many miracles seen during the short tenure since 1948 does not further certify G-d's oversight over the Holy Land particularly when the Jews have returned there? If this is not accepted it is because one is highly prejudiced against accepting it because one doesn't want to believe it is true. The argument then proffered is that "G-d would never" or "G-d would not" thus transmuting that since my proffer is true it is by their convolution a diminution of G-d's name. Thus, those holding by the content here are willing to diminish G-d to elevate the logic and thepower of their own self serving argument.
Ehrlich: This proffer made above is also a non sequitor. There is no element involved regarding G-d's intentions. The Jews were present in Israel in biblical times. G-d gave Israel to the Jews (there can be no doubt about it). G-d exiled the Jews. The Jews were in a Diaspora. The Jews post the Diaspora are back in Israel. If G-d exiled the Jews, does anyone for a moment think that the sequencing of events would have unfolded and unraveled to allow something that G-d did not want to be the case. IT IS HOLY LAND. G-d determines who is resident there and removes those He does not want to see any longer in His Holy Land. Man is not the landlord over the Land of Israel. If anyone goes to occupy the Holy Land against the wishes of the Landlord, the Landlord has the clout to evict them. The facts and evidence of the regifting when the UN borders were expanded to the biblical borders and Israel prevailed in the attempts of the Arab nations to evict Israel, attested to the truth of it. After the 1967-1973 wars the Arab nations themselves knew as Israel knew who was running the reality involving Israel. That so many years have elapsed does not change what was then well known. Israel may have polluted itself to the degree seen, but it does not change
the truth of Israel being in Israel per G-d's will and continuing approval. When He wants them evicted for their failings, they will be evicted. Otherwise, their presence has nothing to do with G-d's intentions. The deed to my home is in my name. What does intention have to do with the reality of the deed being in my name ?
Ehrlich: See the above comment as attesting to "Insha'Allah". Israel has been situated in Israel since 1948 and there have been numerous attempts to eviscerate the reality on the basis that G-d could never support the Zionist regime in the Holy Land. The conclusion that the writer must reach is that one could turn around the argument made that it is the writer's intention reflected by the Arab/Islamic viewpoint that creates questions about the intentions carried in supporting a viewpoint inapposite to the reality discussed and the biblical dynamics in play when Israel is in Israel. The bottom line question is on what basis do you want to evict Israel from Israel? Is it G-d's will if you remove Israel? The answer is yes. However, since you have not, and have tried, then you oppose G-d's will whether or not you still try by saying that Israel does not belong in Israel because it does not deserve it. To further pursue an avenue already (sinfully) addressed, does not change the reality. The reason I say sinfully is because the Arab/Islamic nations should have if deeply and truly devoted to G-d recognized the reality highlighted today by me certified by Israel prevailing and the borders returning to the biblical ones.
So the Moabites move to have Israel attack Iran or it would be just as happy for Iran to attack Israel. Thus, Iran can move to have the Moabites attack Israel or perhaps China or perhaps Germany...but Iran cannot attack Israel and pretend to be a nation beholden to G-d (further implying that moving to have third party nations do it while less of an affront to G-d is still an affront to Him). If third party nations attack Israel then only by G-d allowing it can Israel be defeated (think of all the Arab Israeli wars). However, despite whatever Iran does in terms of third parties (which it will have to answer for) IRAN HAS THE OBLIGATION TO ACKNOWLEDGE ISRAEL AS A VALID G-D GIVEN NATION. Otherwise, it diminishes G-d and thus by doing so, it is hampering rather than aiding in a resolution that would serve G-d's interests in the region."
Why send aid to Gaza’s arabs and not to Darfur ?
You see, something not enough taken into account, whether by nations, groups or individuals, is the inner level of the peoples of the world according to their respective tasks in evolution, that’s something like a "secular moral/faith in God" scale of achievement.
On this level, that is particularly crucial for Israel, and for the peoples who have put them
selves under the flags of liberty, equality and freedom, or even for those who are meaning to lead their lives according to their own & best concepts (Arabs/Islam/Communist dictatorships), this spiritual level of the nations of the world is so low that Israel may be higher than it looks like in the most desperate picture (with the so-called 'palestinian'). Israel also may not intend to declare any war with anybody, and will think twice before doing so, even with Iran. Didn't that Saudi self-called king, just said BOTH ISRAEL & IRAN must cease to exist (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3917719,00.html) ?
But Iran too must not be low by his people !
And what to say with North Korea ?
(Police Traffic Girls/best responsible drivers in the world ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt31epdorY4&feature=related
The World Mission of an NK ‘PTC’, in her own words ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA6-Qh0LYRU&feature=related,
and their work: soft power ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YVIBawHaQY&feature=related),
and China – or is it Japan ? (http://s303.photobucket.com/albums/nn126/qu1nnc/?action=view¤t=biker-escape.gif&newest=1).

Too much perception is put on the so-called ‘leaders’, of the nations, of the institutions, of the religions, of the culture (fashion, music, sport…), of the economic powers, and not enough on the plight of peoples and of their way to cope with it. People who revere God by their own will and not by the appearance of sects in the middle of a corrupted society are by far more moral and happy than their depraved counterparts. In this respect, the west is leading in corruption while the east is in cruelty. Israel, in the middle, with all its lacks, represents a day to day relatively homogenous and respectful society with around 30% of Arabs (Muslims with a Christian minority) and a very divided majority of jews, some extremely to the point of endangering the state and openly collaborating with perceived enemies (left wing atheists or haredim with pro-nazi people, and remember who loves the Nazis:http://images.thesun.co.uk/picture/0,,2005020532,00.jpg).

EHRLICH again ...
Question: If the Moabites have Israel by the short hairs, due to Israel's long standing relationship with them, can Israel free itself from the Moabite grasp, as it seems it cannot do?
Answer: The question comes from someone who thinks that I have given Iran a new responsibility to alleviate Israel's culpability for the current state of affairs.
Thus, first, let me make it crystal clear that I do not relieve Israel from that culpability. My purpose is to see I&I move forward as the biblical grounded solution, and it cannot do so obviously until Israel cuts the umbilical chord that should have been cut a very long time ago.
Israel on the secular political plane has to confront the reality that the Moabites can do them in at near will any day of the week. Israel fears as it should on the secular level the multiple permutations that the Moabites can proceed to eliminate Israel.
Thus, I offered an open window that Iran needed to close to assist Israel in that open window also showed that Iran did not have clean hands regarding a position that really diminished G-d.
Thus, I highlighted what I highlighted a very long time ago, that if Iran moved to gain dominion over the Holy Land, it first had to show G-d that it was willing to help and assist Israel move to the nation G-d intended it to be. Yes, if you remember, Iran had to proceed against its own best interests, to show the willingness to serve and honor G-d's interests, or else it would prove itself deficient. Thus, that time is now, and while I believe there is an alliance, Iran has run out of patience because Israel will not publicly stand where it ought to stand in terms of any I&I alliance.
Thus, albeit all that I have said, it is true that Israel must be the nation to own up to the needed courage to cut the Moabite strings over the nation, to free itself from a umbilical chord that runs into the Devil himself.
The other facet to the answer is that Israel at least has done the right thing in not complying for the decade old push for Israel to involve itself in any attack on (Iraq and Iran). It slipped out of Bush's push for itself to be directly involved in Iraq and now Israel has paid the price and done what is necessary to circumvent any involvement in a military attack on Iran. If Israel did not resist it, it would have happened.
Fortunately, what few know, is that the Moabites would not have had to push for Israel's involvement and moved to attack Iran itself via the US military. However, what no one understands is the Moabite presence and they being subject to Moabite biblical guidelines. The channeled discussion with George the Moabite Chieftain about Iran covered what is seen as true in recent years regarding Moabite frustrations re Iran. In any event, as you probably also realized in here, G-d protects Iran. Thus, from another dimension, G-d's protection of Iran, through defusing any such intent by Israel to aide the Moabite schematic, also gave additional precious little additional time for Israel to find the courage to do what it needs to do.
I am going to conclude this important email (again, I know, they are all important since our future right in here is highly fragile) with pointing to the importance of Paul the Octopus in terms of Germany and the World Cup. I sort of laugh to myself when I received the emails reflecting what I myself if I had taken a different path would have thought: what in the world does a World Cup soccer match have to do with anything else, not to say the immediate future of the world.
As the Islamic military leader poignantly said in the movie Kingdom of Heaven (a movie I highly recommend if you have not seen it)" Nothing.....(pause)...but everything."
As many of you point out to me in your emails, the experience here in thee emails has allowed you to obtain a richness in perceptions you realize you would have never experienced. These type of comments mean a lot to me. When I read comments of that genre it enhances my ability to attest to our role, however small or otherwise it might be, in moving the current reality to a better result (because as it stands, the Moabites were at the brink, as they continue on accordingly, to take the world to war and other modals of Sodomite oppression).
Thus, to answer the question posited: Israel must carry the courage to meet its responsibility in breaking away from the Moabites. Israel must have faith in G-d. If it blows itself up, it has to understand that it would not or could not unless it was G-d's will that Israel's exile be again the case. When Akiva took Israel to war against Rome, he took it to war against Rome for very wrong reasons. However, Israel breaking away from the Moabites, if it results in war, would represent Israel going to war for the right reasons. Those who oversee Israel believe that war should be avoided at all costs. They contend that life in Israel is precious and that is their prime responsibility and concern. WRONG. The prime responsibility and concern for Israel is to stand as a nation that honors and bows to G-d. Post 9-11 and the BP Oil Disaster THIS is the time for Israel to do the right thing or else it will lose that portal to do the right thing.
PS. And yes, if Israel is ready to do the right thing...I will be on the next flight and be there to stand with Israel and face whatever consequences Israel faces in doing the right thing. In other words, I do not say what I say from the "safety" of writing it in the USA (in fact if Israel does the right thing (finally), I will see Israel as I do Iran: nations protected by G-d and thus on such a new dimension somewhere a lot more safer than the USA under active Moabite occupation and oppression).
Someone will ask isn't Israel now protected by G-d?
Answer: Yes, as obviously is and has been the case. However, that protection per 9-11 and the BP Oil Disaster is about ready to dissipate under Numbers 11. Israel has to do the right thing in order to renew that protection.
Islam & Moabites, or Ichmael & Essav, have been the two major warmongers in centuries. These are the contestants over Israel’s supremacy on its land, but, they can wage wars only when Jews fail to be a godly people. The net result of such a situation is that Israel, has no barometer to know if it is godly enough to stay in G.d’s favor and remain on its land.
Israel’s only (very short, and more so today !) warning of itself failing G.d is to be invaded and exiled as it happened twice long ago.
Since 1948, there is no real threat of this kind, and the Arab’s attempts were short of it, not under accounting a result for Israel above its mathematical forces.
Islamists & Moabites believe that they have highest interests than others, or that they are “more equal than others”, on religious ground for the firsts (in which I include communist tyrannies) and economic/political law for the seconds (‘the west’ with Russia). They are always ready for war, war without existential motives, war by political proxies, and war of terror over their own citizens. These are wars under economic, ‘religious’ and ‘moral’ reasons, but not in the only one permitted, the existential war. Some people around the world have tried existential nation-rising, but Islam & Moabites crash them in the egg: Tibetans, Kurds, many. Islam & the Moabites believe in a world dominance of their beliefs, and such are natural enemies, as much as because their beliefs are also opposed.
Israel in the middle has not waged war outside of his borders and when it happened because of an invasion potential, it has not kept any foreign territories except for limited time, Sinai, South Lebanon. Galil, and the ‘West Bank’ (including Gaza’s strip) are considered parts of Israel proper and legitimately so according to the first World United Nations treaty that gave us Jordan too. But British brought a king for Jordan to be Arab and Israel accepted at first. Then after being attacked, Israel regained some of its lost territory that it kept to have viable military borders in order to keep itself relatively safe from belligerent neighbors.
Israel cannot be considered responsible for the ill fate of Arabs living in ‘the territories’, ill fate much over related of, because Arabs in ‘the territories’ enjoy a degree of freedom higher than in any other Arab country, not to speak of the one they have in Israel proper. Gaza is a particular oddity that has more to do with a will of Israel haters to keep Arabs there in poverty under an extremist political flag and use them as a stick to bash the Zionist bunker … and G.d by the same token. Israel is nonetheless guilty not to be more united and modest, officially G.d oriented in the good loving natural way, and not viewed through extremist claiming, left or right, secular or religious.
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