Jerusalem, June the 21, 2010.
Obama has the potential of becoming a new Hitler.
Like Hitler, he’s a guy born out of nowhere, indoctrinated to represent the elite and to have the lead of the most powerful country of his time. Like Hitler, he believes that he represents a superior type of man and he is involved in a mission no one except him is fit for, driven by occult powers. Hitler had black hairs but favored blond peoples, Obama has black skin but favors white supremacy.
America refused the help of tens of countries to help resolve the oil spill and, on its own, didn’t lift a finger to supervise BP’s resurgent failing rescue efforts and thus, should be compelled even by force to accept an international help that could at least prevent a takeover from military on the American population if not find a solution to shut the oil volcano international disaster.
“America, the free world (?) is with You !”
scroll down to Obama
Don’t worry, be sorry
The recent oil spill is in process to trigger a tsunami of despair around the world. People are seeing themselves as a herd without a shepherd, or more so with a devil one. The three people I rely on to provide a sane view of the world, and whom I read since 2002, are Joseph Ehrlich, Barry Chamish and Henri Makow. They have in their last letters/articles sunk to a grim vision of dark ages for tomorrow if not today. The ongoing slope is to believe that the world is dominated by satanic will and that the prophecies made by evil people of the past become true one after another. The three world wars of Albert Pikes and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico of Gustav Meyrink are only two of a kind.
But prophecies would be simply discredited if there was no one to stand by them, no men to give them a way of arising in the real world. Evil cannot happen without human hands, for one part, in the eventuality that leaders are involved in willingly promoting a hidden and satanic agenda, and for the other that peoples bend voluntarily to it.
So, we have two big problems, not new but increasingly frightening. First, the world is in the hand of evil leaders and their minions; second, the people are dumb sheep who go to the slaughter without wanting to see it coming.
These two sides of a coin are related one to another, but not as one would think of. Some may say: “Should there be good leaders, there would be a good people”, but it is the contrary that is true. There have been good leaders in history and, if we go back to the Bible times and take Moses for an example, he surely was the greatest leader of all times, talking to God and staying the most humble man on earth. However, the people did regret his last slavery in Egypt. Peoples on earth are always ready to stand down from high moral values providing they are fed with bread and games.
We, in the twenty first century, are considering ourselves as an advanced species, but the fact is we behave like babies in their coffin. We have had some three millenaries of history during which the same causes trigger the same effects. Bad leaders are enslaving the lame peoples. Etienne de La Boetie aged thirty wrote a powerful essay in the beginning of the sixteen century where he laid this question, the “Treaty of the voluntary servitude”. How is it possible, he asks, that a tyrant who is alone can impose his perverted will to a multitude of people who are the majority ? His answers have many reasons of which the two principles are: Tyrants rule by proxies and peoples obey by habit.
There has been and there always will be men that desire to have absolute power and in that end, they are ready to enslave the others. The only lever that can be counted on is the people to refuse his oppression but, these people are still to be born, it seems. Though, it would be that simple for everyone to say: “That’s all, I no longer will serve a will that is contrary to my values of honesty, peace and love between me and my brothers”. But, it has been some times that the peoples believe that they are already free, that the era of tyrants is over and that their present life has nothing to do with tyranny. This sends us back to La Boetie who acknowledges three kinds of power sources for the tyrants.
Some reigns by force, some by custom and other by election, and the last are not the least. The wisest move of all times from the ‘’would be’ tyrants was to give the power to the people, or so it seemed. The masons and other secret societies that supported the French and the American revolutions alike knew very well what they were trigging. Democracy is the best enslavement of all because it looks like freedom. The real power has gone from the military to the economic and it is much more rewarding for those who are behind it, corporations. No more almighty kings, tyrants, popes, but paper money. Always poor but ‘free’, people of the world get what they can, apparently. In fact, as much as one grows over the ladder of success, one becomes aware of the real source of it, and becomes bonded by this success itself.
So, how do you wake up someone who can be free at the second from self imposed chains by his own will (or lack of will) ? You can try to make it clear to him that he is really enslaved by teaching, but this is not enough, because, he is like a smoker presented with warnings of all the mayhem caused by tobacco, he, still for the majority, will go on and on. You can try a shock and awe but like the Jews in the desert, they again will regret their dreamland of slavery. The problem is more psychological than social or political, the key knot is far inside everybody’s mind and soul. Is there a flaw in man’s essence, meaning, is there a defect in man’s mind and soul ?
I deliberately avoided speaking about God because there are so many in men’s history that no one can say which one is the real one. God concept as developed by humanity means that if there are so many, there cannot be one either. But, if we cannot agree to God as a father, everyone can agree to earth and the universe as a mother, a great mother that has provided us with a Garden of Eden that we, like spoiled children are devastating more and more until the day we will die as a smoker will collapse from smoking. So, man cannot rely on the creation to grasp the power for overcoming his inside flaw. So, the only power he could rely on should be external and that power is the one of faith in what he cannot understand, faith that he is not on earth only to achieve a process but to begin with a new reality that is not his own because his own is doomed if he relies on his self capabilities as proven.
This new reality that he cannot understand but that he believes in, that he calls God, is more powerful than anything created just because it is beyond any creation. This reality all of us hope for is so simple that nobody really thinks that it could be the all mighty aim, this reality is the cement that bonds a mother to her child, a man to a woman, a friend to a friend, this is love and this is what makes the universe exist. Love is bonding particles and peoples beyond the existence of energy and matter. Once two particles, two beings have once met, they interact with one another for ever. This (love) interaction could be the key to heal man’s imperfect ego, but who is listening ?
The ultimate solution would be a people on earth that would be able to recognize this love as being not only the essence of the creation but the sign of the Creator, of the God who would give the strength to humanity trough this people to be able to correct his inherent weakness by a blessing. This people is the Jewish people but it failed to be thankful for the blessing, from its creation until today, and therefore to acknowledge that his God is the one who is not only the Creator but the one and only one who provides the blessing necessary for man to survive his wrongs.
Other peoples have tried to take the place of the Jewish people but the God they turn to is not the one able to provide the right blessing, so that they are failing again and again, be it Mahomet, Jesus, Buddha or any other.
Jobs as concentration camp guards
advertised by US government
Thus, the Gods are also differents but the faith remains the same.
I recently asked my father (who is a Holocaust surviour) if being Jewish was a religion or being part of a nation. He advised me that Jews are a nation. A lot of people believe that being Jewish incorporates a people and a culture . Hence the reason why secular, atheist and humanistic Jews exists. "
What did Hashem do to put the first stone of the Jewish people ? He took the son of an idols builder and made of him the errant jew, the head of a people, of His people.
Tomorrow cannot be like yesterday. Deep in his heart, every human believes in hope, that is the corner stone of being more than an animal.
This is what so many leaders, seculars or religious are afraid of, be they Indian Rajas, European kings, English Lords, Vatican Cardinals or Religious Jewish Gdolim.
Why did Kindra Arnesan get security clearance
from BP when no one else did ?
Does boycotting BP really make sense? Perhaps not. After all, many BP filling stations are actually owned by local people, not the corporation itself. Besides, when you're filling up at a Shell or ExxonMobil station, it's hard to feel much sense of moral triumph. Nonetheless, I reserve my right to drive by BP stations. I started doing it long before this year's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
My decision not to give this company my business came after I learned about its role in another kind of "spill" entirely - the destruction of Iran's democracy more than half a century ago.
The history of the company we now call BP has, over the past
100 years, traced the arc of transnational capitalism. Its roots lie in the early years of the 20th century when a wealthy bon vivant named William Knox D'Arcy decided, with encouragement from the British government, to begin looking for oil in Iran. He struck a concession agreement with the dissolute Iranian monarchy, using the proven expedient of bribing the three Iranians negotiating with him.
Under this contract, which he designed, D'Arcy was to own whatever oil he found in Iran and pay the government just 16% of any profits he made - never allowing any Iranian to review his accounting. After his first strike in 1908, he became sole owner of the entire ocean of oil that lies beneath Iran's soil. No one else was allowed to drill for, refine, extract or sell "Iranian" oil.
"Fortune brought us a prize from fairyland beyond our wildest dreams," Winston Churchill, who became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911, wrote later. "Mastery itself was the prize of the venture."
Soon afterward, the British government bought the D'Arcy concession, which it named the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. It then built the world's biggest refinery at the port of Abadan on the Persian Gulf. From the 1920s into the 1940s, Britain's standard of living was supported by oil from Iran. British cars, trucks and buses ran on cheap Iranian oil. Factories throughout Britain were fueled by oil from Iran. The Royal Navy, which projected British power all over the world, powered its ships with Iranian oil.
After World War II, the winds of nationalism and anti-colonialism blew through the developing world.
In Iran, nationalism meant one thing: we’ve got to take back our oil. Driven by this passion, parliament voted on April 28, 1951, to choose its most passionate champion of oil nationalization, Mohammad Mossadegh, as prime minister. Days later, it unanimously approved his bill nationalizing the oil company. Mossadegh promised that, henceforth, oil profits would be used to develop Iran, not enrich Britain.
This oil company was the most lucrative British enterprise anywhere on the planet. To the British, nationalization seemed, at first, like some kind of immense joke, a step so absurdly contrary to the unwritten rules of the world that it could hardly be real. Early in this confrontation, the directors of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and their partners in Britain's government settled on their strategy: no mediation, no compromise, no acceptance of nationalization in any form.
The British took a series of steps meant to push Mossadegh off his nationalist path. They withdrew their technicians from Abadan, blockaded the port, cut off exports of vital goods to Iran, froze the country’s hard-currency accounts in British banks, and tried to win anti-Iran resolutions from the United Nations and the World Court. This campaign only intensified Iranian determination. Finally, the British turned to Washington and asked for a favor: please overthrow this madman for us so we can have our oil company back.
American president Dwight D Eisenhower, encouraged by his secretary of state John Foster Dulles, a lifelong defender of transnational corporate power, agreed to send the Central Intelligence Agency in to depose Mossadegh. The operation took less than a month in the summer of 1953. It was the first time the Central Intelligence Agency had ever overthrown a government.
At first, this seemed like a remarkably successful covert operation. The West had deposed a leader it didn't like, and replaced him with someone who would perform as bidden - Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.
From the perspective of history, though, it is clear that Operation Ajax, as the operation was code-named, had devastating effects. It not only brought down Mossadegh's government, but ended democracy in Iran. It returned the Shah to his Peacock Throne. His increasing repression set off the explosion of the late 1970s, which brought to power Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and the bitterly anti-Western regime that has been in control ever since.
The oil company rebranded itself as British Petroleum, BP Amoco, and then, in 2000, BP. During its decades in Iran, it had operated as it pleased, with little regard for the interests of local people. This corporate tradition has evidently remained strong.
Many Americans are outraged by the relentless images of oil gushing into Gulf waters from the Deepwater Horizon well, and by the corporate recklessness that allowed this spill to happen. Those who know Iranian history have been less surprised.