"The Enemy is not only inside the gate, but inside your head as well"
see also: The Media is the Matrix
February 09.2009, I posted a link titled: "Bibi & Barak in the Same (Not Kosher) Boat". Today, a deal has been signed between the two (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3691220,00.html). I revisited the link I had posted but, following an error of mine or I don't know what, the article I linked a month and a half ago did not really relate to the title I had put. But the fact is, I did think of the high probability of this deal, as I was 99% sure Bibi would win and Lieberman would be in too. I don't throw myself any flower but we now have a Bibi/Lieberman/Barak coalition on the offing, the perfect mix to launch on Iran. I must say that I asked Barry Chamish about such a probability and his answer is: "No Iran war no matter who. Barry". The future will tell, nothing is written in advance though this blog from day one warned of this high risk possibility that might be the trigger to WWIII, depopulation, a one world NWO dictature ... G.d forbid. (think Putin, China-North Korea/Japan, FEMA ...)
2.Who we Are
Man's biggest problem is that he has enslaved himself in his own world of utopia that he believes is the real world. He has designed a fantasy system of thoughts, beliefs and goals to reach that are engraved in his soul from birth. Man is no more a human being but a machine to get the most of a system he has created.
The New Paradigm
Man considers himself as his owner and forgets that life is a gift and that 'success' in life has its source in his ability as a human being to wake up each morning full of life, feelings, intelligence.
'I am a man', said James Brown, and though the song has a sensual meaning, the strengh, the hope, the will he puts in those simple words feel so true. We are not messengers of G.d, we are neither slaves nor masters, we have children, brothers and sisters, parents, families, we are human first, with a soul, a heart, a will to do good, to share, to create. We are 99% like this.
But, a few of us have stepped on the system we live in that is based on the coertion of the other in the name of values deprived of their original meaning. This system keeps alive all the privileges of a dominant class and the governments, armies, polices that should serve the people's interests in reality obey to the system's interest which is the exact opposite of people's interests. (Read RECAPTURING AMERICA by Joseph Ehrlich if you still haven't ! - first link in 'Links of Interest)
Illuminati Bankers A Trillion Dollars Richer
Feed the richs so that they can 'save' the "poors"
3.Where we Stand
There is no left or right,, colours, religions, but an almighty system with multiple facets man has injected himself with and that is killing him. The problem is that this system includes everything that exists because it is how man sees himself. All is based on this knowing and this knowing evolves in space and time but doesn't change. The prime view man has of himself is that of an individual who has to achieve goals in his life, whatever they are as long as they reward his 'instinct' to live well and honoured.
"Obviously, society needs a major cleansing but this won't happen as long as the levers of power are in Illuminati hands and the masses remain apathetic"
Korean Actress-Sex Slave Commits Suicide

Humanity is living in a half-voluntary idiotic dreamland that is more important to itself than reality, even the depraved one set by the bastards. And not only in the 'West' but everywhere.
There are many many recipes out there that pretend to give answers to our problems, psychologies, religions, therapies, 'truth' movements, ... they are not completely wrong of course, but neither fully rights and only one has the real answer, Torah. It is not obvious because what happens on the secular plane does also exist in Torah study, a lot of half truths and easy explanations.
... and don't miss Barry's 'gift' !!!
Pessah Casher ve Sameach !!!
Best, Avi
from Henri Makow
Zionist Eugenics
The Social Workers --------------- by an Israeli Grandmother
If the law allowed, I would broadcast what I know about the Social Workers in Israel. The last time I tried, I was dragged into court and a total restraining order preventing me from publishing anything was placed on me for three years.
So, I am directing the attention of others in countries where the laws are less draconian to this matter.
I can't stress enough the role of the Social Workers in the corruption in Israel - the absolute ugliest and worst of the corruption. Please check the list of the Heads of the Labor and Welfare Ministry over the years. That is the ministry under whose administration the Social Workers are.
The number of former Prime Ministers who headed that ministry first is astounding. Avraham Burg was called: "The One Who Coronates the Prime Ministers". He is also implicated in the disappearance of the Yemenite Children and cooperation in the irradiation of Sephardi children. The excerpt from ENDGAME that I'm attaching speaks about the Eugenics movement. The photos at the beginning are very graphic and disturbing.
ENDGAME - Eugenics/ Population Control - Pt. 1/5
Please pay attention to what is said about Social Work from about 5:20 into the video. *They have never diverged from their original purpose*. Everything said about them in that video as to their role in 1910 is true today. To the poor in this country the Social Workers are far more frightening than ShaBa"K and certainly vastly more than the police. They absolutely terrorize people in many ways, the worst of which is taking their children. The very strict laws that forbid the media from exposing the identity of any minor at risk serve only to protect the system and the ways in which it is systematically putting huge numbers of children at risk. Not incidentally, a full third of Israel's children are under the official poverty line. There was a show on Israeli TV that discussed the relative worth of different ethnic groups of children on the adoption market pyramid. White, fair-haired, fair-eyed children fetch the most on the baby market. It's so bad that the non-Jewish, single Russian women in Israel who are quick enough on the uptake to have noticed that an inordinate percentage of them are deemed unfit mothers and have their blonde babies taken away, are deliberately having babies by non-Whites so that their babies are not born blonde and blue-eyed. The Social Workers are the agents of the Eugenics programme in Israel - and Israel has a most draconian program of Eugenics in full swing. PS-
Single mothers, who are justifyably afraid of being reported to the Social Workers by the Well Baby Clinics if they don't vaccinate their children, do they so even if they are aware of the links between the vaccination and autism. At the Well Baby Clinics and at the National Health Insurance Clinics mothers are told by doctors that they are neglectful parents if they don't vaccinate their children.
I *know* for a fact that the Social Workers are aware of the risks to babies from the vaccination, yet they routinely and repeatedly ask single and poor mothers if the children were vaccinated. Single and poor mothers are terrified to say no. So, they take the risk. One poor single mother who was well aware of the risk of the MMR vaccination and was very frightened of it because her child had had fevers after vaccinations in the past said to me: "If I don't have him vaccinated, the Social Workers will take him from me and have him vaccinated. The baby will be vaccinated and I'll be without him." How does one argue with that?
Today, 1 in every 250 children has an autism syndrome to one extent or another. Just a decade ago, it was 1 in 20,000.
I *know* for a fact that the Social Workers know there is a galloping increase of cancer, autism and retardation among children in Israel because those children are all on lists at their local offices. They know that vaccines have been implicated in these illnesses. There have been TV shows about it, court cases documented in the mass media and there are sites in Hebrew on the web by specialist physicians warning about the dangers of vaccinations. But the only mothers who dare not to vaccinate their children in Israel are those who are economically independent and/or politically connected. If there is the slightest chance they'll come in contact with a Social Worker, they vaccinate their kids. Any mother who is not rich and well-connected might have the Social Workers at her door because they get involved in *every* divorce case - except among the rich, powerful and famous.
Straight up Eugenics.
And this is only one of many equally heartbreaking and morally outraging issues.
----Related-- How Israel Irradiated 100,000 Jewish Children
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